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Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2008 Posts: 6,275 Location: Kenya
sqft wrote:Scientists now say that coronavirus hides kwa makende. https://nairobinews.nati...ovid-19-new-study-shows
Quote:The coronavirus could linger in the testicles, making men prone to longer, more severe cases of the illness, a new study has shown.
According to the study, scientists tracked the recovery of 68 patients, to study the gender disparity of the virus, which have caused severe illness in men, according to a preliminary report posted on the MedRix website.
Dr Aditi Shastri, an oncologist at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, and Dr Jayanthi Shastri, a microbiologist at the Kasturba Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Mumbai, claims Covid-19 can attach itself to a specific protein that is produced in high levels in the testicles.
In addition to the large amounts in the testicles, the protein, angiotensin, is also found in the lungs.
According to the study, the testicles are blocked off from the body’s immune system, which allows the virus to remain in the testicles longer than the rest of the body. Both Dr Jyanthi and Dr Aditi have said the recent findings may explain why women recover more quickly than men.
“These observations demonstrate that male subjects have delayed viral clearance,” the preliminary report said, adding that the testicles may be serving as “reservoirs” for the virus.
The study offers some insight into reports from New York, South Korea, and Italy that men are dying at a higher rate due to the virus. While the virus remains in the testicles, do they nibble and destroy the cells in the while, hence achieving sterilization objective?
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/21/2008 Posts: 2,490
The bill reducing PAYE and Income Tax due to covid is to be discussed today in parliament. In there they sneaked a lot of amendments mostly to the VAT act that are very punitive to the economy. unfortunately our Mpigs will not notice this - Government of thieves The man who marries a beautiful woman, and the farmer who grows corn by the roadside have the same problem
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/8/2013 Posts: 4,068 Location: At Large.
Please dont gag us.Allow us to discuss anything and everything. There is a reason why we have an interest in Trump and how things are unfolding on his end. On this Homabay guy story, let him complete his 14 days and go home. This is not a time to take chances.We have been told no movement out of Nairobi.....let it be that way. What is special about Nairobi coffins?Why not get one in Homabay? We have been told symptoms begin to show from day 5,why is he so happy about his 3 days and not feeling sick or showing symptoms? Doing that video for social media will do him more harm than good. Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/5/2010 Posts: 2,459
ZZE123 wrote:The bill reducing PAYE and Income Tax due to covid is to be discussed today in parliament. In there they sneaked a lot of amendments mostly to the VAT act that are very punitive to the economy. unfortunately our Mpigs will not notice this - Government of thieves Sometimes I sympathize with Uhuru and wish him the best but he never misses an opportunity to disappoint. Covid-19 gave him a second chance after losing 7 years. On covid tax measures, he only saw an opportunity to screw us even more.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 4/1/2009 Posts: 1,883
so the driver in video number three says he is covid-19 negative because he is not showing symptoms and thus not being treated? is it like there are people who have not yet heard of asymptomatic cases or this is just a case of idiocy?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 4/1/2009 Posts: 1,883
Bigchick wrote:Please dont gag us.Allow us to discuss anything and everything. There is a reason why we have an interest in Trump and how things are unfolding on his end. On this Homabay guy story, let him complete his 14 days and go home. This is not a time to take chances.We have been told no movement out of Nairobi.....let it be that way. What is special about Nairobi coffins?Why not get one in Homabay? We have been told symptoms begin to show from day 5,why is he so happy about his 3 days and not feeling sick or showing symptoms? Doing that video for social media will do him more harm than good. word. the tragedy is you find well exposed people sharing such videos without questioning thus furthering these nonsense.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/18/2008 Posts: 3,434 Location: Kerugoya
Bigchick wrote:Please dont gag us.Allow us to discuss anything and everything. Hear, hear. Can I bring my current obsession here or do I keep it at the "Mlikufa" thread. Frankly, I never bother listening to anything "our" Government says, but these days, when She comes on air, I sit up and take notice. 
