Club SK
not so yummy.....veges from the sewage!!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/14/2009 Posts: 2,057
...the thought that i have eating sukuma wiki from the sewage makes me feel like puking...am taking a break from these 'greens' - maybe cabbages are safer. I also think fish is a safe bet - hakuna 'fish porno'... If you are an eagle don't hang around with chickens; chickens don't fly....
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/14/2009 Posts: 2,057
eeeeiiiiiiisssshhhhhh @ njung'e . the first pic is disgusting !!! toa hio !! If you are an eagle don't hang around with chickens; chickens don't fly....
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/22/2009 Posts: 7,478
Weee @guka!!! Hiyo inakaa kama duka la picha yani photoshop! That head is not in sync with the body. That head does not belong to such a fat person!!! Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 12/23/2010 Posts: 1,229
vinii wrote:eeeeiiiiiiisssshhhhhh @ njung'e . the first pic is disgusting !!! toa hio !! maybe they're before and after pics
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/22/2009 Posts: 2,449 Location: Africa
mukiha wrote:So how many people have died or fallen ill as result of eating veggies grown with sewage? Answer = zero, or very close to zero!!
these are the sort of stories that media houses report when they have nothing better to report.
Completely baseless!!
I will continue eating my sukuma-wiki.... Don't you think this is one of the reasons cancer has become so prevalent today? This is a real matter of concern and our government agencies need to take serious action in ensuring that all foods are grown safely and are fit for consumption. I doubt they would allow this in developed countries and anyone found to be growing food in toxic environments is liable to criminal prosecution( watched a kinda similar story on medical detectives). This is criminal at the very least!
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/13/2009 Posts: 1,950 Location: in kenya
mukiha wrote:So how many people have died or fallen ill as result of eating veggies grown with sewage? Answer = zero, or very close to zero!!
these are the sort of stories that media houses report when they have nothing better to report.
Completely baseless!!
I will continue eating my sukuma-wiki.... There are very serious health implication when one consumes vegies that were grown using untreated sewerage One is kidney or even liver failure this is because of metal found in many detergents and industrial chemicals that find themselves into the sewer. I have been having serious stomach aches whenever I bought the veggies from our local mama bonga I think I should now shift from sukuma to cabbages I dont think They are able to plant cabbages in Ruai and Njiru areas. '......to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/27/2008 Posts: 4,114
Shak wrote:mukiha wrote:So how many people have died or fallen ill as result of eating veggies grown with sewage? Answer = zero, or very close to zero!!
these are the sort of stories that media houses report when they have nothing better to report.
Completely baseless!!
I will continue eating my sukuma-wiki.... Don't you think this is one of the reasons cancer has become so prevalent today? This is a real matter of concern and our government agencies need to take serious action in ensuring that all foods are grown safely and are fit for consumption. I doubt they would allow this in developed countries and anyone found to be growing food in toxic environments is liable to criminal prosecution( watched a kinda similar story on medical detectives). This is criminal at the very least! Not quite. If a tree is struck by lighting deep in the forest, does it make a noise? People never used to get tested so they never used to find out. Even something as common as prostate cancer was never called a cancer; it is baptised "ugonjwa wa makojoo" - the urine disease! Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/27/2008 Posts: 4,114
selah wrote:mukiha wrote:So how many people have died or fallen ill as result of eating veggies grown with sewage? Answer = zero, or very close to zero!!
these are the sort of stories that media houses report when they have nothing better to report.
Completely baseless!!
