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Raila's utterances on Kass FM.
#1 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:31:08 AM
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Raila was quoted in the media as having said some unsouvary things bordering on inciting one community against another.
Ruto is said to have been so smitten by Railas utterances that he shot straight to Kass studios and did a rebuttal.
I hear there is even an audial recording of it that can be accessed in the net. Anybody has it out there?

Which way Kenya!Pray
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#2 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:36:41 AM
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#3 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:56:07 AM
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Ngalaka wrote:
I hear there is even an audial recording of it that can be accessed in the net. Anybody has it out there?Pray

Why would you want to feed your mind with such rubbish? How will it help you to hear what they said? We Kenyans need to put a serious sieve in our brains to sift out crap otherwise tumekwisha.

BBI will solve it
#4 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 7:57:51 AM
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Something about helping kales move a certain farming community from the area.
This is bs of the highest order from somebody who should know better.
The Governor of Nyeri - 2017
#5 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:27:39 AM
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He said thaat? Just when i was starting to think he was rising above the crowd....
#6 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:36:16 AM
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That's the spirit @2012. It's pure crap.
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#7 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:45:02 AM
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@ ngalaka, you very well know that this your thread is only going to make matters worse...clearly most of us didnt hear anything of the sorts but thanks 2 u now we know! some things are better left unsaid as it will cause more much more damage than good!Silenced
#8 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:08:27 AM
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..the common man is always the easiest to manipulate and hence the emergence of millions of the so called FM stations broadcasting in vernacular.
....it does not matter what position a leader holds but this kind of utterances should never be encouraged.
...we cannot also pretend to let it pass because we didnt hear.
....i cannot comprehend why an individual can apply such double standards all the time and we close an eye.
...we have to judge our leaders based on their actions or lack of it.the common folk is still being taught of our man,our people,those people,our enemy,our party bla bla..../..
#9 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:11:11 AM
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Wa_ithaka wrote:
Something about helping kales move a certain farming community from the area.
This is bs of the highest order from somebody who should know better.


This is the actual studio recording in English language. It is there on youtube and the interview mostly dwells on constitutional review. No such words were ever uttered.

The radio interview also had the PM answer questions from call-in listeners.


And this is William Ruto attempting to justify his actions at the PSC in Naivasha, the same amendments he now desperately wants parliament to help him correct.


Any one following rift valley politics knows that William Ruto made proposals to the PSC which were not in the interest of his party ODM and not in the interest of the people of Kelenjin. The two main issues are devolution and land. It is one thing to fight the PM politically, but we surely hope that the likes of Ruto appreciates that the constitution is for posterity and not for Raila Odinga.

The intention is to mutilate the CoE draft so that the NO vote wins the referendum and the country reverts to the old imperial presidency constititution. That is how the forces representing Kenya's elites want it to be. The CoE draft was not perfect, but in my opinion, it represents the closest compromise Kenyans will ever get on the constitution.

This is the official ODM party response to one Moses Kuria on the alleged hate speech by Raila Odinga.

Ethnic incitement is a suicidal potion

At a time when Kenyans are still grappling with the pain of the mass killings that took place after the bitterly disputed 2007 Presidential election, and also struggling to find ways to dispense justice, an accusation of inciting ethnic hatred is the most scurrilous charge one could make against a leader.

And yet that is exactly what one Moses Kuria has been pandering recently. Having failed to generate sufficient news coverage in the media, he took out a full page advertisement in the Sunday Nation (WHO PAID FOR IT IN SUNDAY NATION?) alleging the Prime Minister had tried in a recent Kass FM interview to turn the Kalenjin against other communities living in the Rift Valley. Mr. Kuria says in the ad that he was filled with “unimaginable fear” as he listened to the Prime Minister”s “dangerous” interview!

If anyone is fanning incitement among communities, it is Mr. Kuria himself with the divisive but unsuccessful campaign he has launched.

Interestingly, he has begun his scurrilous crusade – whose not so hidden motive is to portray the ODM leader as an enemy of the people of the Mt. Kenya region – just as the Prime Minister had undertaken two historic visits to that area, to Meru the previous weekend and to Murang’a a fortnight before that.

The visits to these districts were designed to familiarise the PM with the concrete aspirations of their people for peace, development and a better life, and to understand how the government, and the Prime Minister, could assist them in overcoming the specific obstacles they see standing in their way. The visits were also designed to promote national cohesion and reconciliation.

Indeed, on the very day that Mr. Kuria’s full page ad appeared, there were articles in the media highlighting the impact of these visits, and the appreciation the people and leaders expressed for the PM having undertaken them.

Mr. Kuria’s divisive campaign also comes at a time when Kenyans are so tantalising close to adopting a Constitution after a 20 year long struggle. His is surely a desperate attempt to divert national attention from the key issue of reforms that we need in order to further revitalise and democratise our country and to ensure no community is ever again excluded from its gains.

A small minority of politicians, among whom Mr. Kuria features, have resorted to tribal incitement to prevent passage of the Constitution to protect ill-gotten wealth and power. There are men and women of goodwill who have genuine reservations about some aspect of the Constitution, but there is a small cabal which opposes it to protect their privileges through protecting the status quo.

