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#1481 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 5:35:58 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/19/2015
Posts: 2,871
Location: hapo
kaka2za wrote:

I opened my door and what I saw looked like UG which is doing quite well with food distribution and Covid surveys.
We are feeding the needy in our area yet I hear the government has allocated billions to feed the poor.

Meanwhile, Cameroon which has among the highest numbers in sub-saharan Africa has eased almost all restrictions!

You seriously can't be quoting Cameroon? Can I send you real emails and even online forums to discuss with the Cameroonians you seem to admire?

What is wrong with Kenyans.

Since yesterday when you were "caring" for the people of Kawangware, 7 more have been discovered. Umewapelekea chakula? In old town, which has the highest death rate in Mombasa, they seem to be reading your posts on wazua. 6 have died.

This disease doesn't care. How many times do you want to be told that. It doesn't care if you are poor or live Kawangware and the Jubilee gov't is evil and looto charo nefa mbe. You are either going to do the right thing for your family or watch your children die.

Since this thread started, all manner of theories and ideas have been written. Continue writing. It doesn't care.

Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?

#1482 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 5:39:58 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 9/19/2015
Posts: 2,871
Location: hapo
Mombasa leaders have the message on point.

Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?

#1483 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 6:22:22 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/3/2008
Posts: 4,057
Location: Gwitu
alma1 wrote:
kaka2za wrote:

I opened my door and what I saw looked like UG which is doing quite well with food distribution and Covid surveys.
We are feeding the needy in our area yet I hear the government has allocated billions to feed the poor.

Meanwhile, Cameroon which has among the highest numbers in sub-saharan Africa has eased almost all restrictions!

You seriously can't be quoting Cameroon? Can I send you real emails and even online forums to discuss with the Cameroonians you seem to admire?

What is wrong with Kenyans.

Since yesterday when you were "caring" for the people of Kawangware, 7 more have been discovered. Umewapelekea chakula? In old town, which has the highest death rate in Mombasa, they seem to be reading your posts on wazua. 6 have died.

This disease doesn't care. How many times do you want to be told that. It doesn't care if you are poor or live Kawangware and the Jubilee gov't is evil and looto charo nefa mbe. You are either going to do the right thing for your family or watch your children die.

Since this thread started, all manner of theories and ideas have been written. Continue writing. It doesn't care.

Where did I admire Cameroon? I don't need emails I have relatives there.
You conveniently ignored the Uganda part.
My safety starts with me.
Truth forever on the scaffold
Wrong forever on the throne
(James Russell Rowell)
#1484 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 7:42:04 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 10/24/2013
Posts: 455
Location: Nairobi
alma1 wrote:
kaka2za wrote:

I opened my door and what I saw looked like UG which is doing quite well with food distribution and Covid surveys.
We are feeding the needy in our area yet I hear the government has allocated billions to feed the poor.

Meanwhile, Cameroon which has among the highest numbers in sub-saharan Africa has eased almost all restrictions!

You seriously can't be quoting Cameroon? Can I send you real emails and even online forums to discuss with the Cameroonians you seem to admire?

What is wrong with Kenyans.

Since yesterday when you were "caring" for the people of Kawangware, 7 more have been discovered. Umewapelekea chakula? In old town, which has the highest death rate in Mombasa, they seem to be reading your posts on wazua. 6 have died.

This disease doesn't care. How many times do you want to be told that. It doesn't care if you are poor or live Kawangware and the Jubilee gov't is evil and looto charo nefa mbe. You are either going to do the right thing for your family or watch your children die.

Since this thread started, all manner of theories and ideas have been written. Continue writing. It doesn't care.

We are expecting too much from Wanjohi Kunywatta government. Alilemewa na locusts sembuse COVID-19.
Political class efforts focused on 2022. No wonder they are busy fighting for party leadership. We are on our own. Our safety is our business not Uhurao govt's business.
#1485 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 8:36:13 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/4/2006
Posts: 13,821
Location: Nairobi
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#1486 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 9:21:17 PM
Rank: Member

Joined: 5/22/2014
Posts: 321
Location: Ndeiya
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!


Wherever I am, we had taken that position of blaming the government and ignoring all directives, just like some of you in Kenya. Now we know.
#1487 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 10:29:38 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!

