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Making the Ugali Machine
#101 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:14:01 AM
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Joined: 5/9/2007
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@Masukuma, do you think such a machine can be useful for people making the Ugali in 'wholesale' Eg Hotels, Schools, Prisons, Construction sites etc. That would reduce labour costs and the people can be re-deployed into other areas.
#102 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:30:54 AM
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washiku wrote:
@Masukuma, do you think such a machine can be useful for people making the Ugali in 'wholesale' Eg Hotels, Schools, Prisons, Construction sites etc. That would reduce labour costs and the people can be re-deployed into other areas.

Maybe! the problem most people are not seeing is also a problem of form factor! let me explain - Chapati's have roughly standardised sizes - mostly based on pan size (except for some really tempting but tasteless chapatis that were being cooked on our bus stage ya kuenda Bahati around 1998-99 that once made a certain young man decide kama mbaya mbaya - and he spent part of his fare on a piece of those mouth watering things...maybe @coolio can remember them... but I digress). Many types of automations are of standardized form ok... the pizza comes in 3 sizes, bread is uniquely sized. The container being used to cook ugali is not a standard container - kuna Ugali kubwa kama zile za jela, kuna ugali ndogo kama yangu ya nyumbani and many in between. The person inventing this contraption has to pick a size and decide - hii ndio na fanya 1st! I would refer you to the world of Cake making! Ugali and Cake have almost similar requirements - the size of each product is dependent on the number and appetite of eaters. there are small cakes and there are large cakes but I don't foresee a prison buying many Ugali makers to be cooking many uniform sized ugalis. If you talk about releasing many sized Ugali makers way before you have released the 1st Ugali maker - you are a joker. If you talk about releasing an Ugali maker, with texture control, that cleans itself and is available in sufuria sizes - I suspect you have never ever built a single thing in your life.
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#103 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:34:03 AM
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murchr wrote:

Domo is the beginning of everything. You forget you domo'd it saying it can never happen Laughing out loudly

by the way - I never said it can never happen... I just pointed out the minefield that this is! the guy who builds one that will be a financial success will have my utter respect. building it is not the problem - it's evading all those potholes and minefields I have highlighted
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#104 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 10:36:39 AM
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It will be complicated initially but possible to refine later.
Think about the first car which was steam operated by burning firewood...so bulky.Who thought we could have ICE the size of Vitz and Proboxies?
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#105 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 12:24:20 PM
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Impunity wrote:
It will be complicated initially but possible to refine later.
Think about the first car which was steam operated by burning firewood...so bulky.Who thought we could have ICE the size of Vitz and Proboxies?

yeah... that's my point! right... my analogy of the camera in 1996 is that exact hint. Of course hindsight is 20-20 and everyone is a genius looking behind - right? Here is what I think - OK. Hardware unlike software is much more difficult to innovate and release quickly simply because it has something nasty called DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS i.e. the way your product lands on the customer's feet/doorstep - you need to figure this out.

I gave the reference to "CROSSING THE CHASM". The Car when invented was on the left side of the Chasm - right. Smoky machine, slow and e.t.c.

Tech Enthusiasts and Visionaries bought into it - right? but it wasn't until until the Model T by Ford that the cars crossed the Chasm ok.

So if we could backup a bit to the Ugali Maker - we have a limited number of persons who eat ugali. I have my biases that Ugali is eaten less when people get better off, but that is just me - so let's ignore that.
We have an average disposable income for people in this market.
We have existing options Sufurias of all sizes e.t.c. cheap workers to stir the paste into being ugali and they are pretty good at it. Like all version 0.1. products your ugali maker will not make the best ugali EVER! right? Think Nescafe and Kawaida coffee. Right? So you if you are going to survive - you need to make some decision up front...
1) WHO IS YOUR CUSTOMER (the one buying Version 0.1).
once you figure this out (you are in 1996) - iterate and iterate and iterate until you have a product/process that is attractive to the pragmatists) and you will be a financial success. The version 0.1. customer is not the customer who will make you rich (think Hotels, Prisons e.t.c.) he/she is a stepping stone - think war terms... you need to capture normandy before you can capture berlin...

In my opinion, who your normandy is should be best described by the the theory of disruption - lookup it up . in this case - your end goal is to ensure that all 150 million people who consume Ugali use your product and not the many sized cooking pots they have [THIS IS BERLIN]. How will you attack that market? The theory gives us hints - for example... attack persons who are not consuming Ugali and are desperate to do so. Since the normal person has to make a decision - do I buy your (possibly more expensive) product or do I make ugali the same old way I was used to - which produces better Ugali that your version 0.1 product [YOUR NORMANDY].
Your version 0.1 will be a crummy product and you need a customer to buy it so that you can continuously improve in order to cross the Chasm and sell to everyone (150 million people).
Examples of this are all over - Equity bank with banking kawaida mwananchi before eating the cheese that was barclays...
Digital cameras went through the same process - version 0.1 was terrible compared to the then kawaida film product - but it was marketed to a section of society that did not care about the shortcomings since they were non consumers of the existing film technology and with time it disrupted the film technology. Transistor radios and TVs disrupted Vacuum tube companies in exactly the same way by selling crummy but portable products to young people who wanted to listen to Rock music away from the parents who owned the big bulky machine that was the Radio. Your product has to replace the current ugali making process but you need to start somewhere... with someone....