I will continue eating my sukuma-wiki.... There are very serious health implication when one consumes vegies that were grown using untreated sewerage One is kidney or even liver failure this is because of metal found in many detergents and industrial chemicals that find themselves into the sewer. I have been having serious stomach aches whenever I bought the veggies from our local mama bonga I think I should now shift from sukuma to cabbages I dont think They are able to plant cabbages in Ruai and Njiru areas. Yes; one CAN get those diseases that you list; but has there been any reported cases? And I don't mean reported in the media, but in medical publications. Your stomach aches are most likely from the HANDLING of the veggies from your mama mboga, but not from the way the veggies were grown. Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/27/2008 Posts: 4,114
This debate reminds me of the other one about milk from independent vendors. Tetra Pak has roped in the Dairy Board to warn consumers about the health risks that CAN arise from drinking such milk. Curiously, all the public info leaflets show milk packed in tetra-packs. Yet pasteurised milk is also hygienically packed in glass and plastic bottles as wells as plastic pouches! But the most damming finding was that by a University of Nairobi researcher that [A] there was no reported case of sickness from consuming milk during the period of her research - 12 months and [B] that there was no contamination detected in all the (random) samples from independent vendors that she investigated. She concluded that there is not scientific justification to fight the vendors. And after all, all the people (again from a random sample) interviewed said that they boil milk before consuming - even those who buy pasteurized milk! BTW; pasteurized means "almost" boiled!! Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/19/2008 Posts: 4,268
mukiha wrote:This debate reminds me of the other one about milk from independent vendors. Tetra Pak has roped in the Dairy Board to warn consumers about the health risks that CAN arise from drinking such milk.
Curiously, all the public info leaflets show milk packed in tetra-packs. Yet pasteurised milk is also hygienically packed in glass and plastic bottles as wells as plastic pouches!
But the most damming finding was that by a University of Nairobi researcher that [A] there was no reported case of sickness from consuming milk during the period of her research - 12 months and [B] that there was no contamination detected in all the (random) samples from independent vendors that she investigated.
She concluded that there is not scientific justification to fight the vendors. And after all, all the people (again from a random sample) interviewed said that they boil milk before consuming - even those who buy pasteurized milk!
BTW; pasteurized means "almost" boiled!! you are very right on this.... while i was growing up, except for the maziwa ya nyayo, we took 'unprocessed' milk if you may like. it was just boiled. I never heard one single person sick - leave alone die - of drinking this milk. Todate, if i get a chance of getting the unprocessed cow milk, i still consume it... but only if i get it directly from the farmer that i know.....not vendors. I saw some maasais one sunday morning put some chemicals from a small bottle to their mitungi's of milk in Kitengela.... this is later distributed to outlets where they sell to unsuspecting customers.... may be such incidences is what it was meant to curb!
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/24/2009 Posts: 5,909 Location: Nairobi
2Wendz and @Mukiha, what was the story on Hydrogen peroxide (use to sanitize wounds) for conserving the milk?
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/28/2006 Posts: 1,799
MaichBlack wrote:Weee @guka!!! Hiyo inakaa kama duka la picha yani photoshop! That head is not in sync with the body. That head does not belong to such a fat person!!! Maich that picture is absolutely the truth.. watch the link below ndio ujue mbona kina impunity eating those thunder thighs in tuskys wako na shida coming to them.. If those guys rushing to KFC only know what they are getting themselves into... Half tone dad video
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/19/2008 Posts: 4,268
nostoppingthis wrote:2Wendz and @Mukiha, what was the story on Hydrogen peroxide (use to sanitize wounds) for conserving the milk? Wooooiiiih! it wasnt even being "measured".... just pouring in (guess work)!!! and we keep wondering what's ailing us!!!
Rank: Member Joined: 1/24/2008 Posts: 479
back in school in a biology class,we learnt something called biological magnification,whereby the concentration of toxins in the bodies of members of a food chain keep multiplying to very dangerous levels.. ending in disastrous results... more can be obtained here.. http://www.ehow.com/abou...ical-magnification.html
@ mukiha..stop dismissing the issues raised..most diseases being witnessed today may have resulted from such diets..most people nowadays are resulting to eating organic foods.. Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do- Voltaire
Rank: Elder Joined: 5/24/2007 Posts: 1,805
Njung'e, McReggae, Maich... Look on the bright side of the feature... Now I can eat meat anyday bila kuangaliwa vibaya ukifka home... just say..' I had gone to get myself a salad then I remembered the feature.. and yak!! what else could I have taken dear? I Think Therefore I Am
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/14/2007 Posts: 4,152
Main issue here is how will you determine that the vegetables you buy at Mama mboga, Tuskys or Uchumi are not contaminated Whether they've come from Kisii, Kinangop or wherever?
