10 steps to escaping poverty in Kenya
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/20/2015 Posts: 2,811 Location: Mombasa
MugundaMan wrote:Carlin is busy roasting in pain in Hades telling jokes to Satan as Satan shafts him daily. Listen to him at your own peril.
Tithe ni lazima. As many are false prophets , righteous servants of God pia wako doing mightier works of our Lord Jesus Christ. We can not run away from the truth because of a bunch of rotten fellows purporting to be called to preach the gospel. Kutoa ni lazima. Glory be to God. John 5:17 But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/3/2007 Posts: 1,634
MugundaMan wrote:Carlin is busy roasting in pain in Hades telling jokes to Satan as Satan shafts him daily. Listen to him at your own peril.
Tithe ni lazima. I tithe too. In fact tonight I am going to tithe Rhoda at my local pub. I saw that rebuttal by a certain Evangelical nut from the Bible Belt, US not Kenya. Apparently God punished Carlin for his apostasy by killing him. I was left wondering kwani Christian holier than thous never die? Mugundaman, since it seems you are in touch with Carlin in the other place, could you give him a message for me. Here it is: "Dude, you were so right, but you forgot to acknowledge the real expert BS slingers. Kenyan Pastors." "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/8/2018 Posts: 2,211 Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Wakanyugi wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Carlin is busy roasting in pain in Hades telling jokes to Satan as Satan shafts him daily. Listen to him at your own peril.
Tithe ni lazima. I tithe too. In fact tonight I am going to tithe Rhoda at my local pub. I saw that rebuttal by a certain Evangelical nut from the Bible Belt, US not Kenya. Apparently God punished Carlin for his apostasy by killing him. I was left wondering kwani Christian holier than thous never die? Mugundaman, since it seems you are in touch with Carlin in the other place, could you give him a message for me. Here it is: "Dude, you were so right, but you forgot to acknowledge the real expert BS slingers. Kenyan Pastors." Warn Rhoda Too!George Carlin wrote: The Rich Man (Wakanyugi) and Lazarus “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
“He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
“Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
“‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/19/2015 Posts: 2,871 Location: hapo
Let me get this.. 90% of Kenyans claim to tithe...Yet, 80% live below the poverty line. Who's fooling who here? Ati you don't tithe, you die...Listen, everyone dies. Everyone. Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/3/2007 Posts: 1,634
MugundaMan wrote:Wakanyugi wrote:[quote=MugundaMan]Carlin is busy roasting in pain in Hades telling jokes to Satan as Satan shafts him daily. Listen to him at your own peril.
Tithe ni lazima. I tithe too. In fact tonight I am going to tithe Rhoda at my local pub. I saw that rebuttal by a certain Evangelical nut from the Bible Belt, US not Kenya. Apparently God punished Carlin for his apostasy by killing him. I was left wondering kwani Christian holier than thous never die? Mugundaman, since it seems you are in touch with Carlin in the other place, could you give him a message for me. Here it is: "Dude, you were so right, but you forgot to acknowledge the real expert BS slingers. Kenyan Pastors." [color=blue] Warn Rhoda Too![/color I did try to warn Rhoda. Told her Pastor Mugundaman from DC has booked a suite in hell for her. He is on first name terms with the Proprietor, whose name he and his fellow Pastors invoke every Sunday in an effort to scare the sheeple into parting with their hard earned cash. Rhoda says you can kiss her ample derrière. Lubbish! "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/8/2018 Posts: 2,211 Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Wakanyugi wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Wakanyugi wrote:[quote=MugundaMan]Carlin is busy roasting in pain in Hades telling jokes to Satan as Satan shafts him daily. Listen to him at your own peril.
