I hope you are not seeking an abbreviation battle our ages are past that. But allow me to educate you on something. Do you know what's behind the Weston hotel and who was the owner of the property.? Do you know Weston is only on 2acres out of more than 100 acres that once belonged to KACC. In the 100 acres there is a government primary school and a prison but there is also a Catholic church. Three or four big, infact very big residential estates, a private high school ,a private collage and a childrens home which has a very nice primary school run by a private charity organisation.
It's a bit naive for you to think that KACC only owned 2acres opposite one of its biggest airports in the country. You don't have to go there check on your Google earth.
I am not here to defend waiguru but she is a politician who is seeking re-election. She simply has to follow the "ground" any other way it was going to be political suicide. I will enlighten you on something else too. Waigurus re-election is not pegged on her performance in her former cabinet seat or her links with NYS. Today it's about her performance in her county and her preferred "bus" .
you are all forgetting that she is seeking to be re-elected. She has already been elected even with all this allegations sarrounding her.
Finally. Uhuru is not in the ballot come 2022 so whoever who is hanging on his coat risks going home with him. this also includes project Babu.
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...