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Uhuru versus Raila 2017
Angelica _ann
#741 Posted : Thursday, June 15, 2017 6:26:00 PM
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Joined: 12/7/2012
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Lolest! wrote:
@2012, mailguardianLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Blogspot smile smile smile
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#742 Posted : Thursday, June 15, 2017 6:32:05 PM
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Baba is just one funny character. He pushed for the reappointment of the "independent" Kivuitu then turned against him after he lost. Then he brought in Oswago and Hassan then turned against them when he lost again. And then Chebukati and Chiloba who he is now blaming even before the contest starts. When will this player realise that the problem all along has been his weak game and that the referees are not to blame?
#743 Posted : Thursday, June 15, 2017 6:42:33 PM
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FRM2011 wrote:
mpobiz wrote:
wezi wa mahindi exposed[url=http:// http://fp-news.com/u-s-e...2billion-maize-scandal/]wezi wa mahindi exposed[/urlhttp://fp-news.com/u-s-embassy-report-raila-odinga-behind-2billion-maize-scandal/

In as much as I want Jubilee to loose, I am not happy with what cambridge analytica are giving them for all their millions. First it was a poll by the non-existent AEOG. Now this.

That fp-news site had released a fake poll showing uhuru winning with a 58%. Of course most people had to check the site out. A foreign policy website but all the news is about kenya. Typos, ssl connection not secure, its not the real foreign policy website.

I can't believe am saying this but Uhuru deserves better from these cambridge guys.


Seems you are the only one campaigning. Everybody else(NASWA) is in their air conditioned offices sipping whiskey and writing long stories in the form of press statements. There are threats galore! Please tell them to make up their minds and follow through on one thing or just boycott the elections.
#744 Posted : Thursday, June 15, 2017 9:54:50 PM
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hardwood wrote:
Baba is just one funny character. He pushed for the reappointment of the "independent" Kivuitu then turned against him after he lost. Then he brought in Oswago and Hassan then turned against them when he lost again. And then Chebukati and Chiloba who he is now blaming even before the contest starts. When will this player realise that the problem all along has been his weak game and that the referees are not to blame?

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Raila na Mpira!!!!
#745 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 7:05:47 AM
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Realtreaty wrote:
hardwood wrote:
Baba is just one funny character. He pushed for the reappointment of the "independent" Kivuitu then turned against him after he lost. Then he brought in Oswago and Hassan then turned against them when he lost again. And then Chebukati and Chiloba who he is now blaming even before the contest starts. When will this player realise that the problem all along has been his weak game and that the referees are not to blame?

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Raila na Mpira!!!!

It's every ones fault but him.
#746 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 8:15:49 AM
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Iganamagana wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
hardwood wrote:
Baba is just one funny character. He pushed for the reappointment of the "independent" Kivuitu then turned against him after he lost. Then he brought in Oswago and Hassan then turned against them when he lost again. And then Chebukati and Chiloba who he is now blaming even before the contest starts. When will this player realise that the problem all along has been his weak game and that the referees are not to blame?

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Raila na Mpira!!!!

It's every ones fault but him.

The only fair and truly independent IEBC would consist of:
Chairman: Oburu Odinga
CEO: Anyang Nyong
Head of IT:Rosemary Odinga
Procurement Director.Baba himself
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#747 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 9:13:56 AM
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washiku wrote:
2012 wrote:
Haya basi, hii ni prediction ya bwana 'Tyranny of numbers'. He predicted it right last time... By the way, who are Cushites?

Regional analysis: Uhuru will win by 65% (Ngunyi)

"Uhuru he has The Following percentage share of Votes in the regions
40% of Gusii vote.
30% Luhya
40% Coast
98% Agikuyu
95% Ameru
95% Aembu
60% Maasai
70% Samburu
70% Cushites
60% Turkana
10% Luo
80% Kuria
30 Iteso
30% Akamba
90% Kalenjin
Winning 64% of The Whole nation votes
This is a clear votting pattern per region and it's expected uhuru will win by over 70+1% and atleast 60%.
This data is in line with Mutuhi ngunyi prediction
Mutahi ngunyi has also predicted that uhuru will win by a huge margin come August"

Regional analysis: Uhuru will win by 65%

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly You are too excited boss. Cool down. Those percentages bana...

Sawa boss, here is another one:
Incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta Will Win by 58%, Western Think Tanks Predict

BBI will solve it
#748 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 9:44:35 AM
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Location: Rodi Kopany, Homa Bay
washiku wrote:
2012 wrote:
Haya basi, hii ni prediction ya bwana 'Tyranny of numbers'. He predicted it right last time... By the way, who are Cushites?

