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Wa-China Roasting Maize OFF Thika Road (Baba Dogo)
#1 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:45:15 AM
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After the road construction, they've turned to the unseemingly lucrative mahindi choma business

#2 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:48:19 AM
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Coolbull wrote:
After the road construction, they've turned to the unseemingly lucrative mahindi choma business

" alt=""/>

Ha ha haaa and our rocal ladies thought these were rich guys from the east and offered to sleep with them around?
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#3 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:50:21 AM
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I have my reservations about this.
#4 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:51:29 AM
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@mkeiyd - Can a picture lie? he he heLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Hii si photosop (photoshop). ha ha ha.

Our rocal radies should know sio ngozi yote nyeupe ni pesa.
#5 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:57:43 AM
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Coolbull wrote:
@mkeiyd - Can a picture lie? he he heLaughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

Hii si photosop (photoshop). ha ha ha.

Our rocal radies should know sio ngozi yote nyeupe ni pesa.

Some senior wazuan actually forewarned us here in early 2008 that these ching-chong were actually mahabusu from China's correctional facilities.
Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#6 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:35:07 AM
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there was Chinese lady hawker at Kosewe jana selling mobiles, don't ask me how she was bargaining despite the obvious language barrier
#7 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:43:23 AM
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Intelligentsia wrote:
there was Chinese lady hawker at Kosewe jana selling mobiles, don't ask me how she was bargaining despite the obvious language barrier

Ni kufyamest!
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You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#8 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 11:19:59 AM
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Impunity wrote:

Some senior wazuan actually forewarned us here in early 2008 that these ching-chong were actually mahabusu from China's correctional facilities.

Was also told that.

But I still insist,let's not even for one second assume that these guys are foolish or poor.
From my lil knowledge of the African Market and FDI it's a well known fact that there is a scramble for Africa's resources and contracts.
The person who best understands the African market both internally and eternally gets it.
The chinese have made great strides in Africa because they have mastered the art of 'fitting in'.
We see them in Gikomba,selling fish and sleeping with the workers in construction sites.Go to TZ and see them doing the same.They know how to penetrate deep into regions where the average you and I find it difficult to go and do what we deem impossible.
I call it 'understanding the psychology of a market' lol I just cooked that up.
That is how best to deal with Africans.Assimilate,win their confidence and invest.
IMO what I see is tactic.I see them trying to gather knowledge of our market from the grass roots not online.

The European and American investor on the other hand will manage contracts from his 5 star accomodation enjoying an 8 course meal till the contract is over.
The Mchina will even marry your daughter and sire a kid with her because His vision is 'long term sustainable investment'.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#9 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:13:40 PM
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#10 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:35:20 PM
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essyk wrote:
Impunity wrote:

Some senior wazuan actually forewarned us here in early 2008 that these ching-chong were actually mahabusu from China's correctional facilities.

Was also told that.

But I still insist,let's not even for one second assume that these guys are foolish or poor.
From my lil knowledge of the African Market and FDI it's a well known fact that there is a scramble for Africa's resources and contracts.
The person who best understands the African market both internally and eternally gets it.
The chinese have made great strides in Africa because they have mastered the art of 'fitting in'.
We see them in Gikomba,selling fish and sleeping with the workers in construction sites.Go to TZ and see them doing the same.They know how to penetrate deep into regions where the average you and I find it difficult to go and do what we deem impossible.
I call it 'understanding the psychology of a market' lol I just cooked that up.
That is how best to deal with Africans.Assimilate,win their confidence and invest.
IMO what I see is tactic.I see them trying to gather knowledge of our market from the grass roots not online.

The European and American investor on the other hand will manage contracts from his 5 star accomodation enjoying an 8 course meal till the contract is over.
The Mchina will even marry your daughter and sire a kid with her because His vision is 'long term sustainable investment'.

this is a fallacy!!!
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...
#11 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 12:51:02 PM
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@essyk.....please teach us in a simple language how a person from e.g china selling maize and mitumba has a long term sustainable investment plan.
....does Kenya have a shortage of skilled labour to roast maize>?
...intergration is fine but there must be control and kudos to kajwang on work and resident permits.

...actually Nairobi is headed the direction of cities like Ams and Nyc! complete multi-cultural but they are better with controls.

#12 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 2:14:34 PM
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Kaigangio wrote:

this is a fallacy!!!

wee! prove me wrong.

@essyk.....please teach us in a simple language how a person from e.g china selling maize and mitumba has a long term sustainable investment plan.
...intergration is fine but there must be control and kudos to kajwang on work and resident permits.

Didn't have Kajwang in mind.
But prove to me that 'maize roasting chinese' is a poor immigrant trying to make ends meet here.
Have seen a few scattered.One even sings mugiithi but supervises a construction site.
....does Kenya have a shortage of skilled labour to roast maize>?

Do kenyans love eating roast maize?
Do the skilled kenyans want to roast maize?
Does roasting maize require skills?
Is roasting maize a short or long term project for anybody?
Why should skilled kenyans roast maize by the roadside?

