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Why do we take the dead to church?
#61 Posted : Friday, August 31, 2012 1:37:23 PM
Rank: Elder

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Location: Nairobi
deadpoet wrote:
Let me tone down my earlier provocative post, lest I'm subject to the 'righteous' indignation of the faithful.

What do atheists believe? Here's a short list:

1. Secular humanism
2. Stoicism
3. Daoism /Buddhism
4. Existentialism
5. Dialectic materialism

God is dead, get the memo.

Kwa hivyo mtu akiwa na any of the above yeye ni atheist? Ama you need to believe in all of them at the same time? Labda 3/5 ndiyo pass mark.

Ama uko na data base ya atheists na wamejaza form na una report tu?

Na hii memo, nani ame peana?
#62 Posted : Friday, August 31, 2012 1:49:19 PM
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Joined: 9/27/2006
Posts: 505
tycho wrote:
deadpoet wrote:
Let me tone down my earlier provocative post, lest I'm subject to the 'righteous' indignation of the faithful.

What do atheists believe? Here's a short list:

1. Secular humanism
2. Stoicism
3. Daoism /Buddhism
4. Existentialism
5. Dialectic materialism

God is dead, get the memo.

Kwa hivyo mtu akiwa na any of the above yeye ni atheist? Ama you need to believe in all of them at the same time? Labda 3/5 ndiyo pass mark.

Ama uko na data base ya atheists na wamejaza form na una report tu?

Na hii memo, nani ame peana?

The point is that religious people tend to think that one cannot be moral without having religious beliefs. If you're a non-theist, you are somehow amoral.

I was just trying to illustrate that there are frameworks out there that people can base their worldview on without recourse to religion.

As for the memo, it dates back to the Age of Enlightenment around the 18th century. You can however read some of the following (which I personally have in my library):

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
God is not Great - Christopher Hitchens
Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris
#63 Posted : Friday, August 31, 2012 2:04:15 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
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Location: Nairobi
deadpoet wrote:
tycho wrote:
deadpoet wrote:
Let me tone down my earlier provocative post, lest I'm subject to the 'righteous' indignation of the faithful.

What do atheists believe? Here's a short list:

1. Secular humanism
2. Stoicism
3. Daoism /Buddhism
4. Existentialism
5. Dialectic materialism

God is dead, get the memo.

Kwa hivyo mtu akiwa na any of the above yeye ni atheist? Ama you need to believe in all of them at the same time? Labda 3/5 ndiyo pass mark.

Ama uko na data base ya atheists na wamejaza form na una report tu?

Na hii memo, nani ame peana?

The point is that religious people tend to think that one cannot be moral without having religious beliefs. If you're a non-theist, you are somehow amoral.

I was just trying to illustrate that there are frameworks out there that people can base their worldview on without recourse to religion.

As for the memo, it dates back to the Age of Enlightenment around the 18th century. You can however read some of the following (which I personally have in my library):

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins
God is not Great - Christopher Hitchens
Letter to a Christian Nation - Sam Harris

'One can moral without religious beliefs', says man.

'One cannot be moral without religious beliefs', says man.

'God is dead', says man.
'God is alive', says man.

Dawkins-man, Hitchens-man, Harris-man. Moses-man, ....tycho-man.

Man says this, man says that.

What makes us to agree with some people and not others? Subjectivity. But what is objective? Man.

Man the myth maker.
#64 Posted : Friday, August 31, 2012 2:25:57 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 8/27/2012
Posts: 320
that sabbath question is a critical one. for it separates the authentic christians from the fake ones.

that is the question to which christians are supposed to say they are not under the law but under grace. strange that they have no issues in obeying the other 9 commandments.

but the lord does not change. and he did not set side any of his law. he expects total and unwavering obedience to his requirements now as he did then. the problem is, amongh his professed followers there is none willing to do his bidding and carry out his stringent requirements. they forget that if all obeyed the sabbath commandment, there would be no one to be put to death. obedience friends, obedience!

but they have decided it is not important to obey the lord in critical matters like the sabbath. tomorrow is saturday, you will see them, breaking the sabbath with impunity.

