©On serious note,Pretty has left us all barffled. © She is witty,sharp,sources extreme sensitive and serious data/video,defend her points with facts,clarity and is well informed©. I doubt she is 20©. I mean,she is way,way ahead of many in this forum©. Actually,to know her must be a problem. ©Come to market issues,she recently said she sold Carbacid at 305 after buying at 45,She expects it to touch under 100 by monday. ©If that is real,she must be a genius. ©Next time,I will follow her advice to the letter. ©I was going through some of her posts and she simply blows my mind away©. I would not touch such a girl unless with a 10 foot lod. ©
©MainaT is also exceplary and a darlin© I supect he runs a website©
©Wendz is another great contributor©Mohterly advice etc©humble and down to earth©©©
The signature of a woman of substance is evident in her work,many years after she is gone.