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#1721 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2020 9:17:46 PM
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Joined: 9/27/2006
Posts: 505
UK’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Chris Whitty

http://web.facebook.com/6676838...ideos/10160458586273868/corona briefing

EDIT: Very tellingly, he uses the word 'epidemic' rather than 'pandemic.' If it truly was a pandemic, you'd be seeing dead bodies on the street by now.
#1722 Posted : Tuesday, May 12, 2020 9:57:56 PM
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Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
deadpoet wrote:

When I see such a video it just proof magufuli was right.

It's laughable that some of you think that your government has done something different from the Tanzanian one. They also think the TZ government is saying there is no covid in their country. That's totally false. The tz government was the the first to recognize corona in their country. I remember they were putting people in quarantine in March just like us here. I don't exactly know where they changed their minds and decided to take a casual move. But I think it happened when the very first people to be put in quarantine healed and walked home. Without any medications because we all know the infection has no cure.
the government now treats the infection just like a simple homa. That won't stop you from kuchapa kazi.
I want you to ask yourself a few questions.
1. How has the night curfew helped. During the day it's crowding as usual.
2. How comes after isilii was locked down some positive suspects had already travelled some to mandera while some to namanga? Remember nairobi is locked.
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#1723 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 1:56:27 AM
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What is the end game?

CNN wrote:
Millions of people in Wuhan will be tested for the novel coronavirus within the coming days, after a new cluster of cases emerged despite a strict 76-day lockdown that was intended to eliminate the virus from the central Chinese city.

Over the weekend, six new cases were reported in the city, the first in 35 consecutive days. None of the new cases were imported from overseas, sparking concern that the infection could still be spreading in the city where the virus is thought to have first emerged.
In response to the outbreak, authorities in Wuhan will conduct city-wide nucleic acid testing over a period of 10 days, according to an emergency notice issued by local authorities and circulated by state run media outlet The Paper.

90+% testing of the population
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#1724 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 4:23:41 AM
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Joined: 2/8/2013
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mpobiz wrote:
deadpoet wrote:

When I see such a video it just proof magufuli was right.

It's laughable that some of you think that your government has done something different from the Tanzanian one. They also think the TZ government is saying there is no covid in their country. That's totally false. The tz government was the the first to recognize corona in their country. I remember they were putting people in quarantine in March just like us here. I don't exactly know where they changed their minds and decided to take a casual move. But I think it happened when the very first people to be put in quarantine healed and walked home. Without any medications because we all know the infection has no cure.
the government now treats the infection just like a simple homa. That won't stop you from kuchapa kazi.
I want you to ask yourself a few questions.
1. How has the night curfew helped. During the day it's crowding as usual.
2. How comes after isilii was locked down some positive suspects had already travelled some to mandera while some to namanga? Remember nairobi is locked.

Night curfew has helped stop the spread.Yes we do not have many people meeting in pubs,in keshas,in harambees and other gatherings where the spread could happen.

No during the day the crowds ate not the same.
We have changed.A good number works from home,another good number moved to shags,those who go to the office observe some health protocal.

Yes the measures have helped to sensotoze us that its a serious disease,they have hhelped manage the spread and have given us time to observe and make informed decisions abour the virus.

60 days plus we can start going back to build our economy but with alot of caution.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#1725 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 8:46:58 AM
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Joined: 9/25/2008
Posts: 510
mpobiz wrote:
deadpoet wrote:

When I see such a video it just proof magufuli was right.

It's laughable that some of you think that your government has done something different from the Tanzanian one. They also think the TZ government is saying there is no covid in their country. That's totally false. The tz government was the the first to recognize corona in their country. I remember they were putting people in quarantine in March just like us here. I don't exactly know where they changed their minds and decided to take a casual move. But I think it happened when the very first people to be put in quarantine healed and walked home. Without any medications because we all know the infection has no cure.
the government now treats the infection just like a simple homa. That won't stop you from kuchapa kazi.
I want you to ask yourself a few questions.
1. How has the night curfew helped. During the day it's crowding as usual.
2. How comes after isilii was locked down some positive suspects had already travelled some to mandera while some to namanga? Remember nairobi is locked.

