the immediate former VP. he is adorned by all n sundry. last sunday i was set aback to see how humble and low the uncle could be. he arrives for a mass and finds the church almost full. walking past the pack of pews,side by side with the better half,he finds a half filled seat. he squirts to whisper to a young sucking mother to songea him and the darling,of which she complies. sadaka time the guy sneaks into the slow moving queue all the way to the altar to hand in his muhothi. at sacrament and confession times,the same. not even a single sleuth,in the name of security was around. just him and mama watoto. after churh services are a few hand shakes and pleasantries,before getting into a not so new nissan b15 and melts into the waiyaki way. uncle moody,bravo and may you live long to inspire many.
mwana wa kahii. . . ..