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Mutegi Njau of Citizen Breakfast
#1 Posted : Monday, July 05, 2010 6:04:12 PM
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Joined: 10/4/2007
Posts: 656
This is the most incoherent TV journalst I have ever come across. His grammar is always off and his voice is just to repellant! who allows this geek to go on air? he is an insult to TV journalism?
The way I am
#2 Posted : Monday, July 05, 2010 6:30:26 PM
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marex wrote:
This is the most incoherent TV journalst I have ever come across. His grammar is always off and his voice is just to repellant! who allows this geek to go on air? he is an insult to TV journalism?

@marexx it all depends on which side of the mountain you stand while judging him.
Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you

I stop listening to him towards the 2007 elections.
Its a pity you still have so much time!
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#3 Posted : Monday, July 05, 2010 9:43:13 PM
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Joined: 10/4/2007
Posts: 656
I never used to watch breakfast programs until last month...thats wen I first saw this horrible dude..u mean he has been on air that long?
The way I am
#4 Posted : Monday, July 05, 2010 10:52:12 PM
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....the man talks like he is in a pub somewhere in Meru...he has this irritating voice that makes one's breakfast taste bitter...aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhh
If you are an eagle don't hang around with chickens; chickens don't fly....
#5 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:17:00 AM
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I thought I was the only one irritated by this fellows voice. I usually flip to another channel...
Great men are not always wise, neither do the aged understand judgement...
#6 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 9:42:10 AM
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...come on guys...be fair to the guy. He has been in the media for as long as I can remember. Who doent have a fault? Lets us be positive. Instead of vilifying him here, pinpoint the things he should improve on... Let us struggle to be positive...I am trying to struggle to find something good in Moi!!! Mutegi has not give himself that voice...What he does with it is another matter...
#7 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 10:59:33 AM
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@ Magigi..you cannot convince me. If you dont have the voice...stay out of broadcast journalism and concentrate on print. even phillip ochieng (whose voice is equally bad btw) has been in the media for long concentyrating on where he best fits. Mutegi Njau is good in production and Quality assurance in the media and thats where he should stick
The way I am
#8 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 11:21:20 AM
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...Marex...GOOD....Tell him what he does best and stick there other than condemning him...That is being positive.
#9 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 11:47:58 AM
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oh yeah...I will..coz I must!!!
The way I am
#10 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 2:23:48 PM
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Boring boring boring! how i pity Gathu
#11 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 3:07:00 PM
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Ok, not outrighty boring but as per the voice, sisemi kitu..... he is well versed with HISTORICAL matters.....I think he should get some managerial position. He doesnt seem to understand modern youth way of life, technology aside. Given his experience n enthusiasm, promote the dude n get him off the damn screen!
#12 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 3:10:09 PM
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would this amount to hate speech? :)
#13 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 3:21:44 PM
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I looked up Mutegi Njau on facebook and then sent him a message with a link to this thread.

The following was his riposte:

Thanks Antony. I have read the insulting comments. They won't affect my presence at the Show. They complain about my VOICE, and NOT THE SUBSTANCE of my contribution. That's their shauri. There's not much I can do about my voice at this age. If they think they are better than me, let them apply for a job at Citizen TV. We can compete.

Your move.
#14 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 3:36:49 PM
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The guy has been in the trade for a while.
That way his employer can and does benefit fromm his vast experience and knowledge.
That is the better side.
For me the down side is that sometimes he comes out as too opinionated.

Even when interviewing guest he seems to be the one to teach them his point of view. His questions sometimes come as harsh and hostile to the guests.

I pity the lady who sometimes replaces Jimmy to co host the program with Mutegi.
Domineering is an understatement though the lady is a bit ignorant.
Dunia ni msongamano..
#15 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 3:39:09 PM
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This is the guy who presents with Jimmi Gathu?? total clown especially in newspaper review, no wonder watching citizen asubuhi is a bother
#16 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 4:45:19 PM
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...did he have to be that arrogant in his reply. Nobody is interested in his job. People are only helping him to understand better who he is...
#17 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 4:54:23 PM
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aemathenge, you're such an inciter..LOL
#18 Posted : Tuesday, July 06, 2010 5:02:55 PM
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Whooph!! What a life to make a living in the public...
Just verifying @aemathenge story and did a Google search for the guy's name.

So guess what, @marex post is now a top reference for all future job hunters who are looking up this guy - tough!
#19 Posted : Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:21:13 AM
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I love you too, Mukhamba! Dear.
#20 Posted : Wednesday, July 07, 2010 2:42:22 PM
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Mukhamba! dear, I could not resist posting another message into my facebook page by Mr. Njau. It reads thus:

I find it rather unfair that site decides to discuss my performance at my workplace and see no need to contact me or my bosses.

As a firm believer in the freedom of speech and that of the press, my position is that the commentators are entitled to their views about my voice and performance.

I have NEVER claimed that I have the best voice in the world. Indeed I have said in my many public appearances when I give lectures, that my voice is NOT the best.

But that doesn't make it incoherent or repellent or irritating. If that is the case how have I remained a TV personality from the 1980's when I used to do brilliant interviews on the then VoK Press Conference with Herman Igambi to the early 2001 when we launched NTV as its News Manager until now?

If I'm not blessed with a soothing voice, I don't deserve to be insulted. I can tell my critics that I've been one of the most accomplished investigative journalists in Kenya and my record speaks for itself. Who else in East Africa is a member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists based in Washington DC?

How does my throaty voice when interviewing dignitaries at CITIZEN TV or reviewing newspapers make me talk like I'm in a bar in Meru?

I have never claimed to represent the youth in my broadcasting or journalistic work. But I believe I understand young people despite the fact that I have grown up kids.

Laws of natural justice demand that if you are going to criticise someone, give them a chance to respond. This blog didn't. Were it not for my Facebook friend Antony Mathenge, I won't have known of the humiliating insults hurled at me by people who say they DON'T even watch the Power Breakfast Show at Citizen.

For the information of my critics, Synovite (former Steadman) polls have consistently shown the Power Breakfast Show is the most popular TV morning show in Kenya.

Let's respect each other, as we criticize each other. It's good manners.
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