By the way - if you are able to figure this out... the same model can be used to disrupt MPESA and Equity bank.... coz it's almost a reverse of the existing disruption model. Since the majority of the consumers are not well off and the service is fairly good.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#106 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 12:35:58 PM
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Just thinking aloud...
I think non-consumers exist... Akina Lupita! cooking fairly sh**ty ugali is better than cooking no ugali AT ALL. so your plan should include distribution channels to these people and not the hotels and prisons. Do these people meet in a certain place occasionally? where would this place be? do they have a facebook page (kilimani mums?). Maybe this is also the secret to disrupting MPESA - not doing USSD services to all and sundry but to looking at people like me who cannot stand the MPESA interface and so would rather ask my wife to do all the payments and money sending.... perhaps there is a way!
Again - the theory gives a hint "JOB BEING HIRED TO DO". The mzungu who commented would buy a fairly crummy product if it could clean itself... hmm... they are not buying an ugali maker but a cleaner to the messy process that is the ugali making process... is their disgust/dislike of cleaning enough to ensure that they forego eating sh**ty ugali at a premium price?
But hey... I don't have to build the product - you have to! figure it out!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#107 Posted : Tuesday, September 29, 2015 1:04:25 PM
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Let's say the machine is so far an abstract entity, it can basically be used by anyone like say an anthropologist or psychologist, or creative designer. In this case I'm thinking of all three.

1. The machine has been dissolved into wazua logic - a pastime of a given quality

2. So wazua is a machine about machines

3. The wazua machine can be better controlled by using it along say, 'metacomputing'.

Posting on wazua can turn out to be real money making business . . .

The ugali machine can be anything.

#108 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 10:26:19 AM
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Impunity wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hardwood wrote:

Well I agree that a Ugali machine should be invented. I am a Canadian Mzungu who lives in Canada with my Kenyan wife. When she makes Ugali ( always in a pot that's too small ! ), she always burns the pot and the Ugali overflows out of the pot...what a mess ! So please invent that machine and send me one...I'm tired of cleaning up !

he does not love ugali - he hates cleaning up after it... anyway...we have wasted enough of our time discussing a parallel universe that has an ugali maker and since it's all moot unless someone decides to invent the ugali maker.... let someone make it!!

Yes. Ugali machine proponents, when can we expect to see your machine in the market?

I have been developing (in my thoughts) the ugali making machine for much of my high school and campus life...I came up with very complicated contraption that might make the machine very difficult to maintain.

Well its easier to make a Ugali machine that can make Ugali with a Vickers Hardness test value equal to that of Ugali made in Zambia,Nyassaland and ZIM.
This could be done easily using a machine like the concrete mixer or mixing the right amount of ingredient and letting them cook in some solar basket.

However, to make a Ugali machine with Vicker's harness value equals to the standard of Ugali cooked in Western Kenya and Luo-Nyanza, you will need a more intelligent machine.
The machine should also be very robust and have inbuilt temperature sensors on the cooking stick to self-time the right time to add flour.
This heavy duty machine should also have olfactory sensors to detect the "smell" the ugali burning towards the end of the cooking...

All is not lost however since I am still imaging to tome up with options which can give the same Vicker's hardness number but with less complications.

And this machine, you will put it on top of a jiko with burning makaa or it will use stima or what? coffee makers inatumia stima.
#109 Posted : Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6:57:18 PM
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hard does not imply valuable...
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#110 Posted : Thursday, October 01, 2015 9:01:02 AM
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masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.
#111 Posted : Thursday, October 01, 2015 9:50:06 AM
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Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Exactly... so far we have been focusing on the device and not the environment it will operate in. Kinda reminds me of the Legendary Pets.com... an it's crash... hey.. how hard can it be? it's a huge market.. america has 100 million homes... 75% have dogs and that means they eat dog food... this is a billion dollar industry! if we could nail 10% of these customers we are good!... and what is pet food anyway? it's dead cows in cans! All we have to do is create a website - a customer comes makes a request and we drop the dead cows at his door step - DEAD SIMPLE! hmmm.... then they discovered the small nuances around shopping for pets. The Ugali maker for "enterprise" has to co exist with current tech! moto ya kuni. Coz Will they use stima to cook the Ugali and kuni for mboga and nyama? By the way - why is there no stew maker? hmmm - I digress! I remember my high school setup... huge huge drum like sufurias and an elaborate fire system. how will you deploy your solution here? context is KING! How do you "plug in" your solution into that existing kitchen setup? My advice - don't try and eat the elephant in one bite! figure out where you are going to start - this is a learning process. P.S. customers don't care about your smell detecting system, hardness detection sensors. They want Ugali at less hustle and should not be considered expensive ugali! build from someone who does not eat ugali for some reason but would like to... labda wamama wazee.... they don't have nguvu to mix the thing! or someone... some widowers or lupita... build from there!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#112 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 5:32:28 AM
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"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#113 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 5:34:04 AM
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Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#114 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 9:10:30 AM
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murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH

I do not have a tv. However, I use makaa, firewood and lpg. Please make me a cooker using those instead of wagging your head around here like a mangy mongrel.
#115 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 2:27:42 PM
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Anti_Burglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH

I do not have a tv. However, I use makaa, firewood and lpg. Please make me a cooker using those instead of wagging your head around here like a mangy mongrel.

