Wamunyota wrote:Ciano is a brilliant man.He is a great strategist but poor in operations.He should have left after turning around Uchumi.Uchumi is still run as a parastatal.Things have changed and there is competition all over but Uchumi never adjusted to the changes in the environment.In fact small supermarkets like Maathai are now taking over uchumi's market share.
The supermarket is boring and doesnt attract the yolung generation.They need to hire some young guys who will inject the energy required.They also need to stop investing in Longterm assets which is unstrategic.They need to learn from Nakumatt which is the largest leasing company in East Africa.Lease your assets and use the cash to purchase the inventory.
Agreed. Iko kitu inaitwa Public Procurement Act which effectively hamstrings someone competing in the FMCG space. The gava should exempt Uchumi from the State Corporations Act or sell enough shares to lose control, ama anyone else coming in under the same environment will meet the same waterloo.
That said, I suspect there were serious corporate governance issues and the board sacked JC to cover their backsides. Why couldn't they just retire someone who had a month to go?