It's now all in the open that the rumour mongers are the persons who had predicted thousands dead by 1st of May. It's now 2may what happened to your curves and data?
According to my prediction nduthis will kill more people this year than covid. I hope the government declares a ban or a nationwide boycott of nduthis across the country.
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#1488 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 10:57:00 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/8/2013
Posts: 4,068
Location: At Large.
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!

Wewe @Makales wacha tujibambe na mathoughts,imaginations na rumours.

Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#1489 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 11:05:26 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/4/2006
Posts: 13,821
Location: Nairobi
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!

It's now all in the open that the rumour mongers are the persons who had predicted thousands dead by 1st of May. It's now 2may what happened to your curves and data?
According to my prediction nduthis will kill more people this year than covid. I hope the government declares a ban or a nationwide boycott of nduthis across the country.

I think I am a bad teacher! I have been trying to ingrain 2 lessons here but some of you cannot understand it KABISA! ama ni students?

Lesson 1: Projections are not prophesies
How many times do we have to say that Projections are not prophesies. How many times do I have to say this? each action adjusts the outcome. Mumezoea kuenda kwa prophets sana. Mtoto akiwa mkaidi watu husema - HUYU AKIENDELEA HIVI ATAKUWA MWIZI! Keyword AKIENDELEA HIVI! Sijui kwa nini this lesson is so hard for people?

Lesson 2: Exponential Growth of Covid
Many things will kill more people in Kenya than Covid this year. heck more people may die from drowning or nduthis this year. You know whats the difference between ndithis and Covid? THE EXPONENTIAL NATURE OF COVID.
One Nduthi does not hit a person then 3 more Nduthis come from that person and each of the new Nduthis go on to hit 3 more people. Swimming pools are not hunting people. Nguthis are not hunting people. Even Trump was dismissive like you and now he has 65,000+ people DEAD. less than 2 months ago USA was exactly where we are...

Ujeuri huu wenu and dismissiveness hii yenu was with him... sasa wamezika watu! tuwache ujuaji!!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#1490 Posted : Saturday, May 02, 2020 11:58:49 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
masukuma wrote:
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!

It's now all in the open that the rumour mongers are the persons who had predicted thousands dead by 1st of May. It's now 2may what happened to your curves and data?
According to my prediction nduthis will kill more people this year than covid. I hope the government declares a ban or a nationwide boycott of nduthis across the country.

I think I am a bad teacher! I have been trying to ingrain 2 lessons here but some of you cannot understand it KABISA! ama ni students?

Lesson 1: Projections are not prophesies
How many times do we have to say that Projections are not prophesies. How many times do I have to say this? each action adjusts the outcome. Mumezoea kuenda kwa prophets sana. Mtoto akiwa mkaidi watu husema - HUYU AKIENDELEA HIVI ATAKUWA MWIZI! Keyword AKIENDELEA HIVI! Sijui kwa nini this lesson is so hard for people?

Lesson 2: Exponential Growth of Covid
Many things will kill more people in Kenya than Covid this year. heck more people may die from drowning or nduthis this year. You know whats the difference between ndithis and Covid? THE EXPONENTIAL NATURE OF COVID.
One Nduthi does not hit a person then 3 more Nduthis come from that person and each of the new Nduthis go on to hit 3 more people. Swimming pools are not hunting people. Nguthis are not hunting people. Even Trump was dismissive like you and now he has 65,000+ people DEAD. less than 2 months ago USA was exactly where we are...

Ujeuri huu wenu and dismissiveness hii yenu was with him... sasa wamezika watu! tuwache ujuaji!!

You are not a bad teacher it's only that you are teaching what you are not qualified to teach. You are like a homescience teacher inside a quantum physics class.
We are telling you that this desease is just behaving diffrent here in black Africa. We have been telling you that this disease has been with us from February and as usual since you are the teacher you are dismissing your students. You now have the evidence. some truck drivers(6) from Kenya have been found to be infected in Uganda. Did they fly there? They were not tested because they were sick . They were tested because the Ugandans decided to test anybody entering their country. With the number of stops an ordinary driver makes along mombasa kampala road it's not hard to imagine the kind of chain they left behind. That is if we assume they got infected in mombasa. What if 3 of them were infected in nakuru or eldoret. Where is the data and the curve on the infection rate in eldoret and nakuru?

Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#1491 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 12:13:00 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 10/4/2006
Posts: 13,821
Location: Nairobi
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!

It's now all in the open that the rumour mongers are the persons who had predicted thousands dead by 1st of May. It's now 2may what happened to your curves and data?
According to my prediction nduthis will kill more people this year than covid. I hope the government declares a ban or a nationwide boycott of nduthis across the country.

I think I am a bad teacher! I have been trying to ingrain 2 lessons here but some of you cannot understand it KABISA! ama ni students?

Lesson 1: Projections are not prophesies
How many times do we have to say that Projections are not prophesies. How many times do I have to say this? each action adjusts the outcome. Mumezoea kuenda kwa prophets sana. Mtoto akiwa mkaidi watu husema - HUYU AKIENDELEA HIVI ATAKUWA MWIZI! Keyword AKIENDELEA HIVI! Sijui kwa nini this lesson is so hard for people?

Lesson 2: Exponential Growth of Covid
Many things will kill more people in Kenya than Covid this year. heck more people may die from drowning or nduthis this year. You know whats the difference between ndithis and Covid? THE EXPONENTIAL NATURE OF COVID.
One Nduthi does not hit a person then 3 more Nduthis come from that person and each of the new Nduthis go on to hit 3 more people. Swimming pools are not hunting people. Nguthis are not hunting people. Even Trump was dismissive like you and now he has 65,000+ people DEAD. less than 2 months ago USA was exactly where we are...

Ujeuri huu wenu and dismissiveness hii yenu was with him... sasa wamezika watu! tuwache ujuaji!!

You are not a bad teacher it's only that you are teaching what you are not qualified to teach. You are like a homescience teacher inside a quantum physics class.
We are telling you that this desease is just behaving diffrent here in black Africa. We have been telling you that this disease has been with us from February and as usual since you are the teacher you are dismissing your students. You now have the evidence. some truck drivers(6) from Kenya have been found to be infected in Uganda. Did they fly there? They were not tested because they were sick . They were tested because the Ugandans decided to test anybody entering their country. With the number of stops an ordinary driver makes along mombasa kampala road it's not hard to imagine the kind of chain they left behind. That is if we assume they got infected in mombasa. What if 3 of them were infected in nakuru or eldoret. Where is the data and the curve on the infection rate in eldoret and nakuru?

We are yet to establish that the disease is not behaving differently in Black Africa.
Jirani Zenu hapa tanzania wanakufa on the streets na kuzikana usiku. (separate matter).

All these drivers wametoka PORT remember kulikuwa na cluster huko? And YES!! They have left a chain behind but it's still a young chain that can be snubbed.

The PENALTY OF BEING WRONG WITH THE UJUAJI OF 'IT BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY HERE IN BLACK AFRICA' AND BEHAVING NORMALLY is Massive numbers of deaths. There is NOTHING that tells me the disease has been around for as long as you state or its behaving 'differently' with 'KENYANS' specifically (Coz Tanzania wako na shida sana)

Tutarudi hapa
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#1492 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 12:25:40 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
masukuma wrote:
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!

It's now all in the open that the rumour mongers are the persons who had predicted thousands dead by 1st of May. It's now 2may what happened to your curves and data?
According to my prediction nduthis will kill more people this year than covid. I hope the government declares a ban or a nationwide boycott of nduthis across the country.

I think I am a bad teacher! I have been trying to ingrain 2 lessons here but some of you cannot understand it KABISA! ama ni students?

Lesson 1: Projections are not prophesies
How many times do we have to say that Projections are not prophesies. How many times do I have to say this? each action adjusts the outcome. Mumezoea kuenda kwa prophets sana. Mtoto akiwa mkaidi watu husema - HUYU AKIENDELEA HIVI ATAKUWA MWIZI! Keyword AKIENDELEA HIVI! Sijui kwa nini this lesson is so hard for people?

