'We must take note that if the coalition government fails because of lack of support,it is the people who will be the biggest losers. It is the Prime Minister and his team,including all of us who came from the opposition,who will be disgraced. A collapse of this government will drive this country into dire crisis that will make Somalia look like child's play. Is this what you want,America,Britian and Europe? Whose interests are you serving?
It is in this context that we denounce in the strongest terms the extension by one year of sanctions by President Barack Obama. It is my view that this unfortunate decision was based on ignorance and arrogance. How can you say ' the actions and policies of the government pose a continuous unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the US?' Is that even the correct way of phrasing your concerns?
We all thought of paramount importance were the people and their aspirations,and not US foreign policy. Yes we have challenges in implementing the accord,but grant us the common sense and intelligence that we know what we want as a nation. There is unprecedented unanimity among our citizens that this government must succeed.
Why is a US president with African roots making irresponsible decisions without consulting our people,Africans and African instituitions? We take particular exception to this unmitigated ignorance and arrogance.'
Is this Kenya?
No it's Zimbabwean Deputy Prime Minister and MDC member Prof Arthur Mutambara.
As he takes lessons from Obama on Imperialism and Neo colonialism.
The man he thinks he can,and the one who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you?