Tithe ni lazima. I tithe too. In fact tonight I am going to tithe Rhoda at my local pub. I saw that rebuttal by a certain Evangelical nut from the Bible Belt, US not Kenya. Apparently God punished Carlin for his apostasy by killing him. I was left wondering kwani Christian holier than thous never die? Mugundaman, since it seems you are in touch with Carlin in the other place, could you give him a message for me. Here it is: "Dude, you were so right, but you forgot to acknowledge the real expert BS slingers. Kenyan Pastors." [color=blue] Warn Rhoda Too![/color I did try to warn Rhoda. Told her Pastor Mugundaman from DC has booked a suite in hell for her. He is on first name terms with the Proprietor, whose name he and his fellow Pastors invoke every Sunday in an effort to scare the sheeple into parting with their hard earned cash. Rhoda says you can kiss her ample derrière. Lubbish! "The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good" - Psalm 14:1 I pray you get to know Christ before it is too late. And this is on a serious note. Without him we are all doomed! The difference between you and the pastor is his sins are forgiven because he has believed. Shalom
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/3/2007 Posts: 1,634
MugundaMan wrote:Wakanyugi wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Wakanyugi wrote:[quote=MugundaMan]Carlin is busy roasting in pain in Hades telling jokes to Satan as Satan shafts him daily. Listen to him at your own peril.
Tithe ni lazima. I tithe too. In fact tonight I am going to tithe Rhoda at my local pub. I saw that rebuttal by a certain Evangelical nut from the Bible Belt, US not Kenya. Apparently God punished Carlin for his apostasy by killing him. I was left wondering kwani Christian holier than thous never die? Mugundaman, since it seems you are in touch with Carlin in the other place, could you give him a message for me. Here it is: "Dude, you were so right, but you forgot to acknowledge the real expert BS slingers. Kenyan Pastors." [color=blue] Warn Rhoda Too
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
MugundaMan wrote:Bob Collymore with his "High IQ" also thought like you. Millions of dollars let alone shillings in the bank. But refused to bow down to the creator and obey Him. Died of "cancer" of the anus, from who knows what sorts of activities the power elite do during their rituals of power, money and fame in the Freemason Halls. HIV is the new "cancer." Pay your tithe papa, in fact just go to church first, tithe will not get you to heaven, but believing in JC will.  So Collymore died of cancer because he didn't believe in God?
Rank: Member Joined: 11/17/2018 Posts: 173 Location: Mars
MugundaMan wrote:NewMoney wrote:Anyone who even takes bs like tithes seriously is low IQ and will lose the money anyway whether they tithe it or not. No point arguing with them Bob Collymore with his "High IQ" also thought like you. Millions of dollars let alone shillings in the bank. But refused to bow down to the creator and obey Him. Died of "cancer" of the anus, from who knows what sorts of activities the power elite do during their rituals of power, money and fame in the Freemason Halls. HIV is the new "cancer." Pay your tithe papa, in fact just go to church first, tithe will not get you to heaven, but believing in JC will.  Bob Collymore died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is a form of blood cancer.
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/8/2018 Posts: 2,211 Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Lolest! wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Bob Collymore with his "High IQ" also thought like you. Millions of dollars let alone shillings in the bank. But refused to bow down to the creator and obey Him. Died of "cancer" of the anus, from who knows what sorts of activities the power elite do during their rituals of power, money and fame in the Freemason Halls. HIV is the new "cancer." Pay your tithe papa, in fact just go to church first, tithe will not get you to heaven, but believing in JC will.  So Collymore died of cancer because he didn't believe in God? Yep, ask Herod and the worms that consumed him for not giving God the glory 
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/8/2018 Posts: 2,211 Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Extraterrestrial wrote:
Bob Collymore died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is a form of blood cancer.
ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, in which case Prince, Binvyanga Wainaina and Freddie Mercury all died of AML as well I hope you are not one of those people who swallows whatever the media tells them?