Lesson 2: Exponential Growth of Covid
Many things will kill more people in Kenya than Covid this year. heck more people may die from drowning or nduthis this year. You know whats the difference between ndithis and Covid? THE EXPONENTIAL NATURE OF COVID.
One Nduthi does not hit a person then 3 more Nduthis come from that person and each of the new Nduthis go on to hit 3 more people. Swimming pools are not hunting people. Nguthis are not hunting people. Even Trump was dismissive like you and now he has 65,000+ people DEAD. less than 2 months ago USA was exactly where we are...

Ujeuri huu wenu and dismissiveness hii yenu was with him... sasa wamezika watu! tuwache ujuaji!!

You are not a bad teacher it's only that you are teaching what you are not qualified to teach. You are like a homescience teacher inside a quantum physics class.
We are telling you that this desease is just behaving diffrent here in black Africa. We have been telling you that this disease has been with us from February and as usual since you are the teacher you are dismissing your students. You now have the evidence. some truck drivers(6) from Kenya have been found to be infected in Uganda. Did they fly there? They were not tested because they were sick . They were tested because the Ugandans decided to test anybody entering their country. With the number of stops an ordinary driver makes along mombasa kampala road it's not hard to imagine the kind of chain they left behind. That is if we assume they got infected in mombasa. What if 3 of them were infected in nakuru or eldoret. Where is the data and the curve on the infection rate in eldoret and nakuru?

We are yet to establish that the disease is not behaving differently in Black Africa.
Jirani Zenu hapa tanzania wanakufa on the streets na kuzikana usiku. (separate matter).

All these drivers wametoka PORT remember kulikuwa na cluster huko? And YES!! They have left a chain behind but it's still a young chain that can be snubbed.

The PENALTY OF BEING WRONG WITH THE UJUAJI OF 'IT BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY HERE IN BLACK AFRICA' AND BEHAVING NORMALLY is Massive numbers of deaths. There is NOTHING that tells me the disease has been around for as long as you state or its behaving 'differently' with 'KENYANS' specifically (Coz Tanzania wako na shida sana)

Tutarudi hapa

Don't be so desperate to proof a point that you start to include rumours and innuendos.
Tz are ok.

I laughed when I saw someone here allude that the cases found somehere near isebania was because of cross-border trade and blamed Tanzania. The infection is here. We are just not susceptible to servere symptoms in masses like other places.
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#1493 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 1:17:25 AM
Rank: Member

Joined: 2/20/2007
Posts: 767
The current govt mass testing is a waste of resources and will yield nothing much. Worst case scenario is that infections are so many that a policy of home quarantine is effected ( which is useless by the way). Best case scenario is minimal cases which raises the question, then what? Completely useless exercise.

Those kits would have been better deployed in all hospitals and health centres to test and help treat those who present with symptoms.

They must find it difficult....... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority. -G. Massey.
#1494 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 2:11:55 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/8/2013
Posts: 4,068
Location: At Large.
tom_boy wrote:
The current govt mass testing is a waste of resources and will yield nothing much. Worst case scenario is that infections are so many that a policy of home quarantine is effected ( which is useless by the way). Best case scenario is minimal cases which raises the question, then what? Completely useless exercise.

Those kits would have been better deployed in all hospitals and health centres to test and help treat those who present with symptoms.

I fully support you.

Let us stop the mass testing and let people present themselves Wakijihisi wana symptoms.

Meanwhile we continue washing our hands,wear masks,keep the distance,extend the curfew and maintain the ban on public gatherings...........

Adjust work environment to fit COVID situation till the day it is declared over.

Yes,this disease is with us and it is wide spread but most are Asymptomatic.For as long as we are testing we shall always get new cases and the cycle continues forever.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#1495 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 2:31:33 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 8/10/2010
Posts: 2,264
mpobiz wrote:
murchr wrote:
Surely, people should just be advised to go to Mbagathi

This is where the government is mistaken. Instead of making the sick to follow them. The government is just groping in the dark by holding this useless mass testing thing.
We have countless medical facilities with very qualified personnel.
Why not arm the medical personal in this health centers with the right equipment and make it compulsory to be tested when you seek treatment for any ailment that someone reports there?
Will they close all medical facilities around town ? This is because this closures will continue to happen so long as someone walks in and sneezes loudly. This will spell a disaster to other people suffering from other ailments.

