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Foutain Investment club
#41 Posted : Monday, May 07, 2012 11:35:16 AM
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Joined: 12/9/2009
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Location: Nairobi
Be very careful about what you hear of other chamas. No one will tell you or admit that their house is burning after all the primary business of chamas is to attract investments and it is the member's duty to blow it's trumpet doesn't matter if the trumpet is rusted or damaged. Be careful.

BBI will solve it
#42 Posted : Tuesday, June 12, 2012 4:47:46 PM
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I was just looking at these guys books, and I have to say they look good except for the 22 mil they spent on marketing. This was the biggest single line expenses the company had. I don’t think this was a good decision and link it to the loss for the year ending DEC 11. One very positive item is the fact that they salaries and bonuses are not high.
King G
#43 Posted : Thursday, June 28, 2012 5:19:47 PM
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Location: Othumo
Were the books audited and by whom. they can always let you look at books which have been cooked, be very careful and afraid
#44 Posted : Sunday, July 01, 2012 3:54:38 PM
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Posts: 1,223
Egypt Israel trip in August & China / Thailand Tour in September

History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
King G
#45 Posted : Wednesday, July 11, 2012 5:21:49 PM
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Location: Othumo
[quote=BGL]Egypt Israel trip in August & China / Thailand Tour in September


Thailand Applause
#46 Posted : Thursday, July 19, 2012 7:04:48 PM
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Joined: 7/24/2009
Posts: 273
Calling on members of this group to shed more light on Fountain and its endeavours/initiatives since the start of this thread. @aemathenge et al, kindly let us have an update of achievements to date for those needing more than an opportunity to get rich as a reason to invest.
#47 Posted : Saturday, July 21, 2012 5:46:30 PM
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Fountain Credit Services Ltd. Micro financing groups and businesses with 27 branches countrywide.

FEP Sacco Society Ltd. Lending to members at 12% per year again with 27 branches countrywide.

Fountain Tours and Travel. A fully fledged tour company also managing 7 hotels countrywide.

Fountain Group of Schools with two fully fledged schools operating in Kirinyaga and Kiambu.

Fountain Group of Hotels. Putting up a 3 star hotel near Sagana.

Kisima Real Estate Ltd. Buying, developing and selling land/plots countrywide. Consult the Nation on Thursdays for the current portfolio.

........ www.fep-group.com
#48 Posted : Saturday, July 21, 2012 7:50:21 PM
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Joined: 7/24/2009
Posts: 273
I have since inquired more on this and they present an opportunity to buy shares into the dream of a fully operational FEP Bank by 2015. You own a piece of this by buying shares of 50k, 100k or 200k or more...dividends/returns of which start accruing in 2015 when these are floated in the NSE.
Seeing as the group is off to several projects, this is considered high risk high return.
You could also be just a member and access the facilities listed.
So, risk takers could have it real good in 3 yrs...as long as they can afford the loss in case the pioneers fail to fully realise this dream.
#49 Posted : Sunday, July 22, 2012 9:17:29 PM
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Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 1,223
FEP Swiss Tour

History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
#50 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 7:36:18 AM
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Joined: 7/31/2008
Posts: 163
Location: Nirvana
Fountain na Unaitas... Are the concepts related?
|The Universe will correspond to the nature of your song ...
#51 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 10:30:10 AM
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Joined: 11/2/2006
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Location: Nairobi
Sarrouniya wrote:
Fountain na Unaitas... Are the concepts related?

Somewhat.Only that one is sorta fictatious & nobody knows what exactly they do.One will remain a dream come 2015.
Formally employed people often live their employers' dream & forget about their own.
#52 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 10:53:36 AM
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Posts: 273
bird_man wrote:
Sarrouniya wrote:
Fountain na Unaitas... Are the concepts related?

Somewhat.Only that one is sorta fictatious & nobody knows what exactly they do.One will remain a dream come 2015.

@BGL, you have managed to earn our trust and I see you on both fronts...FEP and Muramati. What do we make of @bird_man views?
#53 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 2:25:20 PM
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Joined: 10/11/2009
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kenyanbeef wrote:
bird_man wrote:
Sarrouniya wrote:
Fountain na Unaitas... Are the concepts related?

Somewhat.Only that one is sorta fictatious & nobody knows what exactly they do.One will remain a dream come 2015.

@BGL, you have managed to earn our trust and I see you on both fronts...FEP and Muramati. What do we make of @bird_man views?

On UNAITAS, i would say invest today not tomorrow. They have a strategy and they know where they are going. The CEO is also someone you can engage in a discussion. I give them Grade B+. I would have given them grade A but their website is poorly done, no new info and pictures taking over the whole webpage. i think the pictures should only be in the intro page.

