Club SK
Daniel Toroitich arap Moi
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/13/2015 Posts: 1,602
radiomast wrote:wukan wrote:Rest in peace. As a Nairobian I have good memories of his administration in the 80s and early 90s when things worked-public transport through KBS and Nyayo bus, water was available everyday and you would drink straight from the tap, garbage was collected on Wed and Sat, public schools worked and everyone went to a public school, nyayo stadium and Kasarani were built, HELB was introduced.
One of the biggest horrors of the Nyayo error was disbanding Nairobi city council and replacing it with Nairobi city commission. Thats when Nairobi's slide into mediocrity accelerated. City commission used to have 300+ garbage trucks. Currently nairobi county govt with all devolution billions has around 30 trucks. City commission was disbanded in 1992-28 years on you want to blame present mediocrity on Moi. The man did his best for Nairobi and made me proud and boastful to be a nairobian. Even Barrack Obama had some nice things to say about Nairobi of them days. Let Nyayo rest in peace.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/19/2015 Posts: 2,871 Location: hapo
wukan wrote:radiomast wrote:wukan wrote:Rest in peace. As a Nairobian I have good memories of his administration in the 80s and early 90s when things worked-public transport through KBS and Nyayo bus, water was available everyday and you would drink straight from the tap, garbage was collected on Wed and Sat, public schools worked and everyone went to a public school, nyayo stadium and Kasarani were built, HELB was introduced.
One of the biggest horrors of the Nyayo error was disbanding Nairobi city council and replacing it with Nairobi city commission. Thats when Nairobi's slide into mediocrity accelerated. City commission used to have 300+ garbage trucks. Currently nairobi county govt with all devolution billions has around 30 trucks. City commission was disbanded in 1992-28 years on you want to blame present mediocrity on Moi. The man did his best for Nairobi and made me proud and boastful to be a nairobian. Even Barrack Obama had some nice things to say about Nairobi of them days. Let Nyayo rest in peace. I told you about these people who read Alai and think they are learned. I would suggest that those born after 1982 should come srowry. And if born after 1992 you really have no business commenting about Moi. I have seen Nairobi in Kenyatta, Moi, Kibaki and Uhuru periods. Pris pris. People should stop lying to justify their hate that has absolutely no bearing with reality. Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?
Rank: Member Joined: 2/15/2018 Posts: 428
Wukan and Alma must both be illiterate. They obviously can't read.
I never once blamed everything on Moi. I am simply rejecting Wukan's statement that things worked in the 1980s. They did not.
In fact things started to seriously fall apart in the 1980s. That was when garbage collection started to be sporadic then eventually ended. Water shortages started during the Moi error as did other problems such as incessant traffic. They have gotten worse since then.
Nairobi's problems cannot be pinned down on one person. We have had a succession of presidents and other leaders who have only made things worse.
The root cause of the problem is not as simple. Take garbage collection for example. Why was it possible to collect garbage in the early 1980 and not now? The answers are myriad.
1. Succesive administrations including Jomo and Moi allowed grabbing of land for road reserves. 2. THis led to the cities inability to construct roads as needed 3. This had led to massive traffic jams 4. Because roads are narrow garbage tracks can't manouvre 4b. Due to traffic jams, garbage trucks would spend far too much petrol on roads. This makes garbage collection an expensive endeavour 4c. Due to poor road maintenance, the cost of maintaining garbage trucks is massive.
5. Housing estates and connecting roads were not built with a master plan that accounts for garbage collection. Therefore many estates in Nairobi are inaccessible to garbage trucks.
Rank: Member Joined: 2/15/2018 Posts: 428
Long story short, I categorically reject Wukan's notion that Nairobi worked well under Moi.
Nairobi's problems are caused by 57 years of corruption, land grabbing and mismanagement under Jomo, Moi, Kibaki and UK.
- Land for roads was grabbed --> Now we have traffic jams - They allowed buildings to be built on riparian lands --> Now we have serious flooding
- Land for drainage channels was grabbed
I could go on and on. But all this mismanagement and corruption has happened under all 4 presidents .
Now we are demanding that Kidero and Sonko fix problems that have been caused by 57 years of corruption and incompetence.
Similarly UK is not a great president. But he cannot be blamed for all the dysfunction. We have had 57 years of poor leadership and it is only now coming to bite us.