Light Bearer
#65 Posted : Friday, August 31, 2012 2:43:00 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi
Annti_Christy wrote:
that sabbath question is a critical one. for it separates the authentic christians from the fake ones.

that is the question to which christians are supposed to say they are not under the law but under grace. strange that they have no issues in obeying the other 9 commandments.

but the lord does not change. and he did not set side any of his law. he expects total and unwavering obedience to his requirements now as he did then. the problem is, amongh his professed followers there is none willing to do his bidding and carry out his stringent requirements. they forget that if all obeyed the sabbath commandment, there would be no one to be put to death. obedience friends, obedience!

but they have decided it is not important to obey the lord in critical matters like the sabbath. tomorrow is saturday, you will see them, breaking the sabbath with impunity.


I once met a man who told me that the laws that Moses threw to the ground were altered in the 'second edition.' I went to check and alas!But maybe I was reading the wrong bible. Please check for me!

As for the sabbath being the decider between those who will 'join the master in the banquet' or not, only time ago tell, you know!

But I can imagine some wazuans going to church tomorrow to book a complimentary!

#66 Posted : Friday, August 31, 2012 4:16:06 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 8/27/2012
Posts: 320
tycho wrote:

I once met a man who told me that the laws that Moses threw to the ground were altered in the 'second edition.' I went to check and alas!But maybe I was reading the wrong bible. Please check for me!

As for the sabbath being the decider between those who will 'join the master in the banquet' or not, only time ago tell, you know!

But I can imagine some wazuans going to church tomorrow to book a complimentary!

and yet another one stapled parts of her bible together so as not to open even accidentally the pages with offending requirements. she should have just torn off those pages. they were written in stone, if that means anything.

sabbath is the decider. notice the discrepancy between the opinion of the lord himself in matthew 5:17-19 and the allegations that his opinion is irrelevant.

christians have no problem honouring ones parents, not committing adultery, not stealing, not killing (except some strange sheep), not lying, not coveting, not taking the lords name in vain, not bowing down to idols (except some), not having other gods. all of them 9 except that one.

hiyo itawaangusha.
Light Bearer
#67 Posted : Friday, August 31, 2012 9:06:24 PM
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Joined: 8/7/2012
Posts: 180
hamburglar wrote:
deadpoet wrote:
Behemoth wrote:
@ hamburglar...So how did humans come into existence?

It's called evolution by natural selection

Natural selection my friend, you are right on the money...Darwinism is still very rife...Look at the human species, only the strong survive, the weak and the less intelligent ones usually succumb....That's how evolution works.....Strong genes are the ones that shape the future, that's natural selection right there....Even in the animal kingdom, the strongest lion is the one that passes it's genes to future generations....

I laugh when I hear about this god guy creating a man and then creating a woman out of this man's rib and then for some reason having a talking snake trick them onto eating a "forbidden" fruit...lol...Why was it neccessary for this talking snake, lol, to trick them? What was the point? And why does humanity have to suffer because Adam was tricked into eating that fruit? Why do we have to pay for it? Some shit just doesn't make sense....The bible should be a comic book, it has people turning water into wine, some have strength in their hair, some were raised from the dead, some parted the red sea, all these things are scientifically impossible, only 8 year olds are dumb enough to believe that shit...

@ hamburglar

It was because of the "free will". You see God is Sovereign (A supreme ruler) but one feature that maintains God as God is His faithfulness to His word. No wonder it is written that all things will pass, even the universe as amazing as it looks, but His word will remain.

Having said that, let us review God's word when He was creating Human beings, He said "And let us create man in our own image..." Now this simage of God had the element of "free will" - a feature activated by activating choice, i.e decision-making. So it was not that God sent the snake to deceive Adam or that God did bad by letting Adam Sin.

This is how this plays:

God respects his word. So He had already said the words ""And let us create man in our own image..." And His image has the element of "free will", So He passed it over to the Human being & Adam could only activate the free will feature by actively making a choice. So His choice day had to come at one point, And woe unto the choice he made. The same feature replays throughout the Bible (Deut:30:19-20 - 19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against
you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.) And even today, where we continuously activate our "free will" gift by actively making choices. No wonder we are what we are today courtesy of our choices (both bad & good).
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