Funny thing is, I was actually discussing Kibera with someone 2 days ago and was saying it has too many vested interests for it to ever be resolved.
Contrary to what some people are already insinuating, the chaos might not even have anything to do with RAO.
The reality is, Kibera has a huge local and international NGO mafia. Fixing Kibera's dilapidation will be the death of salaries and benefits of thousands of NGO talking heads.
Even if a future government of Kenya somehow stumbles on huge money and used it to replace Kibera's tin and mud shacks with clean units built with good mawe, I foresee that government being blocked by some local or overseas court, or intimidated by a huge passionate but ignorant mobilization frenzy like "Kony 2012" my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know. Please don't make any sudden moves.