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Running on Empty: The Life & Triumphs of Samuel Kamau Wanjiru
#1 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 7:53:31 AM
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Have been following the serialization of this book - a rather sad story of a talented young man...Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad
If you are an eagle don't hang around with chickens; chickens don't fly....
#2 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 9:01:21 AM
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Today's instalment is the saddestSad

How his many attempts at business failed.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#3 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 9:16:28 AM
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this mzungu writer is just a hater
I may be wrong..but then I could be right
#4 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 9:21:56 AM
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Single women who deny their kids father figures should be whipped! This are some of the repercussions...

Proverbs 19:21
#5 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 10:53:05 AM
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Mukiri wrote:
Single women who deny their kids father figures should be whipped! This are some of the repercussions...

Not really. Many single mothered children turn out to be very useful people in the society.

Bill clinton as one of them
#6 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 11:17:22 AM
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Nelson Mandela,George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Barrack Obama,Lance Armstrong,Pierce Brosnan and many others were also raised by a single mom.
#7 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 11:29:25 AM
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would rather be raised up by a single mum or in a children's home than by irresponsible parents.

Irresponsible> neglecting parental duties,criminals,drunkards like those of naivasha,paedophiles,violent/abusive etc.
I mean we see lots of mad fathers wrecking havoc.

I rem this father in kasarani tht used to rape his 6 month daughter but the mom held on cz he was the bread winner.
That's is 'father' cz he sired, but a figure??
no i wouldnt want to have such a father cz i dont see how he will help me become a better person in future if he's already destroying it this early.

Wanjiru was grown up not child.
He wasn't prudent plus pride played some role here.
The other risk was to have an uneducated wife.
She should have furthered her studies aweze to manage that fortune.
But they left it to 'outsiders' to exploit.
What was he thinking? throwing money like that?

This is a case of too much money but less knowledge and wisdom.
And if ur too proud to learn then wait for downfall.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#8 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 12:30:31 PM
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Clinton=Henry Oren "Buddy" Grisham
Mandela=David Dalindyebo
Obama's mother remarried

FATHER FIGURE is not the same as Father, even the spelling is different! I shudder when I meet bitter single women who feel that they can have a go at a child alone, shielding him or her from any male influence. A Father figure is very very VERY important to the rounded well being of a child; into adulthood, any person who feels otherwise should also be whipped!

Yes, you've picked on a few examples... but what about the majority of people from broken families, dead or languishing in prison or poverty? Some of whom have issues with the mistakes of their mothers and have no one else to 'talk' to?

When Wanjiru died, how many men claimed to be his father? What does it tell you about the mother? A Father figure would have proudly come out and said, tho' he did not 'land', he's proud to have advised him. Muliona mtu kama huyo?

And Yes! @essyk... Choose your wives wisely. 'Love' is an end product of hard work, don't be fooled by Hollywood. An addict of 'soaps' hata siwes karibia!

Proverbs 19:21
#9 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 1:11:00 PM
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A story is told of this family where the father was a jaibird and the mother a drug addict.

Their 2 kids grew up in great difficulty even depending on relatives and well-wishers to make it through school and get other necessities of life.

Many years later, a family friend met one of the 2 brothers. He was dirty, a drug addict and in and out of jail a few times for different crimes. The guy asked him what could have led to his life becoming so pathetic to which the guy answered;

'With the kind of upbringing I had, what did you expect?'.

Later, this same family friend met the other brother. He was rich, well educated and a family man. He expressed his surprise at the young man's progress to which the young man retorted:

'With the kind of upbringing I had, what did you expect?'.

Life is partly what you make it. You have all those issues in your life but at the end it boils down to the choices you make.

For Kamau, we may never know the reason. I wouldn't want to speculate that it's the lack of a father figure. I know men with fathers-even those strict disciplinarian fathers-who have ended up with wretched lives.

Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#10 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 1:30:07 PM
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Laughing out loudly, I very much love your example.
(see if i type ur name a smiley happens.)ish

People like blaming the wrong things.
I can chose to blame my dad or mum anyhow fro any minor mistake in my life,but c'mmon I became a grownup and had to choose the right course for my life.
If you want to blame something/somebody you will always find it.