But again it's has it's positive sides. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PFPoLYFOjk
Soon we shall be reading names like;

Chan Juan Wanjiku
Dao Ming Atieno
Dazhong Kemboi
Chuhua Mutua
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#13 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 3:23:48 PM
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True Essyk, the Chinese have long understood that the money lies at the bottom of the pyramid, not at the top. Give them a couple of years and they will own most of the businesses. When they first set up Chinese restaurants in the US, Americans scoffed at them saying they would not eat there coz they can only eat 'American food'. Nowadays, there are Chinese restaurants on every block and they are always full!!! Research has proven that businessmen who operate in the slums/ inner cities make alot more than those who operate in the upscale neighborhoods. There was an article that claimed that people doing buusiness in the black ghettoes of the US make way more money than those doing business in Beverly Hills for example. And guess who owns most businesses in the black ghettoes? You will hardly ever find a Chinese shop in Beverly Hills
#14 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 3:52:41 PM
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^^See that is what am trying to point out although in my kiamaiko language.
It's possible to end up with an influx of chinese immigrants in Africa if the below is true

As a trader a chinese remarked: "The Chinese government helps the Africans. It doesn't help me."

That confirms that we could be having two groups of chinese on the street.
The investor and the hustler.
But the hustler will very soon take over all local businesses because they work like safari ants a kenyans keep crying naomba serikali itupe pesa ya cdf,youth etc

China is in the process of colonizing Africa. It is that simple. We will see the Chinese population of Chinese increase in Africa over time, and while it currently stands at over one million presently, it will definitely increase to 100 million in less than 20 years. This will begin to tilt the politics of Africa towards China. Before long, China will have military bases in Africa, and then China will militarily control all of Africa. This is the reality of what China really wants for the long term. For the short term, China is feeding off the natural resources of Africa, but in the long term, China hope to overtake Africa and subjugate the Africans as modern day slaves.

I didnt say it.I only quoted.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#15 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 4:15:04 PM
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Essyk where did you quote that from? Sounds like its from a right wing group. Most times such alarmist comments are made from people who do not have the best interests for Africa, but they want to remain the sole 'protectors' or whatever word is politically correct. I hate this father son relationship that the rest of the world has for Africa, as if Africans are so dumb and cant think for themseleves. Then again, what was quoted could be true. In my experience, I find that the Chinese normally do not want to interfere with people's way of living, they just want you to continue with life while buying from them and making them richer. Maybe this is too simplistic but I honestly think that quote applies more to the West than China.
#16 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 5:13:09 PM
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From a'big brother' I guess,you know how chinese interest of Africa irks them.
I used to think that these fellows dont interfere with how we do things but I think I was wrong.They do in a subtle way.
All these contracts and deals have water running under them.It' a rub my back as I rub yours.
I make ur roads but you buy my products.smile

See,nobody takes over ur house except you have cracks and loopholes which they take advantage of.We need them as much as they need us. All we need is some good balance.
Invest and employ more locals,make conditions favourable blabla.

I don't really care who does what in Africa a long as it builds us and takes citizens' best interests seriously.

But this is what I know for a fact and I have experienced.
Chinese are making it so difficult for local businesses to progress cz u just can't beat them at price yet in Africa,we are more price than quality focused.

Is it illegal to sell roasted dog meat in Kenya?
cz I plan to do that with my chinese partner.

"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#17 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 6:42:04 PM
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essyk wrote:

But this is what I know for a fact and I have experienced.
Chinese are making it so difficult for local businesses to progress cz u just can't beat them at price yet in Africa,we are more price than quality focused.

Thats true, if there's anything that Chinese are good at it business. Most of the businesses will be forced to close coz of price wars.

Is it illegal to sell roasted dog meat in Kenya?
cz I plan to do that with my chinese partner.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly can I join? Lakini kitu wanapenda sana ni casino, huko ndio haumwaga pesa zao, anza kusave!!

#18 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 6:56:53 PM
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Well! we know of Indians who came during the building of the railway line from Mombasa and the stories of, 'from dukawallas to rich supermarket owners'. This chinese will roast maize for now and within a few years they will be owners of the largest toasted cornflake company or toasted corn crisps company and manufacturing concerns making other snacks made from the stuff.
#19 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 7:50:24 PM
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This chinese will roast maize for now and within a few years they will be owners of the largest toasted cornflake company or toasted corn crisps company and manufacturing concerns making other snacks made from the stuff.

uuhm correction. We know cornflakes is something else.
It should be called roasted maize pops for better understanding.

Now imagine roasting a tonne,u chambua,(labour iko,pack nicely in small and family size quantities,get it KEBS approved and distribute.
I think that will be the only way to get me buy roasted maize if I am not doing it myself.

I already know a chinese is on it so will stick to dog flakes.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
#20 Posted : Saturday, July 14, 2012 8:40:08 PM
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essyk wrote:
This chinese will roast maize for now and within a few years they will be owners of the largest toasted cornflake company or toasted corn crisps company and manufacturing concerns making other snacks made from the stuff.

uuhm correction. We know cornflakes is something else.
It should be called roasted maize pops for better understanding.

I meant this- http://www.taiwantrade.c...cts-detail/en_US/541818/.
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