Kenyans shock me,and some of us on sk are always skeptical with whatever the government or some people in government do. It just confirms how shallow minded some of us are. UK had all the good intentions,now some idle SK guys think its all for the benefit on one person or some mafia to benefit. That's all crap. We cant go on doing things the same way and expect life to be different. As much as I respect lots of contribution on SK,most of us here are idlers who have nothing to talk about. Personally,I will be a million times safer in Passat than those unsafe basic Prados that our MPIGS and Ministers drive around in. Lets us learn to appreciate the good work of few people in government without looking at them from a tribal perspective. Many FM's have tried to implement this directive without success,if UK manages to cut down costs,why not?
One can always tell what side of the economical divide some us abode in by the contributions we make on SK. Got to wake up guys.
"You've never lived until you've almost died; for those who have fought for it, life has a flavour the protected will never know."