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The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
#761 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 2:52:59 AM
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Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri announced in video released on Thursday 04/09/14 in the steps of it's founder Osama Bin Laden that the terror group and mother of the Islamic State, is expanding a formal presence into the Indian subcontinent as it seeks to "raise the flag of jihad" across South Asia and re-establish the Islamic Caliphate. It's a competition to "revive the Caliphate".

#762 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 3:38:24 AM
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As some characters here deny the atrocities carried out by the Islamic State fighters, here is video of the mass execution of captured Syrian soldiers in the Taqba airbase in Raqqa, the IS HQ.

#763 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 8:39:02 AM
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Less than century and a half, our people were alien to this imported barbaric religions. when they invaded, our traditions forbidden our believes prohibited our culture proscribed.even our names affected.We are now made to believe that Jesus who was a convicted criminal by his people among others the only sure way to paradise.
work to prosper
#764 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 11:01:34 AM
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Tokyo wrote:
Less than century and a half, our people were alien to this imported barbaric religions. when they invaded, our traditions forbidden our believes prohibited our culture proscribed.even our names affected.We are now made to believe that Jesus who was a convicted criminal by his people among others the only sure way to paradise.

This Islamic religion is still huko stoneage evolving. It is now where "Christianity" was with the crusades.
#765 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 12:53:05 PM
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I'm all here @muriel. Your big words are just what the critics use. They take a black sheep and use it as yardstick to judge. Don't do that. Islam is perfect religion. If you want know the per


Big words? - You then have not met my big brother then, haven't you?

Cars? - We are talking about Islam here, sorry I won't indulge you in irrelevancies about cars.

Good fruit? - Eat good fruit, throw away bad ones (Unless you are Mukiri who drinks fermenting, putrefying cabbage juice). If you identify Islam to 'throwing' then it is bad fruit as can be seen from its adherence.

Your mistake? - You are innocent, an unknowledgeable pawn. You are not at fault. Its not about you as 'Alphdoti'. You are not that important.

Stones? - You call my grade 1 tactical nuclear weapon against Islam (whose explosion you can't find any way to recover from) A STONE???????? Then respond to it if it is a 'stone'.



1. You guys (you and Guru) started saying you follow the torah and Yaweh.

2. I pointed to you the concept of 'atonement' in the torah and Yaweh instructions.

3. You turn around and start saying torah is corrupted, sijui nini.

4. I brought in the koran that also teaches 'atonement' as in the torah.

5. You turn around and start talking of Mercedes cars, fruits, stones etc.

what is wrong with you?

Qur'an teaches 'atonement'. Accept it and deal with it. I told you you are a murtad.

#766 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 6:34:59 PM
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Muriel wrote:


1. You guys (you and Guru) started saying you follow the torah and Yaweh.

@muriel, we in Islam we say we believe in the Torah, we believe in the Zabur, we believe in the Injeel, and we believe in the Quran. We believe in all these heavenly books, as books from God.

So the Torah for example, translated into five books of Old Testament. So what does the Muslim say about these books? I say Torah, we believe in it. Torah is revelation which God Almighty reveal to Prophet Moses. Whatever God gave him is the Torah. We read in the Old testament that Moses was given the Torah. I'm asking is that Torah Genesis, Numbers, Exodus, etc under Moses arm? The answer is no. What did he have under his arm, a book? The answer is no. He had a revelation that God gave him. That is what he was preaching, the knowledge that God gave him. That is what we believe in to have come from God.

Similarly, what you are presenting to us is Gospel according to St. Matthew, the Gospel according to St. Mark, etc. I say look, we are believing in the Gospel of Jesus. The Injeel that was given to Jesus (pbuh). Not Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

So if you can produce the Torah, the Gospel according to Jesus (pbuh), that is what we believe in. We would like to see that, if you have it. What is the one that we respect and revere.

Quran sura 5:48 "And We have revealed to you [O Muhammad] the Book in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it (TOrah and Injeel)"
#767 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 6:37:44 PM
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Muriel wrote:
2. I pointed to you the concept of 'atonement' in the torah and Yaweh instructions.

Qur'an teaches 'atonement'. Accept it and deal with it. I told you you are a murtad.

@muriel, let me deal with it. The atonement issue.

See in Islam, no sheep or goat or cow when slaughtered take away your sin. No slaughtering of a human being, good or bad can take away your sins.
Nobody dies for your sins. Each and every individual is personally responsible for his/her actions
Whatever you do, you pay for it. Good or bad, you will be rewarded or you will be punished. Nobody pays for somebody else's sins.