Regional analysis: Uhuru will win by 65% (Ngunyi)

"Uhuru he has The Following percentage share of Votes in the regions
40% of Gusii vote.
30% Luhya
40% Coast
98% Agikuyu
95% Ameru
95% Aembu
60% Maasai
70% Samburu
70% Cushites
60% Turkana
10% Luo
80% Kuria
30 Iteso
30% Akamba
90% Kalenjin
Winning 64% of The Whole nation votes
This is a clear votting pattern per region and it's expected uhuru will win by over 70+1% and atleast 60%.
This data is in line with Mutuhi ngunyi prediction
Mutahi ngunyi has also predicted that uhuru will win by a huge margin come August"

Regional analysis: Uhuru will win by 65%

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly You are too excited boss. Cool down. Those percentages bana...

The percentages tally with mine......and I am always right.
#749 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 2:14:51 PM
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Joined: 11/5/2010
Posts: 2,459

In 2013, Uhuru ran a super-effective campaign. Energetic and fresh. It is worth noting that their opponents were enjoying incumbency. PM & VP. But the dynamic duo infused a freshness of youth that wowed everyone. The manifesto was heavenly.

Five years later, the same team has resorted to good old propaganda. Lazy, unintelligent and predictable propaganda. When the president says Kalonzo has forwarded his name for nomination to senate, it sounds believable to his gullible supporters. Until he is corrected on the provisions of the constitution. You know if you have to lie, lie intelligently.

Jubilee bloggers were yesterday claiming Baba had gone to Dubai. He was in Nakeel grounds Kajiado, hosted by none other than Taraiya ole kores. An erstwhile close buddy of the president.

Then there were those fake whatsapp screenshots to the effect that NASA is broke. Sounded too amateurish and lazy for a propaganda. Until it was picked up by each and every jubilee blogger. They went a step further. The spin is that there were drugs intercepted in the Indian ocean. And these were Baba's campaign funding strategy.

I know they can't listen to me but my advice would be to fire Cambridge analytica and give David Murathe the job.

Finally, In their own projections, Jubilee must get a turnout of >95% in at least 18 counties considered strongholds. None of these counties got the 95% in 2013. If by some magic they do, then we go for a run-off. Ni kubaya my fren !!!
#750 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 2:26:32 PM
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FRM2011 wrote:

In 2013, Uhuru ran a super-effective campaign. Energetic and fresh. It is worth noting that their opponents were enjoying incumbency. PM & VP. But the dynamic duo infused a freshness of youth that wowed everyone. The manifesto was heavenly.

Five years later, the same team has resorted to good old propaganda. Lazy, unintelligent and predictable propaganda. When the president says Kalonzo has forwarded his name for nomination to senate, it sounds believable to his gullible supporters. Until he is corrected on the provisions of the constitution. You know if you have to lie, lie intelligently.

Jubilee bloggers were yesterday claiming Baba had gone to Dubai. He was in Nakeel grounds Kajiado, hosted by none other than Taraiya ole kores. An erstwhile close buddy of the president.

Then there were those fake whatsapp screenshots to the effect that NASA is broke. Sounded too amateurish and lazy for a propaganda. Until it was picked up by each and every jubilee blogger. They went a step further. The spin is that there were drugs intercepted in the Indian ocean. And these were Baba's campaign funding strategy.

I know they can't listen to me but my advice would be to fire Cambridge analytica and give David Murathe the job.

Finally, In their own projections, Jubilee must get a turnout of >95% in at least 18 counties considered strongholds. None of these counties got the 95% in 2013. If by some magic they do, then we go for a run-off. Ni kubaya my fren

Cut pang'ang'a and put your money where your mouth is and i am going up on a very serious note!!. Your 150K for my 300K !. Can we deal?

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#751 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 2:30:04 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

In 2013, Uhuru ran a super-effective campaign. Energetic and fresh. It is worth noting that their opponents were enjoying incumbency. PM & VP. But the dynamic duo infused a freshness of youth that wowed everyone. The manifesto was heavenly.

Five years later, the same team has resorted to good old propaganda. Lazy, unintelligent and predictable propaganda. When the president says Kalonzo has forwarded his name for nomination to senate, it sounds believable to his gullible supporters. Until he is corrected on the provisions of the constitution. You know if you have to lie, lie intelligently.

Jubilee bloggers were yesterday claiming Baba had gone to Dubai. He was in Nakeel grounds Kajiado, hosted by none other than Taraiya ole kores. An erstwhile close buddy of the president.

