tinker wrote:[quote=mawinder]it is possible.I can make thestatement at a fee.I have done it before.
If the reasons for bouncing are in any way genuine, go ahead and present the reason to the bank - by the way the bank only ask for 6month statement.
Follow @Mawinder advise at your own peril![/quote
@Tinker, that's great advice.
The last page of your crb report shows all your bounced chqs in the last 6 months. Someone at Equity will be wondering why they are missing from your "cooked" statement. They will call a friend at kcb and your fraud will be discovered.
The next chain of events will hurt you even more. The credit officer at equity will forward your ID number and company reg certificate to the risk/compliance dept who will blacklist you as a potential fraudster. Kcb will do the same. And just like that, there will be over 350 bank branches (equity & kcb) in kenya where you can never conduct business.
My advice, wait for 6 months.