As you wait for the govt to do something.... ... stay ahead and seek info from places where it is widespread...
About swine flu
What is swine flu?
Why is swine flu affecting humans?
Which people are most vulnerable from swine flu?
How is swine flu infection diagnosed?
Is the new swine flu virus contagious?
How long does the virus live on surfaces?
What is the incubation period for swine flu?
When are people most infectious?
How quickly is swine flu spreading?
Should I avoid contact with people suspected of having swine flu?
How dangerous is it?
What are the symptoms of swine flu?
How long are symptoms expected to last?
I was on a flight where someone may have had swine flu - am I at risk?
How does swine flu cause death?
Why is the death rate higher in Mexico than other countries?
Will the swine flu virus become resistant to antivirals?
Should we expect a more severe second wave of the pandemic in the winter?
Is it possible to catch swine flu twice?
Should I try and catch swine flu now,so I will be immune to more serious strains that may emerge later?
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