I prefer governments take all measures to contain the spread and later be proven wrong or some efforts proven ineffective in hindsight rather than to argue on what works or not in foresight and later suffer the adverse kwensekwenses; Error on the side of caution ok
I AM trust in GOD, I AM belief in THYSELF
#1726 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 10:25:38 AM
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mpobiz wrote:
deadpoet wrote:

When I see such a video it just proof magufuli was right.

It's laughable that some of you think that your government has done something different from the Tanzanian one. They also think the TZ government is saying there is no covid in their country. That's totally false. The tz government was the the first to recognize corona in their country. I remember they were putting people in quarantine in March just like us here. I don't exactly know where they changed their minds and decided to take a casual move. But I think it happened when the very first people to be put in quarantine healed and walked home. Without any medications because we all know the infection has no cure.
the government now treats the infection just like a simple homa. That won't stop you from kuchapa kazi.
I want you to ask yourself a few questions.
1. How has the night curfew helped. During the day it's crowding as usual.
2. How comes after isilii was locked down some positive suspects had already travelled some to mandera while some to namanga? Remember nairobi is locked.

@mpobiz, your memory is a bit shaky. The first of the Mandera cases were not from Eastleigh but Mombasa. 2 people went to Mandera through Garissa by bus just before the containment strategy was put in place. These 2 were from Dubai (if I remember correctly). Their's was one of the things that actually made government to contain Nairobi.

Secondly, the guy recording is not wrong - I am sure the recording was done after the WHO-China report done between the 16th and 24th of Feb. it highlights. He his not wrong! No one has doubtled those stats (but each country has had )
but a number of things have changed since then.
1) Italy Happened! The New York happened! When people realized that the minority that gets sick in a free-for-all scenario will choke a healthcare system.
2) The social distancing idea and isolating the sick followed this so as to flatten the curve. Remember flattening the curve was meant to ensure that the people who will eventully get sick don't get sick at the same time. this gives people some time to conjure cures (treatments) and vaccines.
3) The discovery that for a disease like this it will take over 60% of the succeptible population to get ill and recover for a society to get 'Herd Immunity' (Kenya has 50,000,000 people and that means 30,000,000 must get sick to make the disease chill, the severe cases would be (according to the WHO report - 15-20% in Kenya it would be 4.5M to 6M people eventually having severe cases and if 5% died 1.5M would die... EVENTUALLY))
4) That the disease has a few mutations and the longer it stays in the population - the more likely whatever cures and vaccines you conjure up may be unable to handle the new strains that will inevitablly pop up if we let this thing become endemic.

Here is an example of how simple things like eradicating Buffets limit the spread of viruses

In wise words of Thomas Sowell - there are no solutions, just tradeoffs. It's actually possible to find a sweet spot to address the challenges of Covid, an economic system that is suffering underneath the weight of all the measures and government overreaching

These are unprecedented times.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#1727 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 12:52:17 PM
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alma1 wrote:
aemathenge wrote:
Intelligentsia wrote:
MoH is definitely under-testing, someone tell me why pris?

Bureaucratic Red Tape.
Lethargic Civil Service.
Distracted Political Machinery.
Fiscal Indiscipline and Insufficiency.
Health Personnel Inadequacy.
Distrust Of Anything Government On The Ground.
Lack of appropriate equipment, and where available, lack of operation, repairs, and maintenance technician level personnel.
(All Cadre of Public Health Personnel Have Given A Strike Notice.)
A Distracted Political Leadership.
I could on all day but this is really depressing.

All this may be true....or not.

But if you are going to make what seems like a reasonable argument, please include all the possible parameters

Kenyans are stupid
Kenyans have been scared to not test

most important

Maybe, just maybe the MOH is working within it's current limitations, including you personally one day saying here on wazua that medics should not be funded

Maybe, we went wrong with devolution of health care....

many many reasons

I on my part believe in the technical team in this pandemic issue.

Using the resources they have to maximum results. We know we can't test 100k a day like the US. So we rely on contact tracing which has worked before even for Ebola.

I will tell you without a shadow of a doubt. What the East African countries have done will be tought in Medical School on how to deal with pandemics.

