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Bitpesa Thread - Bitcoin Market Analysis by Mic Kimani
#61 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 7:03:22 PM
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Cde Monomotapa wrote:
hisah wrote:
mic_mic wrote:
BIS: Digital Currencies Could Disrupt Central Banking Model


Digital currencies could disrupt the ability of central banks to exercise control over the economy or issue money should the technology scale, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) said in a new report released today.

The BIS, a financial entity cooperatively owned by the world’s central banks, said that it has been looking at the technology as early as November 2013, and in February of this year the Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) asked a working group to draft the report it published today.

BIS has been following since Nov 2013. Wow! The money masters are viewing this very seriously smile

My qualms with Bitcoin still remain. People will make gains, fine. When (legal) issues emerge, which serikali will you omba to intervene? Under which/whose laws will Bitcoin be recognized? Pata, potea. Ponzi!

I understand your right to an opinion.

But you are misinformed. Calling Bitcoin a ponzi is ignorant, especially considering events over the past 1 year.

Do you think BIS would comment on a Ponzi? Ben Bernanke? Bank of England? European Court of Justice? CBK Governor?Bill Gates?

Please go back online and get informed. Or scroll through the other thread http://www.wazua.co.ke/f...ts&t=29849&p=23

If Bitcoin was issued by Government, it would be pointless and would not be new or innovative or disruptive. The reason it is getting a lot of attention from Governments, regulators, authorities, technologists, investors, innovators etc is because for the first time in history, we have a censorship resistance commodity, that acts like a currency and is NOT issued by a central authority eg Government.

This is a BIG DEAl, and you don not want to miss these events unfold.

Even Bank of International Settlement admits this from http://www.bis.org/press/p151123.htm

There are two key features of Bitcoin.

The first is the assets themselves (such as bitcoins). These assets can have some of the characteristics of a commodity and some of a currency. Currently, their monetary features (such as their use as a means of payment) are often more prominent, yet, these assets are not typically issued in or connected to a sovereign currency, are not a liability of any entity, are not backed by any authority and have no intrinsic value.

The second feature is the technology used. Particularly noteworthy is the use of distributed ledgers. Most financial transactions are made via a centralised infrastructure, where a trusted entity clears and settles transactions. Distributed ledgers are innovative because they allow transactions in the absence of trust between the parties and without the need for intermediaries.

The development of digital currencies using distributed ledger technology is an innovation with potentially broad applications. In the financial market infrastructures (FMIs) sector, wider use of distributed ledgers by new entrants or incumbents could have implications extending beyond payments, including their possible adoption by some FMIs and more broadly by other networks in the financial system.

BITCOIN TRADERS KENYA Whatsapp group +254 705 299 429
Cde Monomotapa
#62 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 7:52:30 PM
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Joined: 1/13/2011
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OK. Answer me this and I'll be on my way:

If you were to be relieved, as in robbed of your Bitcoin today who and or where would you report it to?

BIS, Heli. Ben noting Bitcoin is as much credence as me noticing the monologue on this thread. The majority of the ponzis in this country have been promoted in the churches.

When they went bust whatever was recovered was taken by the same government that said, 'we support innovation'. Which I don't think means create your own currency too.

#63 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 9:47:02 PM
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Cde Monomotapa wrote:
OK. Answer me this and I'll be on my way:

If you were to be relieved, as in robbed of your Bitcoin today who and or where would you report it to?

BIS, Heli. Ben noting Bitcoin is as much credence as me noticing the monologue on this thread. The majority of the ponzis in this country have been promoted in the churches.

When they went bust whatever was recovered was taken by the same government that said, 'we support innovation'. Which I don't think means create your own currency too.


I consider myself pretty smart

Friend, i feel very sorry for you. Because this thread will be here when YOu will finally GET IT, and your local bank will be dealing in bitcoin.
We will look back on this thread and your statements and laugh about it. Really, I mean itt.

Bitcoin is REAL and is happening -.

Regarding your question Bitcoin is based on a private public key pair relationship. THe public key is you address/account number. The private key
entitles you ownership. YOU hold complete power over how to store it. YOU choose how to store it. IF you lose it, you lose access to your bitcoins. If you decide to store it with someone else, that is a risk you take on board.

'me' - that is YOU. Speak for yourself. But people are reading what is posted here. They chose to comment or not. This is a public thread, viewable by anyone.
I get Bitcoin, and stand by everything i post here.

QUestion for you?

If the government robbed you of your hard earned money today who and or where would you report it to?

YOU must be one of those old wazees, who are stuck in their ways and fail to see changing times. Think outside the box.

BITCOIN TRADERS KENYA Whatsapp group +254 705 299 429
Cde Monomotapa
#64 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 9:59:36 PM
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Joined: 1/13/2011
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This is very helpful.

Regarding your question Bitcoin is based on a private public key pair relationship. THe public key is you address/account number. The private key
entitles you ownership. YOU hold complete power over how to store it. YOU choose how to store it. IF you lose it, you lose access to your bitcoins. If you decide to store it with someone else, that is a risk you take on board.