In Islam, the way to come right with God is to believe that there is God and listen to his commandments. What He tells you to do, you do, you are in His good books. You listen to his commandment, He says "you shall worship none, but Me". But when you say no, no I will worship you through this man, or through this monkey, or through this elephant, He says no I don't want it. I want you to worship me Alone. And yo say no, no you see this thing helps me, this makes it easy for me. God says I don't want it.

So in other words in Islam, you believe in God, and carry out His commandments. And if you have made a mistake, you repent. Repent means you turn back from whatever you have done.

And this is exactly what the Bible is teaching:
Exekiel 18:20 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the inequity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son.. But if the wicked returns, come back from all the sins that he has committed, he shall surely live"

That is Islam. It is the same. There is no change. In the laws of God, there is no change. You must pay for your sins, I pay for mine. Nobody can pay for your sins. And nobody dies for your sins. And Christ didn't die for anybody's sins. He didn't die.
#768 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 6:44:44 PM
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Ayatollah Khamenei authorizes cooperation of Iran and US in the fight against ISIS.
#769 Posted : Friday, September 05, 2014 8:47:45 PM
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ecstacy wrote:
Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri announced in video released on Thursday 04/09/14 in the steps of it's founder Osama Bin Laden that the terror group and mother of the Islamic State, is expanding a formal presence into the Indian subcontinent as it seeks to "raise the flag of jihad" across South Asia and re-establish the Islamic Caliphate. It's a competition to "revive the Caliphate".

These cowards are picking soft easy targets. But it would be a mistake for them to try and attack India which is a nuclear power. And If they are so brave, let them go and establish the caliphate in the West bank and Gaza. The world will respect them then.
#770 Posted : Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:27:47 AM
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Islam Channel twitter handle hacked by Anonymous.
#771 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 1:10:35 AM
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The Arab League has today vowed to use all means possible to fight IS as well as support international efforts against IS - including use of military force.

On the IS side, they have released another propaganda video showing more mass killings of captured Syrian soldiers - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=48b_1410120425
#772 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 2:19:48 AM
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Some Sunni leaders are turning against ISIL

THE institutional voices of Sunni Islam have been slow to respond to the orgy of beheadings, mass-executions and sectarian cleansing promoted by jihadists of Islamic State (IS) in their so-called caliphate. So slow, in fact, that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia last month publicly chastised the ulema, the body of clerics and scholars to whom ordinary Muslims are meant to turn for religious guidance, for their silence and “laziness”.

One group of liberal-leaning British preachers issued a warning for Muslims to shun the group, which it described as heretical, extremist and poisonous. Saudi Arabia’s senior official cleric, who represents the puritan Wahhabist school of thought, pronounced IS “the number-one enemy of Muslims”.
Several prominent sheikhs, who in the past have loudly championed jihadist groups including al-Qaeda, dismiss IS as modern-day Kharijites, a reference to fanatical “seceders” who in the first century of Islam declared all other Muslims to be infidels, and waged war against them. Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, a Jordanian preacher recently released from prison, accuses IS of driving a wedge between Muslims. His comments are striking because he was once spiritual mentor to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who led the forerunner of IS and was killed in an American air strike in 2006.

In a recorded “debate” over walkie-talkies with IS fighters that was broadcast on radio stations of rival rebel groups, a Syrian cleric, Sheikh Hussam al-Atrush, made every effort to expose their ignorance of Islam. Their so-called caliphate, he said, “has done nothing but incite hatred and disgust for the mujahideen.”

Raising the ante still further, Sheikh Nasser al-Shithri, an ultraconservative Saudi preacher, recently blasted IS, in effect excommunicating its adherents as “apostates worse than Jews, Nazarenes [Christians] or even heathens” who, he alleged, failed correctly to enforce Islamic law or even the proper veiling of women. Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan, another prominent Saudi cleric known for extremist views (such as sanctioning slavery and counselling that Arab Muslims should be banned from marrying non-Arabs) decried the would-be caliphate as a creation of “Zionists, Crusaders and Safavids”—the last of which is an insulting reference to Shias. Other Wahhabist sheikhs have similarly claimed that IS leaders are secret agents of Iran, or of a broader Western-Shia conspiracy.
#773 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 10:57:05 AM
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Why should I produce the torah when I have the Qu'ran and I am talking to a muslim? Sit down and read the Qur'an first, you muslim! You are straining at your tethers to go elsewhere but we will dwell only in the Qur'an, thank you very much.

I present the Qur'an. It is the book under our focus. Are you not familiar with these verses in the Qur'an? Do you read the Qur'an?