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/20/2015 Posts: 2,811 Location: Mombasa
NewMoney wrote:Anyone who even takes bs like tithes seriously is low IQ and will lose the money anyway whether they tithe it or not. No point arguing with them Giving in the name of the Lord is a kingdom lifestyle. The Bible records clearly blessed are those who come in the name of the Lord. I know in this world there are dollar billionaires serving God with humility. Even then @NewMoney and crew refusing to give and accepting Jesus Christ as your savior will not hinder the spread of the gospel. A lawyer approached Jesus and asked in order to know how to inherit the kingdom of heaven.Jesus answered: 1. that love your God with all your heart. 2.love your neighbor as you love yourself 3. honor your father and mother so that your days shall be more on earth. The senior counsel(lawyer)  with his high IQ started bragging that he has accomplished all those requirements. Jesus with humility which @NewMoney and crew misunderstand to mean low IQ told him there is one thing you(lawyer) have not done. Curiosity burning within himself this man of the law inquired to know the one very thing. Jesus finally commanded him to go and sell everything he owned and distribute the proceeds to the poor. In his astonishment the man left Jesus with great sorrow in his heart and went his way. John 5:17 But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
Rank: Member Joined: 11/17/2018 Posts: 173 Location: Mars
MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:
Bob Collymore died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is a form of blood cancer.
ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, in which case Prince, Binvyanga Wainaina and Freddie Mercury all died of AML as well I hope you are not one of those people who swallows whatever the media tells them? Actually Bob did an entire interview on his illness. Cancer, whether of the blood, or of the anus, is cancer nonetheless.
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/8/2018 Posts: 2,211 Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Extraterrestrial wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:
Bob Collymore died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is a form of blood cancer.
ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, in which case Prince, Binvyanga Wainaina and Freddie Mercury all died of AML as well I hope you are not one of those people who swallows whatever the media tells them? Actually Bob did an entire interview on his illness. Cancer, whether of the blood, or of the anus, is cancer nonetheless. Dubya also gave an interview where he told ya "EYE-wraq" has WMDs and you believed him too sio? 
Rank: Member Joined: 11/17/2018 Posts: 173 Location: Mars
MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:
Bob Collymore died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is a form of blood cancer.
ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, in which case Prince, Binvyanga Wainaina and Freddie Mercury all died of AML as well I hope you are not one of those people who swallows whatever the media tells them? Actually Bob did an entire interview on his illness. Cancer, whether of the blood, or of the anus, is cancer nonetheless. Dubya also gave an interview where he told ya "EYE-wraq" has WMDs and you believed him too sio?  Ok if you insist. But what would be his motivation for misrepresenting the TYPE of cancer he had?
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/7/2012 Posts: 11,910
Extraterrestrial wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:
Bob Collymore died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is a form of blood cancer.
ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, in which case Prince, Binvyanga Wainaina and Freddie Mercury all died of AML as well I hope you are not one of those people who swallows whatever the media tells them? Actually Bob did an entire interview on his illness. Cancer, whether of the blood, or of the anus, is cancer nonetheless. Dubya also gave an interview where he told ya "EYE-wraq" has WMDs and you believed him too sio?  Ok if you insist. But what would be his motivation for misrepresenting the TYPE of cancer he had? Everyone dies regardless of everything. In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
Rank: Elder Joined: 1/8/2018 Posts: 2,211 Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Extraterrestrial wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:MugundaMan wrote:Extraterrestrial wrote:
Bob Collymore died from Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), which is a form of blood cancer.
ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, in which case Prince, Binvyanga Wainaina and Freddie Mercury all died of AML as well I hope you are not one of those people who swallows whatever the media tells them? Actually Bob did an entire interview on his illness. Cancer, whether of the blood, or of the anus, is cancer nonetheless. Dubya also gave an interview where he told ya "EYE-wraq" has WMDs and you believed him too sio?  Ok if you insist. But what would be his motivation for misrepresenting the TYPE of cancer he had? If you were Bob C, "respected" corporate titan, winner of global awards, multi millionaire in dollar terms...etc...would YOU want to admit to the world that you contracted the big mdudu from unsavory backdoor activities with fellow poofters?
10 steps to escaping poverty in Kenya
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