Then there were those fake whatsapp screenshots to the effect that NASA is broke. Sounded too amateurish and lazy for a propaganda. Until it was picked up by each and every jubilee blogger. They went a step further. The spin is that there were drugs intercepted in the Indian ocean. And these were Baba's campaign funding strategy.

I know they can't listen to me but my advice would be to fire Cambridge analytica and give David Murathe the job.

Finally, In their own projections, Jubilee must get a turnout of >95% in at least 18 counties considered strongholds. None of these counties got the 95% in 2013. If by some magic they do, then we go for a run-off. Ni kubaya my fren

Cut pang'ang'a and put your money where your mouth is and i am going up on a very serious note!!. Your 150K for my 300K !. Can we deal?

He doesn't believe in any of that shit he writes. it's just a JOB

#752 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 2:34:54 PM
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washiku wrote:
Lolest! wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
Shak wrote:
Njung'e wrote:
[quote=FRM2011][quote=kaka2za][quote=essyk][quote=kaka2zaMost boring campaigns since 1988 mlolongo elections!

Yaani with all that bravado and talk FRM has never taken you on on that bet? It's like the NASA principals and their fall back plans. LOL!

Pang'ang'a tuu!! Bure sana!Sad ....I also think FRM has a fallback plan when he misses out being appointed Chair of Uaso Nyiro water board (or was it?). He will make himself the chairman of his water taps.smile

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Laughing out loudly
I am happy
#753 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 2:45:43 PM
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FRM2011 wrote:

Finally, In their own projections, Jubilee must get a turnout of >95% in at least 18 counties considered strongholds. None of these counties got the 95% in 2013. If by some magic they do, then we go for a run-off. Ni kubaya my fren !!!

You've summed it up very well. The kitendawili here that has been very unclear is, where will NASA get the additional numbers that they did not have in 2013? Are you saying that the population only grew in NASA strongholds? If you give 2013 Mdvd total votes to Raila, he still loses even before adding PK and Karua's to Uhuru's. So,where are the new NASA numbers coming from?

BBI will solve it
#754 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 3:40:20 PM
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Joined: 12/1/2008
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2012 wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

Finally, In their own projections, Jubilee must get a turnout of >95% in at least 18 counties considered strongholds. None of these counties got the 95% in 2013. If by some magic they do, then we go for a run-off. Ni kubaya my fren !!!

You've summed it up very well. The kitendawili here that has been very unclear is, where will NASA get the additional numbers that they did not have in 2013? Are you saying that the population only grew in NASA strongholds? If you give 2013 Mdvd total votes to Raila, he still loses even before adding PK and Karua's to Uhuru's. So,where are the new NASA numbers coming from?

Shame on you

Stop asking @FRM2011 difficult questions. There is something in the way the 'numbers' are talking to him. The meter reading job is within reachsmile
#755 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 4:07:02 PM
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Joined: 11/13/2015
Posts: 1,573
FRM2011 wrote:

In 2013, Uhuru ran a super-effective campaign. Energetic and fresh. It is worth noting that their opponents were enjoying incumbency. PM & VP. But the dynamic duo infused a freshness of youth that wowed everyone. The manifesto was heavenly.

Five years later, the same team has resorted to good old propaganda. Lazy, unintelligent and predictable propaganda.

I know they can't listen to me but my advice would be to fire Cambridge analytica and give David Murathe the job.

Finally, In their own projections, Jubilee must get a turnout of >95% in at least 18 counties considered strongholds. None of these counties got the 95% in 2013. If by some magic they do, then we go for a run-off. Ni kubaya my fren !!!

About 30 days to the polls On 8 Feb 2013 the swing vote in Uhuru's favour came with the choices with consequences statement. It was chronicled in this thread http://m.wazua.co.ke/for...spx?g=posts&t=22603 where @Alma said that thread should me made compulsory reading in psychology schools. Before that statement it was headed for a run-off.

Elections are an emotional process they are not won on manifestos and facts they are won on well scripted narratives. This time jubilee has no narrative to sell only facts like SGR, electricity connections. Let's wait for July to see who has a better narrative for the voters but right now-Boring!!!

#756 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 4:59:24 PM
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wukan wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

In 2013, Uhuru ran a super-effective campaign. Energetic and fresh. It is worth noting that their opponents were enjoying incumbency. PM & VP. But the dynamic duo infused a freshness of youth that wowed everyone. The manifesto was heavenly.

Five years later, the same team has resorted to good old propaganda. Lazy, unintelligent and predictable propaganda.

I know they can't listen to me but my advice would be to fire Cambridge analytica and give David Murathe the job.

