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Sex education
#21 Posted : Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:17:20 PM
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tycho wrote:

How does sex foster between a couple?

she left her father and mother to get it from you.hii ni lazima.you don't give it and the relationship dies.
2012 is here.Kenya is Ours.Be Part of The Peace Keeping Mission To Protect Our Motherland.Say No To Violence and Tribal Hatred .If you can read this,wewe ni mtu amesoma, usifikirie kama mtu hajaenda shule .Ni Hayo Tu
#22 Posted : Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:18:54 PM
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Kusadikika wrote:
tycho wrote:

If there's so little talk about it, how can there be understanding?

How can shame sustain truth?

On your second question; we are talking about sex here, truth is a much more complex issue. Now on to your first. I gather from the the way you frame your question you have had a lot of Western thinking influence. You hold the premise that understanding can only be fostered by talking. The more you can talk about something, the more you can describe something, the more you can verbalize your experience, then the more understanding you gain or display about the subject. That may be true on subjects such as philosophy or history where the subject is literal. It is what is written or said. It does not involve action. For subjects that involve action and i would put sex in this category verbalization and discussion does not necessarily foster greater understanding.

Understanding must be symbolized. Otherwise there is no communication. 'East or west home is best.'

Then, even if people can get understanding through non-verbal means, there is still the need to ask ourselves, 'what is the motive behind the non-verbalization of sex?' If the answer is 'because of shame' then even that which has been learned "non-verbally" is faulty.
#23 Posted : Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:26:58 PM
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Kusadikika wrote:
Tycho. I do not think there is any need for concern. All the important things in life (and sex is extremely important) must be learnt but that does not mean that they must be taught. Nobody teaches a baby how to suckle, walk, run, swallow, breathe etc but they learn it anyway. Sex in my opinion is in the same category as all these things that any normal human being has the natural capacity to discover. No teacher is required. God in his wisdom built it into the system and if you were to leave a boy and girl on a desert island with no instructor at some point they will figure it out.
kumbe you had said it!!! I hadn't seen your comment.

adam and eve did it without any instructor.so did our high school h/ master tell us
2012 is here.Kenya is Ours.Be Part of The Peace Keeping Mission To Protect Our Motherland.Say No To Violence and Tribal Hatred .If you can read this,wewe ni mtu amesoma, usifikirie kama mtu hajaenda shule .Ni Hayo Tu
#24 Posted : Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:32:03 PM
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'user' wrote:
tycho wrote:

How does sex foster between a couple?

she left her father and mother to get it from you.hii

If this statement is true, then, the relationship between a man and a woman is not balanced, and thus the 'loneliness' of the 'Man' is unquenched.

Unity will be compromised.

But tradition is that the two achieve unity!(Unity of what?)
#25 Posted : Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:16:41 PM
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tycho, boss si ujipe shughuli??? sijui kama umaweza saidika
#26 Posted : Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:35:31 PM
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Ladies and gentlemen, I must hasten to 'conclude' this debate (I hope I can!) by submiting the following observations and proposal:

If sex and sexuality have spiritual import, then it necessarily follows that the proper place of sexual education is in 'spiritual studies.'

This will help greatly in promoting respect for the human body and soul, and humanity will transform.

I believe that it is on this point that we can start to build a new state of being; conscious being. This consciousness will be the establishment of paradise here on earth.

We shall not have to worry about poverty,ignorance, or even disease. For we will have grasped eternity.

There will be world peace, if we comit ourselves to this transformation! Everything will be joy!

The power of Humanity lies in the 'Word', and if we get our relationships right, then we will definately speak the right Word.

And with this Word, this Unity, we will transform everything.

Let us introduce 'spiritual education in our schools' where students will learn about Man, and at the same time be acquainted with varieties of spiritual experience.

I need not belabor my point further, instead I should 'pen' off by thanking you all for your love, tolerance, and patience.
#27 Posted : Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:23:24 AM
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Joined: 7/22/2008
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My dear Tycho. You are young. You have been well raised. You have good intentions and you are intelligent. I can tell this because you have made the classic error of a well meaning but as of yet inexperienced youth on matters of sex. You have put pu*** on a pedestal.

You have this awakening life force within you and you believe, and want to believe that this powerful movements of the soul and emotions must have spiritual meaning and you are not wrong on this. The error is one of perspective. You are too close to this awakening experience. It is beautiful and powerful yet a little scary. You want it to mean the highest most eternal ideal possible. You want it to be spiritual and everlasting. You want to handle it with care and not desecrate it. Worry not, time will cure you. I just hope that you do not bottle it up or direct it to improper ends. It is at such stage that a young man can be misled to join such churches as the Finger Of God. Find a good woman, an older intelligent woman and let her teach you how to love. You are ripe and ready.
Kaka M
#28 Posted : Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:26:12 AM
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Joined: 4/18/2011
Posts: 459
Find a good woman, an older intelligent woman and let her teach you how to love. You are ripe and ready.[/quote]

@ Kusadikika Please this is extremely misleading, Assuming that you have or will have at one point a son who is around 14 figure out your 14 year old with a 39year old lady.(this from your earlier post.)
I highly doubt that what tycho wants to know is about the actions themselves but reasons/meanings behind the actions.
As for if these things are taught, in some countries sex education is part of the normal school curriculum. However the most effective one's informal and practiced by different cultures( A number of Asian cultures do it.)
In African cultures(this is unfortunately reducing so fast) Girl's used to be taught by their grandma's and aunties how to treat a man generally and men would be taught as well by their dad's age-mates or people select for such purposes.
Sex is a very rich topic with alot to be learned and improved on so don't condemn @ tycho for wanting to know.
NB: Alot of the issues to be learned are different from the spiritual aspects I had mentioned earlier.