I rem Dr, Phil advicing couples in abusive marriages which were hurting the kids.
Infact the kids had become exactly like the parents.Very violent towards each other,bro againts bro sis against sis,it was war!rebellious,so full of anger and bitterness.
And all that caused by mother and father.nkt.

Phil told them that kids brought up in abusive homes turn out worse than those brought up in peaceful homes by single parents.
I don't know how it feels like to grow up in abusive environment but the few cases I have seen/heard? I think I would rather sleep outside under a tree.Sad

Mukiri wrote:

FATHER FIGURE is not the same as Father, even the spelling is different! I shudder when I meet bitter single women who feel that they can have a go at a child alone, shielding him or her from any male influence. A Father figure is very very VERY important to the rounded well being of a child; into adulthood, any person who feels otherwise should also be whipped!

Ahaa now please tell me.
Must a Father or Mother figure to the child be in a romantic relationship with the real parent?
Do Uncles,Aunties,bros -in law,gukas,cucus qualify to be Father/Mother figures?
Can you for instance be a Father figure to a child?
Cz I can be a mother figure without necessarily having to be involved with the man.
As in it's the welfare of the child that matters.

I don't know which is better.To get involved with Onyango,Njoro and Korir etc in search of a 'father figure' for a child or just bringing them up yourself.

I personally don't believe in these wild exposures as it messes up and confuses the kid more.
Afadhali close relations he/she is used to.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#11 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 1:47:14 PM
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@llest! @essyk.. I agree 100%

We are ultimately responsible for our choices. A little 'help' in the right direction wouldn't hurt, now would it? There is great power to the idiom, 'An apple doesn't fall far from the tree', however if a good father figure was to pick that 'apple' and nurture it, ni mbaya?

Yes, you can't just pick anyone. A father figure can be anyone.. if anything you have a second chance of picking out a man who's character you admire and would want your child to emulate. And the beauty about it, you don't have to 'shukisha bendera'

That said, fornicators/adulterers and products thereof should pray. That sins and/or curses be forgiven lest you transfer the same to the child and his or her children. I can quote a few verses...

Proverbs 19:21
#12 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 1:52:23 PM
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Given an opportunity,every kid would want to have both parents as they grow up.A mother has a role,which i believe is a little different with that of the father.When both are used responsibly to compliment each other,the final product might be different than one raised by a single parent.....but then,that's an ideal situation and the absence of one parent or both is not an excuse to bad choices.....my 2 Zim dollars.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#13 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 2:01:01 PM
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Mukiri wrote:
@llest! @essyk.. I agree 100%

We are ultimately responsible for our choices. A little 'help' in the right direction wouldn't hurt, now would it? There is great power to the idiom, 'An apple doesn't fall far from the tree', however if a good father figure was to pick that 'apple' and nurture it, ni mbaya?

Yes, you can't just pick anyone. A father figure can be anyone.. if anything you have a second chance of picking out a man who's character you admire and would want your child to emulate. And the beauty about it, you don't have to 'shukisha bendera'

That said, fornicators/adulterers and products thereof should pray. That sins and/or curses be forgiven lest you transfer the same to the child and his or her children. I can quote a few verses...

Read what wondergirl posted.

I like other people's opinions.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#14 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 3:22:08 PM
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Mukiri wrote:
Single women who deny their kids father figures should be whipped! This are some of the repercussions...

you strike me as a very obnoxious and judgemental person,
I believe there a scripture about that....
Do you really think single mothers are single parents out of choice?
Has it never occured to you that it takes a strong heart to bring up a child alone, after the father has refused to take up their responsiblity? What would you rather they do? Abort? Throw the child in the bin? Every child is blessed with two parents at conception, but only one gets to carry the baby, the other gets a chance to walk away unless he has a concious and sense of responsibilty.
Personaly I'm brought up by both parents and I really thank God for that but I have freinds who were brought up by single mothers and honestly I wouldnt say I'm better than them, just really thank God for my parents.
What about the women whose husbands die and leave them single with kids?? Do they also need to be whipped?
Take care man, you never know how long you will be around to bring up your children, only God knows. Lets remember that always, Only God knows.
#15 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 4:07:58 PM
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I have the utmost respect for women... My mother is a woman, so it helps. @Wondergirl... Women are strong, in alot of cases much stronger than us. There are a few lessons to be learnt from Wanjiru, depending on the angle one looks at things