We have an opposite scenario just 200km away in TZ. Trust me, you do not want to be in TZ right now.

Celebrate our MOH team from our nurses to the policy makers. Only TZ knows what kind of shit we would be right now.

Your expectations of the delivery is so naive sometimes I wonder if you are actually in Kenia.

Perhaps this article from the Nation Newspapers will paint a better picture of what I allude to.

[quote]Kemri is dead broke amid Covid-19 fight


The Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) is so broke that it cannot replenish Covid-19 testing materials, protective gear and the much-needed reagents.

Director-General Yeri Kombe, in a report to the National Assembly Health Committee, says they have exhausted the Sh158 million Covid-19 funds they received from the government.

He told the committee that the institute has reallocated some of the money it had budgeted for research to respond to the pandemic.


The agency, which has been embroiled in turf wars with the National Influenza Centre, is exploring other ways of supporting the proposed Covid-19 research areas, especially those of immediate impact.

Kemri is now seeking Sh950 million to hire personnel, buy equipment and fund other programmes.

In order to increase capacity, screening kits production and vaccine development, Kemri is looking for Sh250 million to procure equipment like freezers, autoclave, DNA synthesisers, protein synthesisers, guillotines and illimuna sequencers.

Some Sh540 million will go into buying coronavirus reagents and screening materials.

“A lot of reagents and materials are being used in screening and testing of the virus.

The institute has utilised most of the available resources and there is a need to procure more laboratory and personal protective equipment,” Prof Yombe says in the report.

Kemri is also looking for Sh100 million to hire more staff after getting government’s green light to employ 62 more scientists.

“Apart from the internal funding reallocation, the management will be approaching the Kenya National Research Fund, the East Africa Research Fund, Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative and other donors to bridge the gap,” Kemri’s budget proposal reads in part.

The institute is seeking to buy more N95 face masks and other personal protective equipment.


Prof Kombe said the last of the remaining 50 pieces will be used up in the next few days and that there is a need to restock urgently.

He decried the unpredictable supply of consumables and other materials used to carry out tests.

“Kemri was supplied with 1,344 kits for the automated analysis.

The institute is waiting for 26,000 kits from the Clinton Foundation and the Ministry of Health.

The kits will be used up within a day, considering the current trend of testing,” he said.

Kemri has laboratories in Kilifi, Nairobi, Kericho, Kisumu and Busia with a capacity of testing 100,000 samples per week.

This means that, even if the kits are released today, they can only last a day.

Kemri has tested over 8,500 samples since the first case was reported.

The testing is highly automated and employs Cobas 8800 and PCR machines.

Nine out of 14 laboratories in the country with these equipment are in Kemri.

Prof Yombe also raised concerns over the delays in freight and clearance of items and equipment.

“Important items and equipment are taking long to be cleared at the port, thus delaying some of the activities,” he said.


Amid the challenges, Kemri has received a request from the Pharmacy and Poisons Board to evaluate Covid-19 test kits that may be used in the country.

“In addition, the institute has also been nominated by Africa CDC as a centre of excellence in evaluation of Covid-19 diagnostics in the continent.

In this respect, Kemri is already involved in the validation and evaluation of commercial and other kits,” states the report.

The agency has also initiated the development of a Covid-19 vaccine candidate.

“Kemri has commenced exploring efficacy of its in-house product Zudepex and other natural products against Covid-19,” says the report.

Zudepex is an antiviral drug that is used to treat herpes.

It was patented in 2016 and registered as a herbal product by the PPB the same year.

It is available in powder form packed in 250-gramme containers.

#1728 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 3:48:20 PM
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#1729 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 4:53:49 PM
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#1730 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 4:54:45 PM
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So the US which already has >80,000 corona deaths is trying to advice TZ which has only a few deaths. The ambassador should take his advice to Trump.
Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
#1731 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 5:25:06 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
sqft wrote:

So the US which already has >80,000 corona deaths is trying to advice TZ which has only a few deaths. The ambassador should take his advice to Trump.