Rank: Elder Joined: 8/10/2010 Posts: 2,264
Bigchick wrote:Please dont gag us.Allow us to discuss anything and everything. There is a reason why we have an interest in Trump and how things are unfolding on his end. On this Homabay guy story, let him complete his 14 days and go home. This is not a time to take chances.We have been told no movement out of Nairobi.....let it be that way. What is special about Nairobi coffins?Why not get one in Homabay? We have been told symptoms begin to show from day 5,why is he so happy about his 3 days and not feeling sick or showing symptoms? Doing that video for social media will do him more harm than good. You know i dont have powers to gag I am just informing. Trump has shown you that he doesn't care what you think or do so long as you are outside the US. It's about time you stopped caring too and focus on your home grown solutions with other like minded people or countries. On the homabay issue.The driver is not against being in isolation.(he is not in the media so forgive his communication skills) He thinks he should be there based on clear facts. The man his family and even the people he took to homabay are even challenging the CS. Was the CS misled? Does it mean we stop going to funearals or other emergencies? Imagine someone whom you don't get along (I am avoiding the word enemy) mentions you as a recent close contact. How will you defend yourself as you are bungled to an isolation centre. They will even label you a hostile victim. As you think about your defence just know not everyone is as lucky as you. The media even stopped following up on the siaya issue. Why? Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/18/2008 Posts: 3,434 Location: Kerugoya
mpobiz wrote:Let's leave trump alone and let's return to our own issues. I would rather those who wish to dwell on Trumpland do so and those of us who would rather concentrate on local perspective come out as well. Quote:Mt Kenya Residents Ignore Covid-19 Safety Tips WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 2020
Compliance with measures put in place by the Health ministry to curb the spread of the coronavirus is still low in the Mt Kenya region, spot checks by the Nation reveal.
As the numbers of reported cases in the country approaches 300, it is business as usual for businesspeople and residents.
Breaching social-distancing, sanitisation and handwashing regulations is pronounced at markets, matatu terminals, shops and supermarkets.
When the Nation team visited Kirinyaga County, for instance, it was business usual at the Ngurubani and Kimbimbi markets.
Here, we found traders and their customers without face masks crowding and mingling freely.
Some told the Nation they believe the disease is concentrated in Nairobi and Coast counties and there is no need to worry.
“There is no such a disease in this area and there is no good reason we should not interact freely and shake hands with one another in markets,” said resident Mary Wanjiku.
“Even masks are not necessary as the disease has not been confirmed in our region.”
Mr Patrick Waweru, a boda-boda operator, admitted that people are ignorant and careless and expressed fears they may be caught off guard.
“People, including my colleagues, don’t care.
They think the disease does not exist while the matter is of grave concern,” he said. Source Link: https://www.nation.co.ke...30856-n64o68z/index.html
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/18/2008 Posts: 3,434 Location: Kerugoya
mpobiz wrote:You know i dont have powers to gag I am just informing.
Trump has shown you that he doesn't care what you think or do so long as you are outside the US.
It's about time you stopped caring too and focus on your home grown solutions with other like minded people or countries.
On the homabay issue.
The driver is not against being in isolation.
(he is not in the media so forgive his communication skills)
He thinks he should be there based on clear facts.
The man his family and even the people he took to homabay are even challenging the CS.
Was the CS misled?
Does it mean we stop going to funearals or other emergencies?
Imagine someone whom you don't get along (I am avoiding the word enemy) mentions you as a recent close contact.
How will you defend yourself as you are bungled to an isolation centre.
They will even label you a hostile victim.
As you think about your defence just know not everyone is as lucky as you.
The media even stopped following up on the siaya issue. Why? I hate the fact that The Virtual Republic of Wazua does not have the "Like" or "Love" Button. I hate it indeed.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
AlphDoti wrote:sqft wrote:Scientists now say that coronavirus hides kwa makende. https://nairobinews.nati...ovid-19-new-study-shows
Quote:The coronavirus could linger in the testicles, making men prone to longer, more severe cases of the illness, a new study has shown.
According to the study, scientists tracked the recovery of 68 patients, to study the gender disparity of the virus, which have caused severe illness in men, according to a preliminary report posted on the MedRix website.
Dr Aditi Shastri, an oncologist at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, and Dr Jayanthi Shastri, a microbiologist at the Kasturba Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Mumbai, claims Covid-19 can attach itself to a specific protein that is produced in high levels in the testicles.
In addition to the large amounts in the testicles, the protein, angiotensin, is also found in the lungs.
According to the study, the testicles are blocked off from the body’s immune system, which allows the virus to remain in the testicles longer than the rest of the body. Both Dr Jyanthi and Dr Aditi have said the recent findings may explain why women recover more quickly than men.
