By you own admission,you got the LPO corruptly...you say...'i got a small tender to supply hardware materials at the district level from GOK,for which i had to part with almost 30% of the order value just to get the LPO in my name.'
To whom did you pay the 30%,to GoK or to an individual? GoK does NOT ask tenderers to pay anything for the LPO...you only need to provide a redeemable bank tender guarantee.
So; if you ask me,it serves you right for encouraging corruption from the word go!! SHANE ON YOU again!!!!
And as far as the PPOA and KACC are concerned; have you lodged a complaint with them? Oh,of course you can't because you are the one who started the corruption in the whole transaction!!!!
Yet again SHAME ON YOU!!!!!
Behind the gardens...Behind the wall...Under the tree (Including: Red...Dark Blue...Yellow)
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.