Oh la la...
As the whinning went on and on,I didnt know if to feel sorry for him,or laugh.
That was real cartoon business. Yawa.
Carpets and dais acquired a completely new meaning, thanks to our beloved PM.
The parrallels he sought to draw between himself and Kibaki were,well,- 'do I see some knowing winks'.
What seems clear is that Raila is serving in Kibakis govt.
The sooner he comes to terms with that realisation,the better for his blood sugar levels.
This mantra of equal this equal that is a figment in peoples imagination.
All said and done,Kibaki is by law the head of state and head of govt.
When someone in his cabinet,- read Raila,insults him as Raila did in and after Kilaguni,then you begin to realise who is boss.
Dunia ni msongamano..