Bigchick wrote:
tom_boy wrote:
The current govt mass testing is a waste of resources and will yield nothing much. Worst case scenario is that infections are so many that a policy of home quarantine is effected ( which is useless by the way). Best case scenario is minimal cases which raises the question, then what? Completely useless exercise.

Those kits would have been better deployed in all hospitals and health centres to test and help treat those who present with symptoms.

I fully support you.

Let us stop the mass testing and let people present themselves Wakijihisi wana symptoms.

Meanwhile we continue washing our hands,wear masks,keep the distance,extend the curfew and maintain the ban on public gatherings...........

Adjust work environment to fit COVID situation till the day it is declared over.

Yes,this disease is with us and it is wide spread but most are Asymptomatic.For as long as we are testing we shall always get new cases and the cycle continues forever.

This is just a whisper considering that the loudest voices are the teachers and those who want to preach to us doom and gloom.
Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#1496 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 3:36:15 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 11/17/2009
Posts: 2,038
Location: GA
Bigchick wrote:
tom_boy wrote:
The current govt mass testing is a waste of resources and will yield nothing much. Worst case scenario is that infections are so many that a policy of home quarantine is effected ( which is useless by the way). Best case scenario is minimal cases which raises the question, then what? Completely useless exercise.

Those kits would have been better deployed in all hospitals and health centres to test and help treat those who present with symptoms.

I fully support you.

Let us stop the mass testing and let people present themselves Wakijihisi wana symptoms.

Meanwhile we continue washing our hands,wear masks,keep the distance,extend the curfew and maintain the ban on public gatherings...........

Adjust work environment to fit COVID situation till the day it is declared over.

Yes,this disease is with us and it is wide spread but most are Asymptomatic.For as long as we are testing we shall always get new cases and the cycle continues forever.

If we dont see a mass outbreak in kawangware or eastleigh yaani mpaka hospitals zinakuwa overwhelmed not just reporting new cases then something is amiss
#1497 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 9:35:51 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/8/2013
Posts: 4,068
Location: At Large.
madollar wrote:
Bigchick wrote:
tom_boy wrote:
The current govt mass testing is a waste of resources and will yield nothing much. Worst case scenario is that infections are so many that a policy of home quarantine is effected ( which is useless by the way). Best case scenario is minimal cases which raises the question, then what? Completely useless exercise.

Those kits would have been better deployed in all hospitals and health centres to test and help treat those who present with symptoms.

I fully support you.

Let us stop the mass testing and let people present themselves Wakijihisi wana symptoms.

Meanwhile we continue washing our hands,wear masks,keep the distance,extend the curfew and maintain the ban on public gatherings...........

Adjust work environment to fit COVID situation till the day it is declared over.

Yes,this disease is with us and it is wide spread but most are Asymptomatic.For as long as we are testing we shall always get new cases and the cycle continues forever.

If we dont see a mass outbreak in kawangware or eastleigh yaani mpaka hospitals zinakuwa overwhelmed not just reporting new cases then something is amiss

Amiss in the right way.
And we go back to work on Monday.

I read somewhere recently that like all flus,this too will be seasonal and it has a life span of 70days.We are on day today.Lets begin the countdown......
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#1498 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 10:12:07 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/8/2013
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masukuma wrote:
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
mpobiz wrote:
masukuma wrote:
The government's responsibility is to test, isolate and medicate. it's not the government's job to ensure that individuals social distance or wash hands or sanitize surfaces - this is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! hapo ulipo.

When it comes to a war of COVID against human politics, philosophy, ideologies, narratives and rumourmongering - COVID will win EACH AND EVERY TIME. Tuwache ujinga kama wakenya. The disease will not change its behavior just because you think it does not spread or 'it has been here' or those lies you keep on telling yourselves. it also does not matter how many people you convince of your notions - the disease does not care! itawashika wote halafu kesho mseme... OH! KUMBE HATUKUWA TUNAJUA HATUJUI!! But it will be too late! tHose projections of 300,000 dead on our streets will be here. Tuwache ujinga!

It's now all in the open that the rumour mongers are the persons who had predicted thousands dead by 1st of May. It's now 2may what happened to your curves and data?
According to my prediction nduthis will kill more people this year than covid. I hope the government declares a ban or a nationwide boycott of nduthis across the country.