They might just be heading there
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#1732 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 5:26:03 PM
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sqft wrote:

So the US which already has >80,000 corona deaths is trying to advice TZ which has only a few deaths. The ambassador should take his advice to Trump.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
So predictable
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#1733 Posted : Wednesday, May 13, 2020 5:32:25 PM
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Joined: 2/21/2009
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sqft wrote:

So the US which already has >80,000 corona deaths is trying to advice TZ which has only a few deaths. The ambassador should take his advice to Trump.

can't use such an argument.Yes US may have many casulties but at least we have some data while in TZ we are just guessing and thats quite risky.I hate it when our Gok refers to them as our good neighbours.today 25cases from just a boarder my friend i mentioned it here earlier TZ will sink us down if we dont take care.
#1734 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2020 12:22:59 AM
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Joined: 7/1/2019
Posts: 119
I wish to float a few leighman questions to wazua disease experts and epidemiologists:

1. What will happen to Kenya covid-19 situation when cold July weather sets in?

2. Is it true that respiratory viruses flourish and transmit better in cold weather? If yes, why are there no single cases reported in the great Mountain of God(Kirinyaga and aberdare region)? Why have Mombasa cases gone up with the onset of rains and cold winds/temperatures characteristic in the months of May-August?

2. Should i declare lockdown in my household until December 2020 especially for the kids?

3. What risk does July bring? I foresee the government lifting restrictions in June setting wananchi up for major infection in July.

4. Where is the data for flu/rsv/pneumonia infections in Kenya by month?

5. Finally, is covid-19 malaria by another name?

No matusi please. Kuuliza sio ujinga

#1735 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2020 1:52:55 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
Receptor wrote:
I wish to float a few leighman questions to wazua disease experts and epidemiologists:

1. What will happen to Kenya covid-19 situation when cold July weather sets in?

2. Is it true that respiratory viruses flourish and transmit better in cold weather? If yes, why are there no single cases reported in the great Mountain of God(Kirinyaga and aberdare region)? Why have Mombasa cases gone up with the onset of rains and cold winds/temperatures characteristic in the months of May-August?

2. Should i declare lockdown in my household until December 2020 especially for the kids?

3. What risk does July bring? I foresee the government lifting restrictions in June setting wananchi up for major infection in July.

4. Where is the data for flu/rsv/pneumonia infections in Kenya by month?

5. Finally, is covid-19 malaria by another name?

No matusi please. Kuuliza sio ujinga

You don't need a scientist to interpret what you are already observing with your own eyes. Visit your nearest level 5 or 4 hospital and observe the mood there. If you see anything rather than the normal. By normal I mean an already overwhelmed medical system where two patients share a bed. That has been the normal for the last 30 years. If you notice anything extraordinary like 4 people sharing a bed and all of them having an uncontrollable coughs then it's time to move your family out of Nairobi and take them somewhere near archers post or baragoi.
If you observe the normal just continue with your normal life.
You can never be too careful. A friend of mine never smoked , always used a condom, or engaged in reckless behaviour but he died out of a motor veicle accident last year. A fool come out of nowhere and caused the accident. In this case the fool is TZ and people like me who don't give a funk about it. Nothing stopes us from enjoying our daily life or in my case kuchapa kazi.
Your July weather here is summer weather in Norway and Scotland. You can't compare .
I hope I have been of help. Kujibu pia si ujanja .
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#1736 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2020 2:06:45 AM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
Posts: 15,980
Receptor wrote:
I wish to float a few leighman questions to wazua disease experts and epidemiologists:

1. What will happen to Kenya covid-19 situation when cold July weather sets in?

2. Is it true that respiratory viruses flourish and transmit better in cold weather? If yes, why are there no single cases reported in the great Mountain of God(Kirinyaga and aberdare region)? Why have Mombasa cases gone up with the onset of rains and cold winds/temperatures characteristic in the months of May-August?

Yes influenza viruses spread best in cold weather(influenza is italian for "influence of the cold" ).The reason the virus is not spreading in Mt Kenya region is because it has not been introduced there yet. The cold weather is not the carrier/or cause but any humans/mammals carrying the virus will transmit it to others. The Kenyan common flu may pop up in a few weeks but my thinking is it will be less aggressive this time, people seem to observe hygiene better after covid. PS common flu spreads the same way (coming into contact with a sick person's respiratory fluids) just that the stay power of the virus might be different.

