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#641 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 8:40:07 PM
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#642 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 9:04:56 PM
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No breather yet for Italy, +889 deaths in 24hrs.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#643 Posted : Saturday, March 28, 2020 10:32:38 PM
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But God works in mysterious ways.

That the person who exchanged me with goats, several crates of Fanta soda and lesos on one bright afternoon, was home today, earlier than our neighbours - see you in the evening- chicken is truly the lords doing.

I do not write to Praise Covid- 19.

That virus is nobody's grandmother and we need to listen to our Governments, atleast this once.

Kwanza, we need to send our parents money and foodstuffs back at the village so that they can buy food and supplements to boost their immunity.

What we dont need to do is to visit them or send them our children because we might be exposing them to more danger.

Look, we already gave our parents blood pressure in our teenage years when they discovered we smoked weed, wore thongs and exchanged bodily fluids inside cattle-dips, let's not kill them any further.

Anyway, where was I?

Ehe, due to the curfew, son of man, he who pointed me with several goat ribs at kamakis, He who ensured that he had shifted my pelvic bones before payment of dowry, he who consoled me by injecting another pregnancy after not winning Ms. President, came home at 4 pm today with all the symptoms of denial and betrayal by Government.

Son of man been flipping and discovering new channels on Startimes and Netflix.

But because the TV is owned by a three-year-old, He has so far watched all 65 episodes of Sofia the First, Spongebob square pants and Alladin with a grin on his face because each episode has to be followed by dancing practicals😂

Son of man has not been immune to my telenovela doses.

We have flipped between Maria and Khum Khum Bhagya without any complaints.

We have boiled cereals, He has clipped my nails, served food, peeped at the gate to see if Government was joking, massaged my scalp, poked my huge belly, called his boss to ask if Government has changed its mind, now we are waiting to watch that ratched 10/10 show where I plan on shaking what shakes, swinging hips this way and that way and bending over to pick whatever girls pick when they bend over, bend over, bend over...

And because no goat wife or any woman with a male species nearby has any pelvic bone remaining, the only thing left to break will be the bed and my back which is okay because camel soup fixes everything.

Tomorrow, we paint nails and talk about all the women who have ever called him since 2015, and a guarana receipt I found in his pocket on 18th January 2017.

ha-ha, God of women is overworking and shaming the devil.

Praaaaaaaaaaaise the laaaaaaaaaawd!
#644 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 1:47:23 AM
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Joined: 8/26/2014
Posts: 63

Nimeona wengine wamekalishwa chini wakithandura bembe
#645 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 6:32:19 AM
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kaka2za wrote:
Bigchick wrote:
Taurrus wrote:
Mitumba ban, that new CS is serving her former colleagues next she will ban second hand cars!

This is a temporary suspension not a total ban.The idea being to reduce the mass humanity that gathers at second hand places to buy.Social distancing that is.

The disease is mainly spread by the elite but will hit the poor so hard!
In a bid to protect the poor,they are taking from them their source of livelihood!
If this persists, there might be social disorder because the most vulnerable will have no food and could be evicted from rented premises.

@kakatuza my exact thought. Why ban mitumba importation? Any science to link it to covid19? Any science to link it to faster spread of the same? No. The argument that it creates social distance is lazy since the same govt is struggling to come up with measures to ease economic hardship among such traders.
#646 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 7:05:46 AM
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tycho wrote:
We need masks. This is because we know like 80% of cases will manifest with a cough, with 38% experiencing fatigue. Mindfulness and control can be easily lost and the habit of covering the mouth can be easily flouted. We also know there's an asymptomatic period when a good laugh can kill. And if we want to cut the cases to as few as possible, we must control saliva droplet collection, and prevent saliva from getting on other surfaces easily.
Such an arrangement will assist also where we may fail in social distancing like in matatus.

It's possible that there's a shortage of mask supply. So let's make them using our local tailors. We can improvise on materials to use. Besides, that may be the start of the local textile industry we so want. Plus, we will develop confidence in the economy and we might just escape an economic depression.

@tycho well said. In India they have improvised masks, cloth that covers the mouth and nose is a must. In Croatia they are making them at home by improvising with commonly available cloth and materials. It mustn't be expensive.
#647 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 8:29:58 AM
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@Mahegoat said:

[quote]@Tycho, tomorrow is Sunday.

What is your take regarding Religion in Kenia and the use of the palpit to fight or spread the contagion?

Religion in Kenya may not be perceived and engaged properly in the effort to curb the Covid virus. If you look at the reporting regarding religion - where for example it is reported that most Christians believe that they are an exception from the disease by virtue of Jesus - we find a hasty conclusion regarding the effect of faith in the matter. We have seen similar sentiments across many different contexts and people to say that we may be looking at a normal human reaction of denial using religious language. Many who identify as African, believe they are a disease resistant species.

