After reading this, you may suspect Nkurunziza sponsored the coup himself...
We , the East African Community heads of states,
DEEPLY CONCERNED by a recent upsurge of violence in the republic of Burundi,
FULLY AWARE of the democratic aspirations of the East African people of Burundi,
CONSCIENTIOUS of the role of the EAC as the face of African leadership in the Burundi crisis,
SUPPORTIVE of the revived spirit of finding African solutions to African problems as a means of discouraging imperialist tendencies,
REITERATING our commitment to the principle of freedom, democracy & self determination as necessary components of human rights and human dignity,
REAFFIRMING our unequivocal condemnation of use of live ammunition against unarmed protesters,
RECALLING the spirit of the Arusha accord and the Burundi constitution,
KEEN to avert war and needless human suffering in the republic of Burundi and any of our EAC members states,
RESPECTFUL of the effort exerted by the foremost African patriarchs ; the late president Nelson Mandela and the late president mwalimu Julius Nyerere in the Burundi peace process,
ACTING under the aegis of the EAC yet within the scope of human solidarity and pan-africanism,
1. That H.E PIERRE NKURUNZINZA will step down as president of the republic of Burundi at the end of his current presidential term and will be granted unconditional amnesty against recent or past wrongdoings.
That the Burundi general elections previously scheduled for June 2015 be post-poned for a period not exceeding 3 months to allow a complete return to normalcy.
That all political prisoners detained as a result of the recent protests in Burundi be granted unconditional release from jail.
That the East African community working with the African Union and the UN is prepared to mobilise a peace-keeping force in Burundi if the lives of citizens are threatened.
That we stand united against any party within or without Burundi that works to stoke ethnic tensions and divisions as a means to accessing power.
That we are committed to providing technical and financial support to ensure a transparent election in Burundi and a peaceful transition thereafter.
That through this conflict in Burundi , we wish to demonstrate that our priority as EAC leaders is to protect the welfare of our people as a central pillar of the envisaged EAC political federation.
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