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Best civil servants in current government
#1 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:49:40 AM
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1. Okay we all agree on the Michuki vibe. This guy has actually redefined by understanding of leadership.

2. But needed to give kudos to PS. Bitange Ndemo. Who would've thought that of all the places you'd have good active leadership, it would be on ICT. How old is he?

The guy has been said to be more accessible than ICT board, and oversaw successful TEAMS cable government initiative, and good contribution to lowering costs of Interconnect and now harassing Data Providers. Hidden diamond...

3. Joseph Kinyua, PS Finance, how does he fair? Noticed him because when PWC report was condemning everyone, his was a case of praise for far-sightedness.
#2 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:26:22 AM
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Bitange.....Agreed......BTW,dude is a Wazurian.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#3 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:09:43 AM
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I also agree. Bitange has done alot in ICT. Real Change!. Hata CCK has got a facelift. Thats what good leaders can offer. He should now ensure ISPs bring their costs down.
#4 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:17:36 AM
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...and the guys is taking us where we do not neccessarily want to be but where we should be in the next 10 years ( who said this about leadership?) (digital televison, fibre optic etc) all these coming at a cost but quite necessary, if you ask me...
#5 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:31:52 AM
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hopefully with the new constituion, he takes up a ministerial post..or as they will be known.. Secretary of telecommunication
#6 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:38:18 AM
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Bitange Ndemo is way up there....the rest are distant run ups. At a BPO and contact centre conference..he waxed so lyrical about enterprise IP Telephony and the speech was surely a masterpiece of modern thinking.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein.
#7 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:11:29 AM
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David Nalo (PS, EAC) has been very instrumental in getting the EAC treaty to be signed off (at least by our slow politicians)...by July -if all goes well- we will have access to huge new markets
#8 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:00:17 PM
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I think the CBK governor deserves a pat on the back! He is always fighting for the ordinary Kenyan.
I Think Therefore I Am
#9 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:34:41 PM
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Hope hatumsifu saaana. But Bitange has been good. As for the rest, I just dont see them enough to make a judgement... But kudos to all leaders that are actually selfless. Pity selfless leaders dont get to go too far politically. We seem to prefer the selfish, greedy type. All the time.
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#10 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:42:06 PM
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Esther Koimett - One of the most down to earth senior civil servants in my view.
#11 Posted : Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:52:17 PM
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Kipngetich of KWS is my favourite, he speaks his mind and is one of the most effective managers around'. am convinced he is destined for greater things'.
Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on the front door forever..
The Real Shaft
#12 Posted : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 6:07:15 AM
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you forget...

that in ahe World Cup winning team...

there is ..

a) the football federation of the country...

b)the coach...

c) the technical bench....

d) the players...

e) the spectators...

one can not single out a fellow....

for seemingly good work...

that good work has to be taken in context....

if you lack anything to do...

start a column for best neighbour....

there we can contribute handsomely...
I'm the real Massey Fergu...... Shut your mouth....
#13 Posted : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9:55:40 AM
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@TRS, kweli wewe leo...

The top man/ woman sets the pace, sets the tone.
For instance, Transport Ministry had all these support staff you allude to - PS,Dep PS, Accounting Officers, etc but they never made a tangible impact until Michuki moved in. Ditto the Environment Ministry. He moved in and things inlcuding public perception and appreciation changed in these ministries!

Remember after Kibaki was sworn in on a very strong anti-corruption platform in 2002, ordinary Kenyan passengers actually disembarked and roughed up traffic cops who were trying to solicit bribes from drivers/ conductors...because the tone had been set at the top.Of course we now know better...

Bitange,Kipngetich, Prof Ndungu, Koimmet,Treasury's Joseph Kinyua also strike a cord with me as good civil service mandarins.

#14 Posted : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 11:11:40 AM
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Dr. Ndemo any day. The guy has an amazing grasp on issues of his ministry and is approachable. He appears to be there whenever there is some action that brings value. Also very down to earth. I meet him driving himself in a double cabin, he likes to hang around @westage
#15 Posted : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:32:23 PM
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I met Dr Bitange face-to-face at a Microsoft Kenya Chairman cocktail at the Norfolk in Oct last yr. I agree he's a vry down-to- earth fellow - told us he used to transport avocados in a pick-up i the makuyu area at one time or the other! Maybe in jest but he sounded serious. He challenged us to ask him any question we wanted on the ICT Villages/ e-govt project his team was implementing for all ministries and all over the country and we asked many...believe you me there was no mistaking his passion and mastery of the ICT project/ e-govt project. I just wish politicians would let him continue with his project and not squabble over control of cash, etc

Oddly enough, Prof. Karega Mutahi was there...ningalijua in advance (I need to invest in a crystal ball!) mambo ya FPE funds I would have made a citizen's arrest in the national interest...
#16 Posted : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:47:44 PM
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Bitange Ndemo.I was pleasantly amazed at how he grasps emerging technologies in IT..the enterprise IP technologies during the launch of the KCB contact centre...and further his chat on digital villages, e-gov and harnessing the enormous potential of fibre connectivity...he'll always remain no.1

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. –Albert Einstein.
#17 Posted : Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:54:35 PM
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Intelligentsia wrote:

Oddly enough, Prof. Karega Mutahi was there...ningalijua in advance (I need to invest in a crystal ball!) mambo ya FPE funds I would have made a citizen's arrest in the national interest...

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
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