FEP... is a big weird imagination/dream, bloated work force (they need to disband most of these committees which are like rewarding buddies), They are also wasting too much funds organizing their AGMs (pure leakage of funds)etc etc
On their audited accounts for 6 months (they changed their reporting period to december from june) they reported loses. I also find the 10k entance fees for 1 unit exploitative and fueling their extravagance. Of late they are running around the whole world selling this idea so let us wait and see what it yields. I give them grade C- (C minus). If you ask me advice on joining FEP i will tell them to toss a coin (50/50) there is confusion in this thing and so many companies...... @aemathenge tell this people to focus on what they can do best. It does not matter whether they are a holding company or not.

I also add another organization....SIC as in safaricom investment committee. i will give them grade A (IF there was A plus that is what i will give them). SIC will give their accounts to clients in time (you get a booklet so you will never get them on their website), you get an updated statement within 24hrs of payment, they also have a dedicated board and the day-2-day running of SIC is by a lean workforce of two persons. Very efficient.

History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
#54 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 4:32:46 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 4/14/2011
Posts: 639
BGL wrote:
kenyanbeef wrote:
bird_man wrote:
Sarrouniya wrote:
Fountain na Unaitas... Are the concepts related?

Somewhat.Only that one is sorta fictatious & nobody knows what exactly they do.One will remain a dream come 2015.

@BGL, you have managed to earn our trust and I see you on both fronts...FEP and Muramati. What do we make of @bird_man views?

On UNAITAS, i would say invest today not tomorrow. They have a strategy and they know where they are going. The CEO is also someone you can engage in a discussion. I give them Grade B+. I would have given them grade A but their website is poorly done, no new info and pictures taking over the whole webpage. i think the pictures should only be in the intro page.

FEP... is a big weird imagination/dream, bloated work force (they need to disband most of these committees which are like rewarding buddies), They are also wasting too much funds organizing their AGMs (pure leakage of funds)etc etc
On their audited accounts for 6 months (they changed their reporting period to december from june) they reported loses. I also find the 10k entance fees for 1 unit exploitative and fueling their extravagance. Of late they are running around the whole world selling this idea so let us wait and see what it yields. I give them grade C- (C minus). If you ask me advice on joining FEP i will tell them to toss a coin (50/50) there is confusion in this thing and so many companies...... @aemathenge tell this people to focus on what they can do best. It does not matter whether they are a holding company or not.

I also add another organization....SIC as in safaricom investment committee. i will give them grade A (IF there was A plus that is what i will give them). SIC will give their accounts to clients in time (you get a booklet so you will never get them on their website), you get an updated statement within 24hrs of payment, they also have a dedicated board and the day-2-day running of SIC is by a lean workforce of two persons. Very efficient.

Am in the two above and only crossing fingers to see their results this year (esp SIC).I also concur with BGL on the comments above.Unaitas need to be more open with their financial results.They dont give them to nobody which is scary.It has been around for sometime though and have watched it grow from one branch to the current number.
#55 Posted : Thursday, September 20, 2012 6:22:59 PM
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Joined: 9/17/2012
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Location: nairobi
I attended a meeting earlier this year. Saw the brochures ,the books and personally visited their HQ and they have running businesses already. That and the fact that those behind it like Kaguthi and Gitari I consider serious were the deciding factor.
I paid for a 200k investment and will see how it goes.
#56 Posted : Sunday, December 15, 2013 11:01:31 AM
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Joined: 9/29/2006
Posts: 2,570
pdubb wrote:
I agree..sounds too good to be real. These guys are making the rounds in diaspora with their sales pitch...I will be interested to hear how they intend to return 57,000% or a >500 multiple of invested capital

Does this still appear to be the case? See also post #55.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity.
#57 Posted : Thursday, January 02, 2014 5:51:08 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 10/10/2012
Posts: 12
innairobi wrote:
Fountain Group is moving into Banking?

Would you like to be a major shareholder of a bank by 2015? Then join others in making it happen. FEP members are working towards making this dream a reality and it is happening and many ordinary people are now buying the share in the FEP Group of Companies at Kshs. 362,250/= only from 16th of Feb – 15th March, Kshs. 380,363/= only as from 16th March –15th April and Kshs. 399,381/= from 16th April – 15th May 2011 and financing available.

Log in to our website www.fep-group.com to see what else we are doing and how you can be part of our 2015 vision.

Attached is the Road Map to the bank, outlining the share growth.

You can email Regina on info@fep-group.com or regina@fountainsafaris.com or call us on 254-736-716256 or 254-722-412781 for more details or to get the exact places and contact persons for various places.