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/27/2008 Posts: 4,114
cmk wrote:back in school in a biology class,we learnt something called biological magnification,whereby the concentration of toxins in the bodies of members of a food chain keep multiplying to very dangerous levels.. ending in disastrous results... more can be obtained here.. http://www.ehow.com/abou...ical-magnification.html
@ mukiha..stop dismissing the issues raised.. most diseases being witnessed today may have resulted from such diets..most people nowadays are resulting to eating organic foods.. Is there concrete evidence to support this assertion? Then you write that " most people nowadays are resulting to eating organic foods". That is not accurate. It is only a small proportion of the urbanised middle to upper class group that is doing so. The rest eat only what they can afford. Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/9/2008 Posts: 5,389
mukiha wrote:So how many people have died or fallen ill as result of eating veggies grown with sewage? Answer = zero, or very close to zero!!
these are the sort of stories that media houses report when they have nothing better to report.
Completely baseless!!
I will continue eating my sukuma-wiki.... People may not have died but consuming vegetables grown with sewerage especially from Nairobi river is very unhealthy. There are 2 major risks: 1) microbes, parasites: you could get serious diseases ranging from E. coli, dysentery, amoebiosis, typhoid to cholera etc if the food is not well washed or cooked. Its risky especially for those who like salads. There is also the risk of worms including round worms and tape worms - your kitabi may not be due to mututho/beer but worms from the kachumbari accompanying the nyam chom. 2) Heavy metal contamination: plants irrigated with sewerage take up these heavy metals which may have come from industries e.g. paint factories, battery manufacturers, skin and hide processors, kirinyaga road mechanics etc. The effect could be disrupted enzyme action in the body, someone feeling tired all the time, reduced immunity, cancer, kidney problems, accumulation in the liver, reduced brain development and low IQ especially for kids etc. That is why those who import fruits vegetables from Kenya e.g. UK etc ensure there is traceability of the produce, what they call farm-to-fork food safety audit. The importers actually visit the farms they source their produce from and approve them as accredited sources and to ensure they follow good agricultural practice, including making sure they use approved agrochemicals. So one does not have to immediately drop dead for it to be evident that sewerage grown food is dangerous. The health risks are there though it may take time for the symptoms to appear.
Rank: Elder Joined: 2/7/2007 Posts: 11,935 Location: Nairobi
@Vinni/Maich, Nothing photoshop....That's Kenneth Brumley.Now in his early 40s.In the following link,you'll see a pix of his previously self before he started gobbling kilos of junk ingokhos and stuff.He has since undergone gastric bypass surgery....Last time i watched his documentary on Natgeo (Kindu a month a go) he had cut weight and was attempting to stand on his own after months of being in bed......Half tonne mum,29 year old Renee Williams was not that lucky.She too was futured on NatGeo but died days after undergoing the same procedure...I am not trying to scare anyone,but you gat quit that gabbage  ....back to "push the week" http://www.thesun.co.uk/...f-the-half-ton-dad.html
Oooops can't post the pix...Looks like i scared someone up there... Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/11/2009 Posts: 302
Njung'e wrote:@Vinni/Maich, Nothing photoshop....That's Kenneth Brumley.Now in his early 40s.In the following link,you'll see a pix of his previously self before he started gobbling kilos of junk ingokhos and stuff.He has since undergone gastric bypass surgery....Last time i watched his documentary on Natgeo (Kindu a month a go) he had cut weight and was attempting to stand on his own after months of being in bed......Half tonne mum,29 year old Renee Williams was not that lucky.She too was futured on NatGeo but died days after undergoing the same procedure...I am not trying to scare anyone,but you gat quit that gabbage  ....back to "push the week" http://www.thesun.co.uk/...f-the-half-ton-dad.html
Oooops can't post the pix...Looks like i scared someone up there... One thing for sure is that this guy cannot land. my reasons; Any attempt to do a regular landing will result in him being charged for manslaughter. So the only way land is to do an emergency (aided) landing but the surface area will not allow because his landing gear although it's the retracting type cannot retract and lock. I think with this kind of a body, the interruption of hydraulic fluid flow to the landing gear is enough to trigger a myocardial infarction. I don't think there is an airport certified for this kind of hercules, especially with landing gear failure.
Club SK
not so yummy.....veges from the sewage!!
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