hardwood wrote:[quote=alma]It's strange when I see people complaining about criminals when they are braking the law at the same time.
Tebes, your comments are very passionate so makes me wonder exactly how much you know about these "known" criminals.
Katitu will not be released. That's a wish. His goose is cooked as they say. He will appear in court and that's the end of his career. And none of you on wazua will help pay that bail. Ni domo tu trying to get another cop on the wrong side of the law to do your unlawful acts.
Their family has a right to hire who they wish to. Unless you are one of those cops who advise people not to hire good lawyers but instead see them at that kalocal at the end of the day.
I know its hard for some to understand. But a policeman walking around swinging a gun to shoot anyone he thinks is a criminal, is actually a criminal. That unfortunately is the bitter truth.
For the first time I agree with you. Killer cops belong in jail.
Katitu jailed for 15yrs.
I am still waiting for all those people who were supporting this criminal go and help him in jail.
The man is a killer. He just had a uniform. He knows it, everyone knows it and Satan is waiting to take his turn on him.
The next guys shall be those ones who defy court orders. Ati they are special.
Ask this guy how special he is now.
Go around abusing other human beings...Praise those who abuse others. God always answers your prayers and shall do unto you what you do to others.
Pole Katitu but I hear there's a band in Kamiti he can join.
Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?