Regina Kirimi


I wish to introduce to you a very exciting “must buy” investment opportunity with Fountain Enterprises Programme (a club of investors).
NB: An investor is one who does not work for money but has created a system that makes money for him beyond his
generation. Proverbs 13:22
The vision of FEP group of companies by the year 2015 is:
 A fully fledged bank
 A media station
 A chain of High- end star hotels
 6 No. group of High - End schools
We are bringing together like-minded businessmen and professionals towards achieving this real-time dream.
This is an investments secret that has only been reserved for the billionaires being introduced to you.
 Kshs. 362,250/= only from 15th of Feb – 15th March, Kshs. 380,363/= only as from 16th March –15th April and Kshs. 399,381/=
from 15th April – 15th May 2011 and financing available.
 Closing date is 15th May 2011.
 You can also get a loan instantly through the FEP Sacco Society Ltd by depositing 1/3 into the Sacco .You get a loan
repayable in 18 months at an interest rate of 12%p.a
 You can also buy a share corporately in a group of any number between 2-50 members as a private company which we can
help you register later.
Projected Outcomes
Between Feb 2011- July 2013 – We shall engage in normal business of Micro- finance and real estate developments among our over
5000 members.
Expected projection of share value
By August 2013 – Ksh 1,000,000 (One Million)
We will have created a formidable organization/Institution to enable us sell shares.
 Individuals don’t sell shares, its only organizations/ institutions created by men and women like you that sell shares.
 A share is the only thing people buy without comparing with others or asking the real value or asking who is selling.
In October 2013, we shall do Private Placement Offer (PPO) or sell shares privately to our friends with permission of the Capital
Markets Authority.
Your worth will be;
1 share @ Ksh 1,000,000
We shall split shares by 1 million so that your worth shall be
1 million shares @ Ksh 1.00
Mathematically speaking,
1 x 1,000,000 = 1,000,000 x 1 we shall then sell the share privately at Ksh 10.00 hence your worthiness becomes;
1,000,000 @ 10 = 10,000,000 (Ten Million))
Three years down the line – 2016 the government gives you permission to deal with the public.
The share worth – Ksh 10 – 2013
Assume share worth Ksh 20- 2016
We shall then have the Initial Public Offer (IPO) by first splitting our shares 20 times so that instead of having;
1,000,000 shares worth Kshs 20
You have 20,000,000 shares worth Kshs 1
Then sell the same share through IPO to the public at Ksh 10,your worthiness effectively translates into;
20,000,000 shares @ Ksh 10 =200M (Two hundred million)
I know it is crazy to imagine how Ksh 345,000 becomes Ksh 200 Million in 6 years time. Always remember;
Majority only watch what is happening
Many especially the learned only discuss, analyze, and mostly criticize what is happening
Extremely very few extra ordinary people with Billionaire mentality make things happen.
Just imagine that you can only become a Billionaire by saving Ksh 30,000 per day for 100 years
30,000 x 365 x 100=1,095,000,000.
Welcome to this club of the Fep group that introduces you to the world of minimum input maximum output.
You start making Golf Course (the place for people who work smart) your office instead of working hard like ordinary people.
Call us to get;
One copy of the groups documentary
The groups brochure
The sacco brochure
The Sacco loan option breakdown.
For further information kindly contact me.
E-mail: info@fep-group.com Website: http://www.fep-group.com

Too good to be true; Only fools rush in. But there are those who will truly make a kill- the ones who started this thing.
#58 Posted : Thursday, January 02, 2014 6:08:27 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/11/2009
Posts: 1,223
@wakigogoini, FEP has outgrown your cheap propaganda. Before it matured to where it is now, i was one of the members who vehemently attacked their strategy but not anymore.

Pamoja twasonga mbele!
History will not remember you for your IQ. It will remember you for what you did. “Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration.” Thomas Edison
#59 Posted : Friday, January 03, 2014 7:02:00 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 1/1/2011
Posts: 396
BGL wrote:
@wakigogoini, FEP has outgrown your cheap propaganda. Before it matured to where it is now, i was one of the members who vehemently attacked their strategy but not anymore.

Pamoja twasonga mbele!

Where is the cheap propaganda? Why can't someone come out and say:
1. We are building / have built hotels in these locations with the following details / plan
2. We are building / acquiring x number of assets
3. Currently shares are selling at x
...and so on.

Everything posted here has been completely impenetrable. If English is hard for the promoters, they can select Kiswahili or one of the 47-plus languages in Kenya to put their case forward. But in an online forum, if no-one can understand what you're saying, then they WILL criticize.
Ali Baba
#60 Posted : Friday, January 03, 2014 9:40:13 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 8/29/2008
Posts: 571
Let me buy shares in established businesses ...instead of startups which
are unproven......that is me....I don't know about you...
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