If I was Raila after losing 2022 GE I would definitely have accepted after the Court challenge
I would have attended the Swearing in than go watch hyenas mating in Zanzibar
I would have accepted to be Leader of opposition and work to determine n office for the Official opposition Leader
I would have changed my Campaigned lead team and come up with a new team and name my shadow cabinet
I would have focused on 2027 elections with a younger blood influencer who would have made sure Ruto was a one term President
I would have made sure Ruto appointed more people from my base areas
I would be the first person to work with Ruto but play my game as opposition.
My appointee for 2027 candidate would be from Mt Kenya deputized by a Kisii to leverage on and idea that i am not selfish
If I was Raila I would ensure Kenyans see my influence as building than breaking their backs or letting them die on roads with maandamano
If I was to get old s Raila I would want to see my "project wisely take over and accomplish my idea for Kenya
I would even have Ruto appoint my daughters as Kenyans to build Kenya in their own way
If I was to die as Raila, I would love to leave a bigger name than Jaramogi, to die lovingly than being a rebel
I wish I was Raila to do what he is not doing though required to do.
Now as Raila I woke in darkness and my election team are still holding my hard to a land i do not wish to go