Many scientists in the northern hemisphere (UK, US China Korea etc) believe/think that Covid19 will behave the same way as the other flu viruses (H1N1, MERS SARS) and ofcourse the seasonal flu. What I notice them ignoring is that it was summer in Australia yet that 38+ degree weather did not stop Covid from spreading what helped Australia was lockdown measures and social distancing.

2. Should i declare lockdown in my household until December 2020 especially for the kids?

3. What risk does July bring? I foresee the government lifting restrictions in June setting wananchi up for major infection in July.

4. Where is the data for flu/rsv/pneumonia infections in Kenya by month?

5. Finally, is covid-19 malaria by another name? No. Some symptoms may be similar, shivers headache, but with Malaria your respiratory system doesn't shut down (lungs)

No matusi please. Kuuliza sio ujinga

"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#1737 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2020 8:48:53 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/8/2008
Posts: 1,575
murchr wrote:
Receptor wrote:
I wish to float a few leighman questions to wazua disease experts and epidemiologists:

1. What will happen to Kenya covid-19 situation when cold July weather sets in?

2. Is it true that respiratory viruses flourish and transmit better in cold weather? If yes, why are there no single cases reported in the great Mountain of God(Kirinyaga and aberdare region)? Why have Mombasa cases gone up with the onset of rains and cold winds/temperatures characteristic in the months of May-August?

Yes influenza viruses spread best in cold weather(influenza is italian for "influence of the cold" ).The reason the virus is not spreading in Mt Kenya region is because it has not been introduced there yet. The cold weather is not the carrier/or cause but any humans/mammals carrying the virus will transmit it to others. The Kenyan common flu may pop up in a few weeks but my thinking is it will be less aggressive this time, people seem to observe hygiene better after covid. PS common flu spreads the same way (coming into contact with a sick person's respiratory fluids) just that the stay power of the virus might be different.

Many scientists in the northern hemisphere (UK, US China Korea etc) believe/think that Covid19 will behave the same way as the other flu viruses (H1N1, MERS SARS) and ofcourse the seasonal flu. What I notice them ignoring is that it was summer in Australia yet that 38+ degree weather did not stop Covid from spreading what helped Australia was lockdown measures and social distancing.

2. Should i declare lockdown in my household until December 2020 especially for the kids?

3. What risk does July bring? I foresee the government lifting restrictions in June setting wananchi up for major infection in July.

4. Where is the data for flu/rsv/pneumonia infections in Kenya by month?

5. Finally, is covid-19 malaria by another name? No. Some symptoms may be similar, shivers headache, but with Malaria your respiratory system doesn't shut down (lungs)
Malaria causes excessive destruction of the red blood cell reducing the capacity of blood to deliver oxygen. The resulting damage to body organs from both maybe similar via different mechanisms
No matusi please. Kuuliza sio ujinga

I care!
#1738 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2020 12:49:39 PM
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Joined: 10/4/2006
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thuks wrote:
murchr wrote:
Receptor wrote:
I wish to float a few leighman questions to wazua disease experts and epidemiologists:

1. What will happen to Kenya covid-19 situation when cold July weather sets in?

2. Is it true that respiratory viruses flourish and transmit better in cold weather? If yes, why are there no single cases reported in the great Mountain of God(Kirinyaga and aberdare region)? Why have Mombasa cases gone up with the onset of rains and cold winds/temperatures characteristic in the months of May-August?

Yes influenza viruses spread best in cold weather(influenza is italian for "influence of the cold" ).The reason the virus is not spreading in Mt Kenya region is because it has not been introduced there yet. The cold weather is not the carrier/or cause but any humans/mammals carrying the virus will transmit it to others. The Kenyan common flu may pop up in a few weeks but my thinking is it will be less aggressive this time, people seem to observe hygiene better after covid. PS common flu spreads the same way (coming into contact with a sick person's respiratory fluids) just that the stay power of the virus might be different.