Proverbs 19:21
#16 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 4:48:58 PM
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Mukiri wrote:
I have the utmost respect for women... My mother is a woman, so it helps. @Wondergirl... Women are strong, in alot of cases much stronger than us. There are a few lessons to be learnt from Wanjiru, depending on the angle one looks at things

Are you a watermelon? Do you now agree that your comment was rash,abrasive n wrong? Sema tu makosa imefanyika na kazi iendelee. Water under the bridge
#17 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 5:03:32 PM
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My 2 cents...As Lolest as said, life is what you make it. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade out of it. I dint know wanjiru, infact I know/ew nothing apart from his running and the sagas that were displayed on tv. I dont think its good to judge the man because of his marriage, he succeeded being an athlete and am sure some father figure led him through that. However, he became a victim of his success, he became successful early and just like the prodigal son, the world was teaching him a lesson sadly he passed on early before he learnt it.

From my experience, mother/s figures are the best advisers, and as i age i have discovered that its an inborn instinct in the female species, eg the eagle, its the lady eagle that teaches its babies to fly.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#18 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 5:39:31 PM
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rock wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
I have the utmost respect for women... My mother is a woman, so it helps. @Wondergirl... Women are strong, in alot of cases much stronger than us. There are a few lessons to be learnt from Wanjiru, depending on the angle one looks at things

Are you a watermelon? Do you now agree that your comment was rash,abrasive n wrong? Sema tu makosa imefanyika na kazi iendelee. Water under the bridge

Wacha uchochezi...

Proverbs 19:21
#19 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 6:04:18 PM
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Joined: 6/19/2008
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Mukiri wrote:
Clinton=Henry Oren "Buddy" Grisham
Mandela=David Dalindyebo
Obama's mother remarried

FATHER FIGURE is not the same as Father, even the spelling is different! I shudder when I meet bitter single women who feel that they can have a go at a child alone, shielding him or her from any male influence. A Father figure is very very VERY important to the rounded well being of a child; into adulthood, any person who feels otherwise should also be whipped!

Yes, you've picked on a few examples... but what about the majority of people from broken families, dead or languishing in prison or poverty? Some of whom have issues with the mistakes of their mothers and have no one else to 'talk' to?

When Wanjiru died, how many men claimed to be his father? What does it tell you about the mother? A Father figure would have proudly come out and said, tho' he did not 'land', he's proud to have advised him. Muliona mtu kama huyo?

And Yes! @essyk... Choose your wives wisely. 'Love' is an end product of hard work, don't be fooled by Hollywood. An addict of 'soaps' hata siwes karibia!

So, what does it tell us about the 'fathers'?. you tell us, why weren't they coming out when he needed school fees and when he wasn't famous? Gold-diggers! and all you want us to see is his mother as a slut who struggled to raise him? Well, she could have been, but at least she raised a champion, dint she? On her own. And no, we didnt see a father figure, that didnt make him less a champion, did it?.... and it dint make him any worse than those raised by both families.... how many bankrupt people have we seen raised up by both parents? Moi's son being one of them(with a pinch of salt), and many guys back in the village who do not make headlines! if it is about women, what would you like to say about Wamalwa kijana (God rest his soul in peace)? and many others... They were also brought up by single mothers? It's all about life choices. Not much about who brought you up as long as they were responsible parents.
#20 Posted : Monday, July 30, 2012 6:13:06 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/11/2012
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What is good for the goose, is good for the gander.. I stand corrected, but wasn't Moi a single father? Maybe he too, should have gotten Phillip a mother figure.. Someone to teach him how to treat a woman right, ama?

Proverbs 19:21
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