Property rights are important. In fact, best when enshrined in a Constitution with a thorough Bill of Rights. I'll keep following.
#65 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 10:00:11 PM
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mic_mic wrote:

"Technologies such as blockchain - a decentralised public ledger of electronic transactions that underpins digital payment methods such as bitcoin - could be adapted to develop the eSDR. The authors said that issuing eSDR could help ease a liquidity gap that could open in 2017 when central banks in Japan and Europe are expected to end quantitative easing.

The growing global use of bitcoin has stoked interest in the development of digital currencies, even among banks and governments."

Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/17/china-currency-sdr-idUSL3N13C14720151117#QLukb7vGMKqJsuEk.99

A long shot but interesting. Extremely interesting.
The main purpose of the stock market is to make fools of as many people as possible.
#66 Posted : Tuesday, November 24, 2015 10:03:45 PM
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#67 Posted : Wednesday, November 25, 2015 10:05:47 PM
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give us the other side of this story

In the world of securities, courage and patience become the supreme virtues after adequate knowledge and a tested judgment are at hand.
#68 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 2:41:00 AM
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TheGeek wrote:
give us the other side of this story


Interesting fight. Why is mpesa bank fighting a small firm? Doesn't make sense.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#69 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 9:42:04 AM
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give us the other side of this story


I find safaricom's comments on this matter (bitcoin) pre·ten·tious.

The reasons they cite for disallowing the trade of bitcoin via its platform are the SAME reasons banks gave for discontinuing Mpesa in 2008/2009/2010

eg in this article http://www.nation.co.ke/.../-/120f62v/-/index.html

“CBK would have taken action because it is the regulator. It is CBK, which told Bitpesa that bit coins is not regulated in Kenya but Safaricom insists that it produces a licence to that effect,” said Mr Kiragu Kimani for the firms.

in 2008, Banks said this about Mpesa https://www.linkedin.com...st-mpesa-michael-kimani

“Banks had been publicly grumbling for some time that the playing field was not level for them and that Safaricom was taking on banking business without the appropriate license”

in this article Safaricom lawyer says http://www.nation.co.ke/.../-/120f62v/-/index.html

“A party which freely acknowledges that it has engaged in conduct prohibited by the law can have no standing before the law, a legitimate expectation cannot be derived from an unlawful act,” said Mr Kibere.

in 2008/2009, BAnks said of Mpesa https://www.linkedin.com...st-mpesa-michael-kimani

"Because no e-money regulation existed and no regulatory precedence to look up to, the Central Bank of Kenya gave a nod to proceed with a pilot while monitoring.

Banks lobbied against this ‘uneven playing field’, calling for an equally strict regulatory regime."

In the end, this happened

"To quell opposition from banks, CBK settled for a neutral solution - limit Mpesa’s transfer amounts to low value payments, to curb threats of money laundering and terrorist funding."

If you have ever used BitPesa, they require KYC, AML details and know all their customers. SO the point by Safaricom about, is an INVALID

“Safaricom has stringent reporting obligations of the Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act, which it could not fulfil in view of Lipisha’s relationship with Bitpesa,”

Additionally, as a MNC, Safaricom knows what is going on globally as regards Bitcoin. Even the UK where Vodafone is from. This could be strategic for them, to force authorities to give a formal clear answer publicly in order for them to experiment? Already Visa is doing this for remittances to Kenya using bitcoin

eg Why Visa Europe is Testing Remittances on the Bitcoin Blockchain http://www.coindesk.com/...ces-bitcoin-blockchain/

I expect we will see a similar stance by CBK like what happened with Mpesa. Let it thrive and observe becasue it has CLEAR benefits and puts Kenya on the map as a mobile money (and bitcoin) hub in Sub Saharan Africa. This is how it will happen, especially considering CBK Governor comments on bitcoin as 'innovation'.

Safaricom is probing and using the lack of an explicit definition in law to stir waters.

I see the same thing will happen here.
BITCOIN TRADERS KENYA Whatsapp group +254 705 299 429
#70 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 12:25:47 PM
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mic_mic wrote:
give us the other side of this story


I find safaricom's comments on this matter (bitcoin) pre·ten·tious.

The reasons they cite for disallowing the trade of bitcoin via its platform are the SAME reasons banks gave for discontinuing Mpesa in 2008/2009/2010

eg in this article http://www.nation.co.ke/.../-/120f62v/-/index.html

“CBK would have taken action because it is the regulator. It is CBK, which told Bitpesa that bit coins is not regulated in Kenya but Safaricom insists that it produces a licence to that effect,” said Mr Kiragu Kimani for the firms.

in 2008, Banks said this about Mpesa https://www.linkedin.com...st-mpesa-michael-kimani

“Banks had been publicly grumbling for some time that the playing field was not level for them and that Safaricom was taking on banking business without the appropriate license”

in this article Safaricom lawyer says http://www.nation.co.ke/.../-/120f62v/-/index.html

“A party which freely acknowledges that it has engaged in conduct prohibited by the law can have no standing before the law, a legitimate expectation cannot be derived from an unlawful act,” said Mr Kibere.

in 2008/2009, BAnks said of Mpesa https://www.linkedin.com...st-mpesa-michael-kimani

"Because no e-money regulation existed and no regulatory precedence to look up to, the Central Bank of Kenya gave a nod to proceed with a pilot while monitoring.