37:99 And [then] he said, "Indeed, I will go to [where I am ordered by] my Lord; He will guide me.
37:100 My Lord, grant me [a child] from among the righteous."
37:101 So We gave him good tidings of a forbearing boy.
37:102 And when he reached with him [the age of] exertion, he said, "O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I [must] sacrifice you, so see what you think." He said, "O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast."
37:103 And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead,
37:104 We called to him, "O Abraham,
37:105 You have fulfilled the vision." Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.
37:106 Indeed, this was the clear trial.
37:107 And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice,
37:108 And We left for him [favorable mention] among later generations:
37:109 "Peace upon Abraham."
37:110 Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.
37:111 Indeed, he was of Our believing servants.

What you have said about the atonement is what I expect you to say, so its not really a new thing to me.

Then the only conclusion you can agree with is that that verse (37:107) should not have been there in the Qur'an. Because if the boy was ransomed with a great sacrifice (and which is symbolic), why not another, why not you? Why not me? Why not all of us?

Why do we have to die when Allah can pay a price for us and we live? He did it for the boy why not all of us?

Therefore either
1. this is a mistake in the Qur'an, so the Qur'an is not Allah's word -it is lies, mohammed is a liar or
2. Allah made a mistake, he told mohammed a lie, Allah is a liar.

Which one is it, Alphdoti?

And you have not answered one of my questions. You said the sacrifice was symbolic.
1. So who did the boy symbolize?
2. Who did the fine sheep symbolize?
3. What did the great sacrifice symbolize?
#774 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 12:47:37 PM
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Just as absolute power corrupts leaders, so does absolute fanaticism blind the people from logic
#775 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 12:51:07 PM
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[quote=ecstacy]The Arab League has today vowed to use all means possible to fight IS as well as support international efforts against IS - including use of military force.

On the IS side, they have released another propaganda video showing more mass killings of captured Syrian soldiers - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=48b_1410120425[/quote]

Why this late in the day!

The west showed leadership in this matter while the larger middle east couldn't find its voice!

Just as absolute power corrupts leaders, so does absolute fanaticism blind the people from logic
#776 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 12:54:54 PM
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Location: Kenya
Muriel wrote:



Why should I produce the torah when I have the Qu'ran and I am talking to a muslim? Sit down and read the Qur'an first, you muslim! You are straining at your tethers to go elsewhere but we will dwell only in the Qur'an, thank you very much.

I present the Qur'an. It is the book under our focus. Are you not familiar with these verses in the Qur'an? Do you read the Qur'an?

37:99 And [then] he said, "Indeed, I will go to [where I am ordered by] my Lord; He will guide me.
37:100 My Lord, grant me [a child] from among the righteous."
37:101 So We gave him good tidings of a forbearing boy.
37:102 And when he reached with him [the age of] exertion, he said, "O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I [must] sacrifice you, so see what you think." He said, "O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast."
37:103 And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead,
37:104 We called to him, "O Abraham,
37:105 You have fulfilled the vision." Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.
37:106 Indeed, this was the clear trial.
37:107 And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice,
37:108 And We left for him [favorable mention] among later generations:
37:109 "Peace upon Abraham."
37:110 Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.
37:111 Indeed, he was of Our believing servants.

What you have said about the atonement is what I expect you to say, so its not really a new thing to me.

Then the only conclusion you can agree with is that that verse (37:107) should not have been there in the Qur'an. Because if the boy was ransomed with a great sacrifice (and which is symbolic), why not another, why not you? Why not me? Why not all of us?

Why do we have to die when Allah can pay a price for us and we live? He did it for the boy why not all of us?

Therefore either
1. this is a mistake in the Qur'an, so the Qur'an is not Allah's word -it is lies, mohammed is a liar or
2. Allah made a mistake, he told mohammed a lie, Allah is a liar.

Which one is it, Alphdoti?

And you have not answered one of my questions. You said the sacrifice was symbolic.
1. So who did the boy symbolize?
2. Who did the fine sheep symbolize?
3. What did the great sacrifice symbolize?

Quran sura Al Saffat chapter 37:107 "And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice:"

@muriel, the "sacrifice" here, described as great or momentous may be understood both in a literal and a figurative sense. Abraham was ordered to sacrifice his son

1. Literally it means a fine sheep or ram was substituted.
2. symbolically, it is his willingness, it symbolizes his own sacrifice i.e. sacrificing the ram, because this animal is his, and he is making the sacrifice.
3. Why momentous? This figurative sense is even more important. It was indeed a great and momentous occasion, when two men, with concerted will, demonstrated self-sacrifice in the service of Almighty God. We see this sense when Jesus (pbuh) said, "he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it", (Matthew 10:39 )

So this was a test from God to Abraham. This was not to wipe anybody's sins. No. It was testing Abraham's willingness to the work of Allah (Almighty God).
#777 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 2:17:13 PM
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Nandwa wrote:
[quote=ecstacy]The Arab League has today vowed to use all means possible to fight IS as well as support international efforts against IS - including use of military force.