@ Tycho keep up the spirit hope you learn everything possible about sex and when the time comes you will be at your best, your spouse will thank you for it.
Spiritual studies in schools ain't the place to learn this as we differ in our beliefs about sex, the best place would be from some one whom you have the same faith.
#29 Posted : Saturday, January 14, 2012 12:44:15 PM
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Kusadikika wrote:
My dear Tycho. You are young. You have been well raised. You have good intentions and you are intelligent. I can tell this because you have made the classic error of a well meaning but as of yet inexperienced youth on matters of sex. You have put pu*** on a pedestal.

You have this awakening life force within you and you believe, and want to believe that this powerful movements of the soul and emotions must have spiritual meaning and you are not wrong on this. The error is one of perspective. You are too close to this awakening experience. It is beautiful and powerful yet a little scary. You want it to mean the highest most eternal ideal possible. You want it to be spiritual and everlasting. You want to handle it with care and not desecrate it. Worry not, time will cure you. I just hope that you do not bottle it up or direct it to improper ends. It is at such stage that a young man can be misled to join such churches as the Finger Of God. Find a good woman, an older intelligent woman and let her teach you how to love. You are ripe and ready.


I am greatly surprised by your condescending attitude. But argumenta ad hominem will not be my escape route.

Saying that I have put the 'p****' on a pedestal, is a vivid reflection of your sexual attitude. The word you have used shows how much you misunderstand the woman, and not surprisingly, how little you understand even yourself.

Your post insinuates that you have plenty of 'experience' but I wonder if its the case of five minutes experience and 50 years repetition.

As for youth and susceptibility to the ilk of Finger of God; I'd say it would perhaps make a better option than the world view you are so bold to express.
#30 Posted : Saturday, January 14, 2012 10:10:21 PM
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I am sorry about the words and thoughts expressed in my post to you.

The words are full of anger, and anger, is rooted in fear. These are violent words; and thus they cannot be of any profit to Man or God.

Paradoxically, your last post bears the answer to a problem that has haunted me for a very long time. I have followed your recommendations for a long time, and I have come to know that that cannot be the way. This way has cost me so much than you can imagine. Hence my pain and fear.

Yet by pointing out my innermost mind, you've let me see my mind from a distance. This is something I must be eternally grateful for. Thank you.
#31 Posted : Saturday, January 14, 2012 11:24:24 PM
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tycho wrote:

I am sorry about the words and thoughts expressed in my post to you.

The words are full of anger, and anger, is rooted in fear. These are violent words; and thus they cannot be of any profit to Man or God.

Paradoxically, your last post bears the answer to a problem that has haunted me for a very long time. I have followed your recommendations for a long time, and I have come to know that that cannot be the way. This way has cost me so much than you can imagine. Hence my pain and fear.

Yet by pointing out my innermost mind, you've let me see my mind from a distance. This is something I must be eternally grateful for. Thank you.

No problem at all my brother. You seek answers and when the question is as big and potent as sex you can be sure the answers are as varied as there are individuals here on wazua. The right answer will also vary in the same person from time to time depending on their experiences and their age and their religion and their mood and their marital status and their social status.......... in short, as many situations as any man or woman has been in will there be as many attitudes to sex. It is a journey of discovery. You have made no mistakes, you have just had unpleasant outcomes. Learn from them and move on. Sex is the most beautiful act God ever created and I think it is very unfortunate that it raises more feelings of shame and guilt rather than pleasure and love. I hope you find a way of enjoying it. The answer to what is right lies with you. Find it and live!!!!!!
#32 Posted : Saturday, January 14, 2012 11:32:54 PM
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Joined: 7/22/2008
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[quote=Kaka M] @ Kusadikika Please this is extremely misleading, Assuming that you have or will have at one point a son who is around 14 figure out your 14 year old with a 39year old lady.(this from your earlier post.)


A sexually maturing 14 year old boy would greatly benefit from the guidance of a wise 39 year old woman on sexual matters. I would strongly encourage such a union even for my son.
#33 Posted : Saturday, January 14, 2012 11:33:20 PM
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I am most grateful for your forgiveness. This is has been a most precious learning experience for me.
#34 Posted : Saturday, January 14, 2012 11:44:57 PM
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[quote=Kusadikika][quote=Kaka M] @ Kusadikika Please this is extremely misleading, Assuming that you have or will have at one point a son who is around 14 figure out your 14 year old with a 39year old lady.(this from your earlier post.)


A sexually maturing 14 year old boy would greatly benefit from the guidance of a wise 39 year old woman on sexual matters. I would strongly encourage such a union even for my son.

What is humanity? I see humanity as a flow of consciousness. The highest forms of consciousness being referred to as 'Spirituality.'

A boy of 14 would not be able to bear the Spiritual force from the woman. The most that the young man may enjoy is the orgasmic pleasure and any pleasure derived from stimulation of the 'lower' senses.

Then there is the psychoanilytic dimension that is to be considered: A 14 year old is just on the threshold of identity crises, and hence the total sexual experience may lead to severe complexes.
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