Finally, In their own projections, Jubilee must get a turnout of >95% in at least 18 counties considered strongholds. None of these counties got the 95% in 2013. If by some magic they do, then we go for a run-off. Ni kubaya my fren !!!

About 30 days to the polls On 8 Feb 2013 the swing vote in Uhuru's favour came with the choices with consequences statement. It was chronicled in this thread http://m.wazua.co.ke/for...spx?g=posts&t=22603 where @Alma said that thread should me made compulsory reading in psychology schools. Before that statement it was headed for a run-off.

Elections are an emotional process they are not won on manifestos and facts they are won on well scripted narratives. This time jubilee has no narrative to sell only facts like SGR, electricity connections. Let's wait for July to see who has a better narrative for the voters but right now-Boring!!!

Wah talk about someone I'd love to work with as a researcher...Where did you get that one. And how true it was.

I said the economy will tetemeka because of immature voters. And price of milk would go up. It has and unga mnapata in small doses.

But I long stopped caring about the Kenyan voter. Case in point. Just this week I was talking to some guys from Starehe. One is for Mgogo the other is for Jaguar. They were arguing about who's better. Like grown men even thinking about who's better than Mbogo gran pricks.

Anyway, I pointed out to them that Boniface existed. Do you know what they told me?..That Boniface is too poor. Boniface is only looking for NGO money...Boniface abuses Raira and Uhuru...It went on and on.

So I reminded them that the reason poor people were allowed to vote is that because the holoi poloi realized that they never vote for their own interests. And there died my political inclinations. Now mimi nimebaki tu kuambiwa nani ata shinda. And move on.

I am under no illusions that the Kenyan voter cannot be helped. They will vote against their own interests. All the time.

On August 8th the Kikuyus shall vote Uhuru, the Luo shall vote Raira...Ask them why...They have no idea...They were told by Kameme and Kass FM.

Just look at the verbiage on this thread. The only lesson you can learn from this 755 post thread is that Raira is bad, Uhuru is bad...

Nothing about the current soaring costs of food items, nothing about the current poor state of hospitals, current poor education standards. No one even talks about the current debt load. Nothing...Ni raira, uhuru...

nkt!...Wapi Viceroy?

30 days from the election and Kalonzo shall defect...smile
Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?

#757 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 6:50:20 PM
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Joined: 8/16/2011
Posts: 2,261
smile Did anyone here this?
Angela Ambitho conducted rough opinion poll that she was asked to do by her Financier to know the actual place RAO holds but it showed Baba doing too bad with a 28% against Uhuru 71% total cast votes.
This made Baba get negatively excited and asked Ambitho to keep everything under the lid and try to manufacure a new one showing that He RAO is catching up with Uhuru with a 47% against Uhuru 48% with 5% undecided and show evidence that RAO rise rate tripplig that of UHURU to mean by the end of the campaign he Rao will climb to 51 with Uhuru getting a 49%.
The Headache Ambitho has is showing how Rao will get Majority of votes in Jubilee many strongholds. Baba retorted "be a cook" to Her
#758 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 7:23:38 PM
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The mammoths in Bomet! I need not even post. Isaac rutto kwisa!
#759 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 7:27:10 PM
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Realtreaty wrote:
smile Did anyone here this?
Angela Ambitho conducted rough opinion poll that she was asked to do by her Financier to know the actual place RAO holds but it showed Baba doing too bad with a 28% against Uhuru 71% total cast votes.
This made Baba get negatively excited and asked Ambitho to keep everything under the lid and try to manufacure a new one showing that He RAO is catching up with Uhuru with a 47% against Uhuru 48% with 5% undecided and show evidence that RAO rise rate tripplig that of UHURU to mean by the end of the campaign he Rao will climb to 51 with Uhuru getting a 49%.
The Headache Ambitho has is showing how Rao will get Majority of votes in Jubilee many strongholds. Baba retorted "be a cook" to Her

Ambitho was right. Just soma my signature.
#760 Posted : Friday, June 16, 2017 7:43:18 PM
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Joined: 10/6/2009
Posts: 587
@FRM2011...Pole sana for the Nithi rally reception. It seems the tharakas and moderate imentis here are really really reeeally bored of your everyday political stereotyped rhetoric...ohh kitaibiwo! kiliibiwo! waizi wa kura! kura zinazonunuliwa na zitakapo nunuliwa ni mingi kuliko voters...eish!!!
You might have some sympathisers in the imenti region. But, tell your guy not to waste his time in tigania and igembe. It might turn out to be another Nithi.Sad
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