I have asked myself if congregation necessarily causes a spread of Covid, and my answer is 'no'. Some forms of congregation may spread the virus faster than others. So a blanket ban on congregation may be an overkill.

Therefore, I suspect that this may be an opportunity for government to over reach her power over citizens, and using a population skeptical of religion to score points, by framing questions in a way that presents religion with a false dilemma.

That said, religion in Kenya is generally facing the challenge of what Harvey Cox called 'secularization'. This is the deconstruction of an exclusive narrative to accommodate other narratives and create a narrative that is humanist and universal. This is because relations are now more intercultural and global. Cox invokes urbanization as the cause for secularization.

It is from such a position that religion can be a serious resource in the fight against disease. If we look at the extent of secularization in Kenyan religion we see that secularization is either happening too slowly or not happening at all in some cases. This is likely to cause internal conflict in members in the face of a global experience and may hamper changes to adaptive behaviour against diseases or other evils.
#648 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 9:57:59 AM
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@Tycho, this Sunday, our plot is the venue of one of those Church-Based Chama cum Prayer meetings.

We are talking about 20-30 women crammed into that narrow corridor between the apartments.

In such a situation, social distancing ceases to exist.

We, the committee of the Nyumba Kumi committee, had asked the Chama committee to suspend these meetings.

The Chama committee declined.

A Chama member even had the effrontery to quote President Uhuru, who said: "Even Science requires God".

Do we call for Police assistance to prevent such a meeting?

That was the gist of my quoting The Economist and seeking your opinion on religion and The Virus.
#649 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 10:10:03 AM
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@Kaka2za raised an important issue yesterday: most people are working half day, and I add, ineffectively. @Lolest talked about market traders not getting opportunity to work due to rules on social distancing. Then we have our police service alienating the government from the people with their twanga twanga behavior.

I suggest this: let us move into a 24 hour economy that can work with optimal distancing, and controlled movement. Instead of police just beating and crowding people together as they are doing, let them help by securing businesses and geographical areas and ensure a new adaptive behaviour is adhered to.

Let us emulate Germany and have programmers and coders working to generate needed solutions with funding from domestic and collaborative initiatives.

Our matatus and business premises can be redesigned and optimized for such an economy. For example, some matatus can be converted for goods distribution and deliveries.

Right now, we have evidence that the economy is subservient to community and social cohesion at the base. So we need to invest in sustainable community and expect little direct monetary returns. We can think of community operating capacity and sustainability as a goal.

Therefore, let us draw a timeline for getting masked, find ways for medical coordination to the local clinic level, establish a 24 hr strategy, and request the lifting of the curfew.

This is good for us because we will have adopted a security system that will allow us to be resilient in future shocks, and one that is adaptive to a post covid reality predicted as grim.
#650 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 10:10:16 AM
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aemathenge wrote:
@Tycho, this Sunday, our plot is the venue of one of those Church-Based Chama cum Prayer meetings.

We are talking about 20-30 women crammed into that narrow corridor between the apartments.

In such a situation, social distancing ceases to exist.

We, the committee of the Nyumba Kumi committee, had asked the Chama committee to suspend these meetings.

The Chama committee declined.

A Chama member even had the effrontery to quote President Uhuru, who said: "Even Science requires God".

Do we call for Police assistance to prevent such a meeting?

That was the gist of my quoting The Economist and seeking your opinion on religion and The Virus.

Gather guys from around and thrush them proper as you wait for the police.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#651 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 10:17:45 AM
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aemathenge wrote:
@Tycho, this Sunday, our plot is the venue of one of those Church-Based Chama cum Prayer meetings.

We are talking about 20-30 women crammed into that narrow corridor between the apartments.

In such a situation, social distancing ceases to exist.

We, the committee of the Nyumba Kumi committee, had asked the Chama committee to suspend these meetings.

The Chama committee declined.

A Chama member even had the effrontery to quote President Uhuru, who said: "Even Science requires God".

Do we call for Police assistance to prevent such a meeting?

That was the gist of my quoting The Economist and seeking your opinion on religion and The Virus.

It is true that even science needs religion. So a step I would recommend is recognition of the validity of religious congregation working with science. If possible, help design a solution.

The option of the police is valid if the audience fails to appreciate the need for a proper solution.

Imagine the following scenario: if you call the police, then the worst would be taking them to prison, which needs to decongest urgently. You would be shifting covid to your neighbor.