It is the same approach that the people have adopted on the political front. They do not want their parties to be divisive and to be ethnically partisan, nor do they want their parties to be identified with any particular community. There is rightly great competition as political parties try to woo voters to their banner, but in a country as diverse as Kenya, with no community constituting a majority, only a political party seeking to provide sectarian leadership would want to exclude any community from its umbrella.

Kenyans know that ODM is not such a party. It is the country’s largest political entity, with more than twice as many Members of Parliament than its closest rival. Its political representation is also dispersed more nationally than any other party’s. That this is so is in part the result of the Prime Minister’s own long history of commitment to nationalist and indeed Pan African ideals.

In any event, as ODM leader, it would be suicidal for him to be inciting against ANY community. The same applies to him as MP for Langata, which is one of the country’s most ethnically diverse constituencies in the nation and whose seat he won with strong support from all communities.

In his incitement accusation, Mr. Kuria does not quote a single sentence that the PM might have used to incite the Kalenjin, exposing his crude attempt to demonise the PM without cause. He quotes only one word the PM used, “peremende” (sweets), claiming that when the PM said these were being offered to the Kalenjin by those they were fighting in the 2007 election, he was referring to ethnic fighting! Mr. Kuria seems to have forgotten that the 2007 election was “fought” between two political parties, ODM and PNU, not between communities living in the Rift Valley.

It was that momentous election struggle that the PM was referring to in the interview, a struggle that ODM decisively won but in which all communities, including Mr. Kuria’s, voted in large numbers for both parties.

As is now becoming clear in all parts of the country, the effect of the huge national reconciliation drive that we embarked upon two years ago is already being felt. Kenyans will not be so easily fooled by Mr. Kuria’s kind of ethnic incitement.

Anyang Nyongo
#10 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:33:30 AM
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I thought we stopped giving 'I heard' stories along time ago...Ohhh ive heard... oooh niliambiwa..oooh nimesikia..tsk!
In my primary school days, if you ever got into troouble and started defending yourself by those line 'Nani aliniambia', 'nilisikia'...you automatically got smacked for not using your brains..

and we should even believe the story...
Kwani RAO ameruka kichwa...

i think there are worse fellas than politicians in this forum.. or better still there are actual politicians in this forum...

i now agree more when His Excellency calls us Pumbavus...i love that guy..
#11 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:46:26 AM
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poundfoolish wrote:
and we should even believe the story...
Kwani RAO ameruka kichwa...

i think there are worse fellas than politicians in this forum.. or better still there are actual politicians in this forum...

i now agree more when His Excellency calls us Pumbavus...i love that guy..

Applause Applause exactly! add mafi ya kuku right there!
#12 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:47:36 AM
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The you tube clip is too short and only captures RAO when he spoke in palatable tenor.
Why was the unpalatable bit so conveniently left out.

One would like to know in what context the peremende analogy was employed.
For us to decipher this, lets listen to that bit of the clip.
Just as absolute power corrupts leaders, so does absolute fanaticism blind the people from logic
#13 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 10:53:49 AM
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The Business Daily, today 30th March 2010, page 32:

"What luck for the rulers that men do not think".

Adolf Hitler, German policitian (1889-1945)
#14 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:10:25 AM
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DonBen, that was a really short interview!
#15 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:50:59 AM
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...the Pnu activist Moses kuria wrote a very exaggerated article on this issue.
Anyang does not help by throwing dung to the accomplishd dung thrower.
,...Now,lets get to the issue.... the 2007 elections were NOT contested on principles and policies...it was tribe; period.
...you can choose to see what you want,am not an optician.
....when the family was burnt in a house in naivasha,it was because of tribe!
....when the same happened earlier in eldoret,it was because of tribe,go mombasa,kisumu,Nyeri,nakuru....it was all the same.
...Dont give us crap that has been put in your head in this forum.
....we cannot allow this to happen again,it does not matter who be it...kuria,anyang,Rao,kalonzo,ruto etc etc...no one should be allowed to pollute the minds of the innocent common folk who are the majority in this nation.
....in this forum,i have always imagined that we have the best representative brains in all sectors......but again, i might be wrong ;if we all choose to see what we want and hear what we want.
#16 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:34:19 PM
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I have gone through the thread and still cannot see the essence of it!!!!!....!!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#17 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:43:12 PM
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There was an article in the Daily Nation two days after. There was some reference to some enemies.
#18 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:23:49 PM
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For as long as we allow ourselves to be blinded by political intuition of sorts, we will never see.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win!
#19 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:41:30 PM
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is it just that the older dudes/dudettes are just soo blind to see that this tribal talk will lead no where or what???

i think its high time we KENYANS stop listening to this tribal inciting crap unless we want to continue killing each other while these fat cats grow even fatter in their range rovers/mansions...

we dont need a kikuyu, luo, kale, mijikenda, turkana or luhya to lead this country.. we need a KENYAN...
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
#20 Posted : Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:07:16 PM
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According to the current poll, RAO still leads the pack as the most popular presidential candidate. Kwani anatumia juju?
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