african coloner wrote:Apart from finishing why houses differs so much in different neighbourhoods? i just thought sometimes fundi's take adavantages. just dive along thika road and you will notice how quality differs, i think finishing should be the only difference as same raw mateials are used
It has to do with your sense of quality and what level your quality is at. The worst part is that excellent quality comes at a premium price. That is why many Kenyans settle for poor quality as it cost less initially but what they don't know is that in the long term, cheap is very expensive.
Our brains also matter in quality perception. That is why a certain idiot would rather have three old cars with a value of 600k than one new car worth the same amount but offering better service.
If you want your house to have finishes as good as those found in Barclays bank, you need to hire a contractor who knows what quality is and gives a guarantee for ten years.
By inference, the man is all that Mr Phantom is not: an untrustworthy radical, divisive, too many enemies, a dictator, and a persistent liar...Gaitho dialogues.