Banks lobbied against this ‘uneven playing field’, calling for an equally strict regulatory regime."

In the end, this happened

"To quell opposition from banks, CBK settled for a neutral solution - limit Mpesa’s transfer amounts to low value payments, to curb threats of money laundering and terrorist funding."

If you have ever used BitPesa, they require KYC, AML details and know all their customers. SO the point by Safaricom about, is an INVALID

“Safaricom has stringent reporting obligations of the Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act, which it could not fulfil in view of Lipisha’s relationship with Bitpesa,”

Additionally, as a MNC, Safaricom knows what is going on globally as regards Bitcoin. Even the UK where Vodafone is from. This could be strategic for them, to force authorities to give a formal clear answer publicly in order for them to experiment? Already Visa is doing this for remittances to Kenya using bitcoin

eg Why Visa Europe is Testing Remittances on the Bitcoin Blockchain http://www.coindesk.com/...ces-bitcoin-blockchain/

I expect we will see a similar stance by CBK like what happened with Mpesa. Let it thrive and observe becasue it has CLEAR benefits and puts Kenya on the map as a mobile money (and bitcoin) hub in Sub Saharan Africa. This is how it will happen, especially considering CBK Governor comments on bitcoin as 'innovation'.

Safaricom is probing and using the lack of an explicit definition in law to stir waters.

I see the same thing will happen here.

history can be a great teacher only if you're interested to learn.
#71 Posted : Thursday, November 26, 2015 10:40:55 PM
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Kenyan High Court Hears BitPesa Case Against Safaricom

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#72 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 6:09:04 AM
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How to position for the next rally in Bitcoin - free report

by Tuur Demeester, Bitcoin investor, economist and founder of Adamant Research.

In summary:

- Bitcoin as an insurance: 1-2% of financial assets
- Bitcoin in a speculative portfolio: 2-5% allocation
- Bitcoin as a bet on early retirement: 5-10% of financial assets

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#73 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 1:09:37 PM
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mic_mic wrote:
Bitcoin price at $ 331. Watch out for a test of $300 lows again to find a firm bottom for a rebound. Upper target, $ 380

If $ 280 fails to hold, expect dumps down to low 200s

price now at $361

BITCOIN TRADERS KENYA Whatsapp group +254 705 299 429
#74 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 4:22:26 PM
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mic_mic wrote:
price now at $361

That current candlestick pattern and volume indicate that bulls are out of steam. It'll head back to 300 and likely break below.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#75 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 8:26:20 PM
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Kenyan President Nominates BitPesa Board Member for Cabinet

On Tuesday, November 24, 2015, Uhuru Kenyatta, the president of the Republic of Kenya, reshuffled his cabinet, dropping five cabinet secretaries and replacing them with new faces to give his government new impetus. Among the nominees is Joe Mucheru, who is a board member at Bitpesa, a Bitcoin exchange that leverages on mobile money services such as Mpesa.

BITCOIN TRADERS KENYA Whatsapp group +254 705 299 429
#76 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 10:28:45 PM
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mic_mic wrote:
Kenyan President Nominates BitPesa Board Member for Cabinet

On Tuesday, November 24, 2015, Uhuru Kenyatta, the president of the Republic of Kenya, reshuffled his cabinet, dropping five cabinet secretaries and replacing them with new faces to give his government new impetus. Among the nominees is Joe Mucheru, who is a board member at Bitpesa, a Bitcoin exchange that leverages on mobile money services such as Mpesa.


Wow! What's happening here?
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#77 Posted : Friday, November 27, 2015 11:13:47 PM
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Hisah, whatsapp me kwa my number below, i add you to group we discuss. This is fantastic news!

I imagine it could potentially come out during vetting. Will be interesting if it does
BITCOIN TRADERS KENYA Whatsapp group +254 705 299 429
#78 Posted : Saturday, November 28, 2015 11:10:40 PM
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Highly recommend this reading. Must read!

THE GLOOM OF CENTRAL BANKING: Bitcoin seen through the eyes of a Central Banker

BITCOIN TRADERS KENYA Whatsapp group +254 705 299 429
#79 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 10:02:43 AM
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mic_mic wrote:
Hisah, whatsapp me kwa my number below, i add you to group we discuss. This is fantastic news!

I imagine it could potentially come out during vetting. Will be interesting if it does

I doubt they'll ask anything to do with bitpesa n bitcoins. They're usually more interested in marital status, religious believes n such irrelevant stuff.
Angelica _ann
#80 Posted : Sunday, November 29, 2015 12:47:35 PM
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whiteowl wrote:
mic_mic wrote:
Hisah, whatsapp me kwa my number below, i add you to group we discuss. This is fantastic news!

I imagine it could potentially come out during vetting. Will be interesting if it does

I doubt they'll ask anything to do with bitpesa n bitcoins. They're usually more interested in marital status, religious believes n such irrelevant stuff.

Would be surprised if they picked such 'technical' stuff during vetting!!!
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