On the IS side, they have released another propaganda video showing more mass killings of captured Syrian soldiers - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=48b_1410120425[/quote]

Why this late in the day!

The west showed leadership in this matter while the larger middle east couldn't find its voice!

The Wahhabists in Qatar and UAE as well as Sunni's in Saudi Arabia with help from some Turks quite happy to fuel further IS 'success'.
#778 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 2:20:10 PM
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AlphDoti wrote:

1. Literally it means a fine sheep or ram was substituted.
2. symbolically, it is his willingness, it symbolizes his own sacrifice i.e. sacrificing the ram, because this animal is his, and he is making the sacrifice.
3. Why momentous? This figurative sense is even more important. It was indeed a great and momentous occasion, when two men, with concerted will, demonstrated self-sacrifice in the service of Almighty God. We see this sense when Jesus (pbuh) said, "he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it", (Matthew 10:39 )

What non sense is this? Alphdoti???????

(Reading and understanding my big brother has surely helped me understand Alphdoti's 'explanations' that are no explanations, big up my brother!).

Ati Abraham was to literally sacrifice his son to symbolize sacrificing a fine sheep?

Read the Qurán Alphdoti and understand it! What are you thinking??

The sacrifice was symbolic - true. The players in the sacrifice were Abraham, the son, the fine sheep and the act of sacrificing and of course Allah.

1. who did Abraham symbolize?
2. Who did the boy symbolize?
3. Who or what did the fine sheep symbolize?
4. what did the great sacrifice symbolize?

A literal sacrifice was to be done, that is, blood was to be literally shed and someone was to literally die. This was to symbolize something or an event or whatever and that is what we are probing, Alphdoti!

As we do this we should not forget to identify who between Mohamed and Allah is the liar who put 37:107 in the Qurán.

(al-Lat and al-Uzza and Manat fit here.)
#779 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 2:40:14 PM
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Muriel wrote:
AlphDoti wrote:

1. Literally it means a fine sheep or ram was substituted.
2. symbolically, it is his willingness, it symbolizes his own sacrifice i.e. sacrificing the ram, because this animal is his, and he is making the sacrifice.
3. Why momentous? This figurative sense is even more important. It was indeed a great and momentous occasion, when two men, with concerted will, demonstrated self-sacrifice in the service of Almighty God. We see this sense when Jesus (pbuh) said, "he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it", (Matthew 10:39 )

What non sense is this? Alphdoti???????

(Reading and understanding my big brother has surely helped me understand Alphdoti's 'explanations' that are no explanations, big up my brother!).

Ati Abraham was to literally sacrifice his son to symbolize sacrificing a fine sheep?

Read the Qurán Alphdoti and understand it! What are you thinking??

The sacrifice was symbolic - true. The players in the sacrifice were Abraham, the son, the fine sheep and the act of sacrificing and of course Allah.

1. who did Abraham symbolize?
2. Who did the boy symbolize?
3. Who or what did the fine sheep symbolize?
4. what did the great sacrifice symbolize?

A literal sacrifice was to be done, that is, blood was to be literally shed and someone was to literally die. This was to symbolize something or an event or whatever and that is what we are probing, Alphdoti!

As we do this we should not forget to identify who between Mohamed and Allah is the liar who put 37:107 in the Qurán.

(al-Lat and al-Uzza and Manat fit here.)

The same Bible says "God says I need no blood", "I don't need the blood of animals", less of human beings?

So this was a test from God to Abraham. This was not to wipe anybody's sins. No. It was testing Abraham's willingness.

The act itself symbolizes. Not the person doing.

God Almighty, He ordered Abraham to sacrifice his son.
And when he was ready, God says it was his willingness that He was interested in, not the flesh of Ismael (or Isaac debate for another day) or even sheep or goat.
This was just to symbolize his willingness that he was prepared to cut an animal because it symbolizes our own sacrifice. This animal is ours. And we are making the sacrifice.

NOTE: How do you call the verse a liar when it matches what is in the Bible? Your problem runs deep. It is not about this verse. You have an underlying problem. Even if this verse was not there, you'd still use those words.
#780 Posted : Monday, September 08, 2014 3:08:52 PM
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Lets revise the verse 37:107

And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice,

Allah can ransom someone. Allah can pay a price for someone.

Allah says he ransomed someone with a great sacrifice. Someone was to die but Allah interposed and he did not die.

Why should allah ransom, pay a price for anyone so that he escapes his fate? He should meet his fate.

Of course my problem runs deep. If I think Mohammed or Allah can lie in the Qurán then is not the problem a big one? Is it little to you? Do you think this is a joke, Alphdoti? Is this funny to you?

37:107 indeed matches a few things in the bible but it does not match many things in the Qur'an. You should meet your fate. You should not be ransomed.
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