I think I am a bad teacher! I have been trying to ingrain 2 lessons here but some of you cannot understand it KABISA! ama ni students?

Lesson 1: Projections are not prophesies
How many times do we have to say that Projections are not prophesies. How many times do I have to say this? each action adjusts the outcome. Mumezoea kuenda kwa prophets sana. Mtoto akiwa mkaidi watu husema - HUYU AKIENDELEA HIVI ATAKUWA MWIZI! Keyword AKIENDELEA HIVI! Sijui kwa nini this lesson is so hard for people?

Lesson 2: Exponential Growth of Covid
Many things will kill more people in Kenya than Covid this year. heck more people may die from drowning or nduthis this year. You know whats the difference between ndithis and Covid? THE EXPONENTIAL NATURE OF COVID.
One Nduthi does not hit a person then 3 more Nduthis come from that person and each of the new Nduthis go on to hit 3 more people. Swimming pools are not hunting people. Nguthis are not hunting people. Even Trump was dismissive like you and now he has 65,000+ people DEAD. less than 2 months ago USA was exactly where we are...

Ujeuri huu wenu and dismissiveness hii yenu was with him... sasa wamezika watu! tuwache ujuaji!!

You are not a bad teacher it's only that you are teaching what you are not qualified to teach. You are like a homescience teacher inside a quantum physics class.
We are telling you that this desease is just behaving diffrent here in black Africa. We have been telling you that this disease has been with us from February and as usual since you are the teacher you are dismissing your students. You now have the evidence. some truck drivers(6) from Kenya have been found to be infected in Uganda. Did they fly there? They were not tested because they were sick . They were tested because the Ugandans decided to test anybody entering their country. With the number of stops an ordinary driver makes along mombasa kampala road it's not hard to imagine the kind of chain they left behind. That is if we assume they got infected in mombasa. What if 3 of them were infected in nakuru or eldoret. Where is the data and the curve on the infection rate in eldoret and nakuru?

We are yet to establish that the disease is not behaving differently in Black Africa.
Jirani Zenu hapa tanzania wanakufa on the streets na kuzikana usiku. (separate matter).

All these drivers wametoka PORT remember kulikuwa na cluster huko? And YES!! They have left a chain behind but it's still a young chain that can be snubbed.

The PENALTY OF BEING WRONG WITH THE UJUAJI OF 'IT BEHAVES DIFFERENTLY HERE IN BLACK AFRICA' AND BEHAVING NORMALLY is Massive numbers of deaths. There is NOTHING that tells me the disease has been around for as long as you state or its behaving 'differently' with 'KENYANS' specifically (Coz Tanzania wako na shida sana)

Tutarudi hapa

Just a BTW @Masukuma last year around Sept,Starehe girls was closed down for a week for the girls to seek treatment.40 girls innForm 1 and 4 in form 4 had symtoms similar to COVID.From tests conducted by KEMRI they said it was common cold.

Someone can pull the Standard of October 1 ,2019.It was the headline story.

This thing has been with us much longer,over 200days parharps😆
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#1499 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 11:55:36 AM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 1/10/2015
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The U.S. saw 2,909 people die of Covid-19 in past 24 hours, the highest daily death toll in the U.S. yet. The country’s deadliest day comes as state officials weigh reopening parts of the economy and easing stay-at-home orders.

Meanwhile the UK had 750 deaths in past 24hrs.
Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
#1500 Posted : Sunday, May 03, 2020 12:10:22 PM
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sqft wrote:
The U.S. saw 2,909 people die of Covid-19 in past 24 hours, the highest daily death toll in the U.S. yet. The country’s deadliest day comes as state officials weigh reopening parts of the economy and easing stay-at-home orders.

Meanwhile the UK had 750 deaths in past 24hrs.

Small correction,the worst was a day they recorded over 4500 deaths in 24hours.

What to do now?The situation seems hopeless.Is it blacks still checking out or things have changed?Are they still testing?Are they treating?Are people checking into hospital with symptoms.

Where did Americans go wrong?Can the Madagascar cure be sent there?Anything should be tried right now.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
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