“These observations demonstrate that male subjects have delayed viral clearance,” the preliminary report said, adding that the testicles may be serving as “reservoirs” for the virus.
The study offers some insight into reports from New York, South Korea, and Italy that men are dying at a higher rate due to the virus. While the virus remains in the testicles, do they nibble and destroy the cells in the while, hence achieving sterilization objective? What's with people? so is the vaccine the vehicle for sterilization or the virus itself? So are you now the virus has an agenda to sterilize deplorables like Boris Johnson and Prince Charles? All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
 All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/18/2008 Posts: 3,434 Location: Kerugoya
Excellent article, in my humble opinion. Perhaps these are the type of articles we should be giving prominence. Quote:LEARNING FROM THE WEST
Virus: What are Kenyans doing wrong?
Students in Germany speak.
Wearing the same mask repeatedly, queuing without social distancing and police arresting people and squeezing them into one place among the misdeeds flagged.
In Summary:
• The percentage of fatal cases in Germany has been much lower than in its neighbours
• Kenyan trio studying there credit precautions taken and flag indiscretions back home that leave lives at risk Source Link: https://www.the-star.co....udents-in-germany-speak/
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/1/2014 Posts: 910 Location: sky
https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-the-notorious-nine-these-world-leaders-responded-to-the-coronavirus/very interesting especially for a big country like brazil, i have never heard some countries though, Turkmenistan? There are only two emotions in the stock market, fear and hope. The problem is, you hope when you should fear and fear when you should hope
Rank: Elder Joined: 8/10/2010 Posts: 2,264
[quote=aemathenge]Excellent article, in my humble opinion. Perhaps these are the type of articles we should be giving prominence. Quote:LEARNING FROM THE WEST
Virus: What are Kenyans doing wrong?
Students in Germany speak.
Wearing the same mask repeatedly, queuing without social distancing and police arresting people and squeezing them into one place among the misdeeds flagged.
In Summary:
• The percentage of fatal cases in Germany has been much lower than in its neighbours
• Kenyan trio studying there credit precautions taken and flag indiscretions back home that leave lives at risk Source Link: https://www.the-star.co....dents-in-germany-speak/[/quote] For me here you get 2 likes/loves A few quotes from the article which echoes what I have been saying here "His advice to Kenyans is they should get fewer negative updates about the pandemic and instead concentrate on their health to get better." “Not everyone’s case gets critical. It’s not as fatal as it seems or is thought of,” "He said fear is a factor that should be avoided when one hears about the virus because it can make someone be depressed, and with depression, the health deteriorates, lowering chances of survival." Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/3/2008 Posts: 4,057 Location: Gwitu
Who said WaTz are slow?! They are on a sprint with Covid numbers! Truth forever on the scaffold Wrong forever on the throne (James Russell Rowell)
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/4/2006 Posts: 13,821 Location: Nairobi
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/10/2015 Posts: 961 Location: Kenya
The US has recorded the highest death rate - 2,400 dead in 24hrs. Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/17/2009 Posts: 2,038 Location: GA
mkenyan wrote:Bigchick wrote:Please dont gag us.Allow us to discuss anything and everything. There is a reason why we have an interest in Trump and how things are unfolding on his end. On this Homabay guy story, let him complete his 14 days and go home. This is not a time to take chances.We have been told no movement out of Nairobi.....let it be that way. What is special about Nairobi coffins?Why not get one in Homabay? We have been told symptoms begin to show from day 5,why is he so happy about his 3 days and not feeling sick or showing symptoms? Doing that video for social media will do him more harm than good. word. the tragedy is you find well exposed people sharing such videos without questioning thus furthering these nonsense. Why would the GAVA say uko nayo na you are negative infact this jamaa should count himself "lucky" from the look of things yuko sawa kuna wale after diagnosis ni downhill from that point Again the hospital facilities are not overstretched hopefully kenya will not reach that point ingekuwa majuu huyo jamaa hata kitanda ingekuwa shida kupata in some areas
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/19/2015 Posts: 2,871 Location: hapo
That movie is so onpoint, i'm beginning to wonder if the person who wrote it is not Prophet Owour. Down to even fake "broggers" who's work is to make noise for particular reason. It's an amazing movie. Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?
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