We're living in the 21 century. Nothing is made to use firewood or makaa as the source of energy. So clearly you aint the target market. And guess what? LPG can still be used as electricity. Do you charge your phone or power your computer using makaa? This was an intelligent discussion until you showed up Shame on you . Good luck with catching up
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#116 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 2:58:31 PM
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Anti_Burglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH

I do not have a tv. However, I use makaa, firewood and lpg. Please make me a cooker using those instead of wagging your head around here like a mangy mongrel.

In 1894, someone wrote “In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure,” since at the time horses were the main mode of transportation in cities and were leaving behind tons of manure. He had the same some sort of dead-end thinking just like you.

#117 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 3:07:56 PM
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hardwood wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH

I do not have a tv. However, I use makaa, firewood and lpg. Please make me a cooker using those instead of wagging your head around here like a mangy mongrel.

In 1894, someone wrote “In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure,” since at the time horses were the only mode of transportation and were leaving behind tons of manure. He had the same some sort of dead-end thinking just like you.


@Anti must still be waiting for a steam engine car that is powered with makaa and firewood smile
#118 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 3:22:54 PM
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nakujua wrote:
hardwood wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH

I do not have a tv. However, I use makaa, firewood and lpg. Please make me a cooker using those instead of wagging your head around here like a mangy mongrel.

In 1894, someone wrote “In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under nine feet of manure,” since at the time horses were the only mode of transportation and were leaving behind tons of manure. He had the same some sort of dead-end thinking just like you.


@Anti must still be waiting for a steam engine car that is powered with makaa and firewood smile

With names such as nakujua and hardwood you guys are quite something.

You guys must be feeling warm and nice and fuzzy talking like that. So I will humour you and play along. Just make the damn thing and bring it. You guys can do that, can you?

Unless you guys just wood brained sikujuas.

By the way, you say steam is ancient? You do know that Kengen produces that some electricity through thermal generators? Besides the naturally occurring one? You did not know? What else don't you know? Reality?

#119 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 3:37:40 PM
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Joined: 9/11/2015
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murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH

I do not have a tv. However, I use makaa, firewood and lpg. Please make me a cooker using those instead of wagging your head around here like a mangy mongrel.

We're living in the 21 century. Nothing is made to use firewood or makaa as the source of energy. So clearly you aint the target market. And guess what? LPG can still be used as electricity. Do you charge your phone or power your computer using makaa? This was an intelligent discussion until you showed up Shame on you . Good luck with catching up


I do not know if you are just plain dumb or what. You are more hopeless than your minions woodbrain and sikujua. From tvs to phones and computers what about the damn ugali cooker? All except the ugali cooker. You are trying too hard to sound knowledgeable. If you live in your 21st century, make the thing and stop running your mouth like a frigging jackass. Your minions can provide you cheap unthinking labour as you make it.
#120 Posted : Friday, October 02, 2015 4:29:06 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
Anti_Burglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
Anti_Burglar wrote:
masukuma wrote:
hard does not imply valuable...

But it brings reality after the fanfare. Like hangover.

If this thing is targeted at institutions and ordinary individuals it will have to use a typical source of energy e.g. firewood, makaa or lpg. Stima ikae kando kidogo. It will require it's own dedicated burner or it will have to share that burner with the ordinary sufuria. If it has its own dedicated burner, it will require you to have another burner for other cooking. If it will share the burner then the ordinary sufuria has a distinct advantage and there will be no debate that the sufuria will be preferred.

Problem of thinking in 2D. Does your TV use Makaa of firewood? SMH

I do not have a tv. However, I use makaa, firewood and lpg. Please make me a cooker using those instead of wagging your head around here like a mangy mongrel.

We're living in the 21 century. Nothing is made to use firewood or makaa as the source of energy. So clearly you aint the target market. And guess what? LPG can still be used as electricity. Do you charge your phone or power your computer using makaa? This was an intelligent discussion until you showed up Shame on you . Good luck with catching up


I do not know if you are just plain dumb or what. You are more hopeless than your minions woodbrain and sikujua. From tvs to phones and computers what about the damn ugali cooker? All except the ugali cooker. You are trying too hard to sound knowledgeable. If you live in your 21st century, make the thing and stop running your mouth like a frigging jackass. Your minions can provide you cheap unthinking labour as you make it.

If you cant see the connection, you are beyond help. Now I have minions(do you even know what that is?) What are you even saying?
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
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