So even the police are supposed to mediate and not twanga twanga!
#652 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 10:34:11 AM
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Much as I detest bringing politics into The Virus Issue, our local Kirinyaga Politics appears to be in a muddle where public health is concerned.

Kenya Medical Research Institute, in the current situation, ought to be the premier institution in Kenya where matters health are concerned.

Imagine my angst when a friend residing in the US forwards me a link to this article.

The fallout between Kemri and the governor started when the former decided to build a research centre either in Western or Mt Kenya region.

Eventually, Kirinyaga was chosen as the host county.

The county donated 100 acres of land for the Sh15 billion project.

Kemri was supposed to built a level five hospital and a training wing at the research centre.

Kirinyaga’s first Governor Joseph Ndathi told the Sunday Nation that the project guaranteed Kirinyaga people 30 per cent of non-skilled jobs.

Mr Ndathi’s administration agreed to issue Kemri a title deed.

However, Ms Waiguru is yet to hand over the document.

A week after Ms Waiguru appeared to have had the backing of the president on the issue, powerful Interior Principal Secretary Karanja Kibicho toured the site of the project in Mwea, and called the delay in the commencement “stupidity”.

Mr Kibicho comes from Kirinyaga.

Source Link: https://mobile.nation.co...507584-torik1/index.html
#653 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 10:55:41 AM
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Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
#654 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 11:52:36 AM
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When church doors close...
And dance floors reject the dancers
When clubs no longer solace give...
And loved ones with we deny welcome
Then know these are the end times.

When to no superpower we look
Hoping their great minds a vaccine will give
When our colonizers now cower
Shaken and beaten than us

Then know these are the end times.

When no bells chime in Rome...
And no music flows from the basilicas
When the Pope to the wind preaches
With none daring enough to listen
Then know these are the end times.

But the sun each day shines
Its rosy fingers spreading from above
This is hope that God still lives
And if He lives then we have another chance!

Prof. Osugu Henry
#655 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 12:37:25 PM
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Joined: 8/10/2010
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Politics is just things to keep the people divided and foolish and put your trust in men and none of them can do nothing for you...
#656 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 1:27:51 PM
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aemathenge wrote:
When church doors close...
And dance floors reject the dancers
When clubs no longer solace give...
And loved ones with we deny welcome
Then know these are the end times.

When to no superpower we look
Hoping their great minds a vaccine will give
When our colonizers now cower
Shaken and beaten than us

Then know these are the end times.

When no bells chime in Rome...
And no music flows from the basilicas
When the Pope to the wind preaches
With none daring enough to listen
Then know these are the end times.

But the sun each day shines
Its rosy fingers spreading from above
This is hope that God still lives
And if He lives then we have another chance!

Prof. Osugu Henry

Black Death Tings!!!!
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#657 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 2:03:16 PM
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The winter is here(game of thrones)
#658 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 2:19:14 PM
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speculator wrote:
The winter is here(game of thrones)

A more apt scenario would be Stephen Saunders and his acquired Cordilla Virus in 24 Season Three.

It looks he had one more virus viral hidden somewhere that he did not mention.

It was out there somewhere and someone released.

Jack Bauer is in a Russian Gulag and was, therefore, not available to stop the attack.

Have a look at this for background information. https://24.fandom.com/wiki/Stephen_Saunders
#659 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 4:00:05 PM
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A rule of thought is this: if it has happened to others, then it will happen to us.

For analysis purposes I am taking Spain as a model country we can compare with, despite difference in demographics. We share a comparable population size, and may compare in terms of muscle.

1. We know that they have abandoned their test kits from China for their lack of accuracy.

2. Spain is likely to peak at around 80,000 cases

3. They are on lockdown and might tighten it

The UK approach also compares well with Kenya's condition. And now they are going to tighten their lockdown for 'a significant period'.

Interpretation: it makes no sense to wait and see our figures rise. Doing so increases the number in fact, and we'll find ourselves in the worst case scenario. It is the same scenario that we so wish to avoid. Otherwise we (Kenya) may peak at over 100,000 cases and total deaths could be over 10,000 deaths. Serious cases: 20,000. Probability for survival? 50:50 just like in the UK.

If we do a lockdown under such circumstances most of us will lose it, especially given our operating conditions.

Therefore, this is a decisive week. If we waste it, we're likely to pay dearly. If we don't want a lockdown by force, then let's put some of these recommendations to public attention and let every citizen act accordingly.
#660 Posted : Sunday, March 29, 2020 5:58:03 PM
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mpobiz wrote:

"They" have never forgotten who was responsible for the holocaust and 911 memorials will be built. The one certainty repercussions will happen watching media outlets such as fox news tells you whats coming once they conquer the virus.

But how the do that against the chinise is another thread altogether
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