Many scientists in the northern hemisphere (UK, US China Korea etc) believe/think that Covid19 will behave the same way as the other flu viruses (H1N1, MERS SARS) and ofcourse the seasonal flu. What I notice them ignoring is that it was summer in Australia yet that 38+ degree weather did not stop Covid from spreading what helped Australia was lockdown measures and social distancing.

2. Should i declare lockdown in my household until December 2020 especially for the kids?

3. What risk does July bring? I foresee the government lifting restrictions in June setting wananchi up for major infection in July.

4. Where is the data for flu/rsv/pneumonia infections in Kenya by month?

5. Finally, is covid-19 malaria by another name? No. Some symptoms may be similar, shivers headache, but with Malaria your respiratory system doesn't shut down (lungs)
Malaria causes excessive destruction of the red blood cell reducing the capacity of blood to deliver oxygen. The resulting damage to body organs from both maybe similar via different mechanisms
No matusi please. Kuuliza sio ujinga

There is a concept called Game theory - at the base of it is a problem known as the prisoner's dilemma. The problem is whether 2 prisoners caught committing a lesser crime but suspected of a much larger crime will cooperate or betray each other when they are separated and questioned without the other being in the room. if they both keep quiet - they get prosecuted for a small crime. if one betrays the other and the other cooperates - the one who betrays the other gets off scots free and the patsy who was betrayed one gets the book thrown at him. if they all betray each other - they get something less than the case they are patsies and more than when both keep quiet.
will they betray or cooperate? When they cooperate - they pay some limited penalty - when they betray each other - they stand to pay very little if their partner in crime cooperates. if both betray each other they suffer more than if they cooperated.

When played at a system level (many players) the penalities of each aggregate. the cost of cooperating or betrayal is divided across all the players and it usually presents itself in things like queues, traffic jams (overlapping), payment of taxes. If everyone cooperates - the system works. The system is however resilient and can support a few joyriders as the penality is divided across all the complying persons. if one guy jumps the queue - the processing of the queue is not hampered too much. the more the people that jump the queue - the benefits of the queue diminish and die and no one gets in. It's the same with the fight against Covid. Social distancing and ensuring that measures put in place are followed. If everyone follows the guidelines and no one sneaks out - we can seal this thing here and address it. if all sanitize surfaces and wear masks - we get done really fast. if one person with the disease escapes - we can catch them in Homabay or Bomet. The thing goes to shit when everyone suffers FOMO when they see people disregarding containment measures. So @mpobiz - you are that one guy harvesting the benefits of social distancing without paying the price...nyamazia hapo and don't recruit people or this whole place will go to shit really fast.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#1739 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2020 4:32:39 PM
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Joined: 1/10/2015
Posts: 961
Location: Kenya
Habari ndiyo hiyo.



The World Health organisation (WHO) warned on Wednesday that coronavirus may never go away and people will have to learn to live with it.

The warning from the UN health agency come even as some countries begin to ease social distancing restrictions that were enforced to curb the spread of the contagious virus.

“It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away,” WHO emergencies chief Michael Ryan said.

“I think there are no promises in this and there are no dates. This disease may settle into a long problem, or it may not be.”

Dr Ryan said that just like HIV which has not gone away, the world must be prepared live with the new virus.

He said that even with a vaccine, it would take a massive effort to eliminate the virus, noting that some illnesses such as measles still exist despite having vaccines.
Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
Angelica _ann
#1740 Posted : Thursday, May 14, 2020 4:51:30 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 12/7/2012
Posts: 11,910
sqft wrote:
Habari ndiyo hiyo.



The World Health organisation (WHO) warned on Wednesday that coronavirus may never go away and people will have to learn to live with it.

The warning from the UN health agency come even as some countries begin to ease social distancing restrictions that were enforced to curb the spread of the contagious virus.

“It is important to put this on the table: this virus may become just another endemic virus in our communities, and this virus may never go away,” WHO emergencies chief Michael Ryan said.

“I think there are no promises in this and there are no dates. This disease may settle into a long problem, or it may not be.”

Dr Ryan said that just like HIV which has not gone away, the world must be prepared live with the new virus.

He said that even with a vaccine, it would take a massive effort to eliminate the virus, noting that some illnesses such as measles still exist despite having vaccines.

The China WHO smile
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
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