Mtublack wrote:Stealth wrote:And since fortunes are known to change at the drop of a hat (riches to rags- in this case) what happens? Does the woman u married while u were loaded divorce u? What if u were more loaded than her before u got married then she gets a high flying job, what happens then?
Love is (and shud be) deeper than finances.
she might not divorce you but certainly she would like to. so
Its not money they love is the security which include Money and what money can buy plus the strong genes for the offspring ( its assumed if you can make money you are smart hence strong) hence you will pass the genes to your off springs its survival for the fittest and when females in any spices loss that instinct we end up with weaker next generation and on and on until the whole spices disappear like the Dinosaurs. So don't blame women they are only trying to preserve mankind

You are quite right on that one... it is the potential to give that security to the family. Women, instinctively, can tell a guy who has potential unless one just wants a dude to show up... this security is very different. some will go for the "physical" security - eg, if the guy can push shoulders around - like the "bad boys" others, it is the "security" for her children - good education, inheritance, food security, physical appearance, intelligence etc... Even some animals do the same..... Some female animals will reject a male intending to sire offsprings if it is or is seen to be weak and cant pass some "basic" tests....
Having said that, let me say, we also have our sisters who have taken this 'security' to another new level....
@kenyanl has said it well, it is exactly the same with men.... hips are a sign of "motherliness/fulness of fertility" or something like that.... so, there you have it...