Ah, I can see the thread has become thorny. Perfect
The term recession has many economists fighting for its definition. The one I chose is the MOST unpopular among the economist realm. It's at times referred to as 'newspaper' definition thus @qw's alarmist conclusion
What am I up to? Well the term current recession on this thread is forecasting the 2012 econ trend. I like calling trends before they take effect. So in 2012 it will be a current topic. So will @guru see the negative growth to be satisfied as the 2012 wears on
Always trend forecasting... That's me at my annoying best against everyone
@ybc - is back with a buy call but with caution
By the end of 2012, gok will have paid me dearly for buying their paper. @scubidu once asked why I was shorting KES before it zoomed past 90 to 107
When oil discovery is announced, u can even buy paka & total instead of kk
Happy holidays
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!