These are external wall finishes that fit within the best of the best in terms of aesthetics.
You will usually find them on walls of 5 Star hotels and ambassadorial residences.
Creeping Ivy.
Natural creeping ivy plant wall finishes are very attractive and help to bring out the natural look in a building. They are suitable for residential houses, offices and hotels.
This can be trimmed to a pattern that has been grooved into the wall to create interesting shapes.
This can be clearly seen on the boundary wall at the Nairobi Serena Hotel entrance.
Creeping Ivy protects the wall surface from the elements of nature such as sun and rain. If the wall cement mixture ratio is not strong enough, the creeping ivy roots might loosen the cement thus weakening the wall so care should be taken to ensure that the correct cement-sand ratio is used on the masonry walling.
This wall finish matches well with a thatch roof.
River-Sand Pebbles,
Other natural looking wall finishes are river-sand pebbles. These are hand-picked from river beds as river-sand is harvested and stuck on wet mortar on the masonry wall. The external walling of Nairobi Serena hotel is finished with this. This wall finish is easy to maintain and brings out the desired aesthetic appeal.
http://www.a4architect.c...80%9D-external-finishes/As Iron Sharpens Iron, So one Man Sharpens Another.