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/7/2012 Posts: 11,910
What Moi did with Gachanja the land's Commissioner in grabbing land all over Kenya & add Kuria wa Gathoni for Nairobi land is unforgivable. Let us call corruption out, if we are serious, dead or alive. In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/10/2015 Posts: 961 Location: Kenya
Angelica _ann wrote:What Moi did with Gachanja the land's Commissioner in grabbing land all over Kenya & add Kuria wa Gathoni for Nairobi land is unforgivable. Let us call corruption out, if we are serious, dead or alive. Most of upper hill, kileleshwa, kilimani were housing areas for senior govt officers, houses on quarter or half acres. But moi dished all those houses to his cronies including the nairobi mayor's house which was given to Gumo. Then dished ADC land all over the country. Then Prisons and KARI land in kitale, nakuru and elsewhere, NYS land in yatta (to watermelon & co), forest land in mau etc. It was thievery as never seen anywhere else in the world. Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/19/2015 Posts: 2,871 Location: hapo
As I have said many many times. Let me repeat. Most people don't read. They let baba read for them. Case in point about the 80's economy. Even Ndii will agree that it was the IMF and their stupid structural adjustment program that destroyed the Kenyan economy. Even the IMF has confessed. They did it to spite African countries to bring them to their knees. Go read, I'll not read for you. As for the Ndungu report. I have been very categorical on this forum to the point of chasing a fake architect from this forum that it should be implemented in total. But Saying it was Moi is the biggest lie one can tell themselves. Every tribe, each and every leader you are busy voting for right now and even voters participated with their heart and souls. From every tribe and every village. Moi was not alone. If you have time, read it. You shall see that you, you and I mean you right now vote for someone implicated in that report. I hate corruption.But I shall not sit here as nitwits try to change history to blame all the problems in Kenya on one man. That is madness. I personally blame every Kenyan who wakes up in the morning to vote for these madmen. It's your fault. And Moi is still better than anyone you would have picked. The proof is the past 20 plus years of absolute madness. Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?
Rank: User Joined: 8/15/2013 Posts: 13,237 Location: Vacuum
FundamentAli wrote:Rest in Peace Baba Moi. You are a true story of no human is limited. From a herds boy to a President. From an abandoned Sudanese(now south sudanese) to a Tugen herds boy to the president of Kenya..... Toroitich... welcome home cattle If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
alma1 wrote:As I have said many many times. Let me repeat.
Most people don't read. They let baba read for them.
Case in point about the 80's economy. Even Ndii will agree that it was the IMF and their stupid structural adjustment program that destroyed the Kenyan economy. Even the IMF has confessed.
They did it to spite African countries to bring them to their knees. Go read, I'll not read for you.
As for the Ndungu report. I have been very categorical on this forum to the point of chasing a fake architect from this forum that it should be implemented in total.
Saying it was Moi is the biggest lie one can tell themselves.
Every tribe, each and every leader you are busy voting for right now and even voters participated with their heart and souls. From every tribe and every village.
Moi was not alone. If you have time, read it. You shall see that you, you and I mean you right now vote for someone implicated in that report.
I hate corruption.But I shall not sit here as nitwits try to change history to blame all the problems in Kenya on one man. That is madness.
I personally blame every Kenyan who wakes up in the morning to vote for these madmen. It's your fault.
And Moi is still better than anyone you would have picked. The proof is the past 20 plus years of absolute madness.
Moi is not the first Kenyan to be posthumously blamed for Kenyans' woes Jomo Kenyatta, Saitoti, Biwott even the likes of Kiereini have had threads started here discussing their legacies None of these other people had as much influence on the future of Kenya like Moi had. Being president for over 24 years means his decisions must have directly affected every Kenyan alive today. This influence is of course both negative and positive. If people feel he was negative, let them be. On SAPs, it's interesting how little discussion goes into this. And international commodity prices like coffee. I've always thought we blame Moi unfairly for collapse of some sectors. Though I was reading a Jaindi Kisero article on the collapse of farmer institutions like KPCU. It put the blame on Moi.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 11/13/2015 Posts: 1,602
Angelica _ann wrote:What Moi did with Gachanja the land's Commissioner in grabbing land all over Kenya & add Kuria wa Gathoni for Nairobi land is unforgivable. Let us call corruption out, if we are serious, dead or alive. Moi's term from 1982-92 was so different from 93-2002. The Moi of the 80's was a polished authoritarian figure who wanted things to succeed. Look at how he handled the 1984 mega-drought or school milk program, peak production for many crops like coffee was in the late 80's. Moi actually revived the NSE from 250 (100 in 1964 to 250)under Jomo and took it all the way above 5000 in 1994. That's the longest bullish market NSE experienced. Sample this from wiki on sanitation in Nairobi Quote:A second wastewater treatment plant was commissioned in 1980 in Dandora further East and further downstream on the Nairobi River.
In 1994 a substantial expansion of the plant was completed, making it the largest plant of its kind – a stabilization pond plant – in Africa. In parallel, an effort was made to expand the sewerage system. With the new infrastructure the discharge of liquid waste in open drains declined considerably and for a period between 1987 and 1995 the water quality of the Nairobi River improved. From 94 he decided on the low-road patronage and corruption, 24/7 siasa; brofessa of bolitics. NSE index tracked his low road from above 5000 to 1000 when he was leaving the scene in 2002.
Rank: Member Joined: 2/15/2018 Posts: 428
sqft wrote:
Most of upper hill, kileleshwa, kilimani were housing areas for senior govt officers, houses on quarter or half acres. But moi dished all those houses to his cronies including the nairobi mayor's house which was given to Gumo. Then dished ADC land all over the country. Then Prisons and KARI land in kitale, nakuru and elsewhere, NYS land in yatta (to watermelon & co), forest land in mau etc. It was thievery as never seen anywhere else in the world.
Moi didn't just dish out houses. He also dished out tracts of land to his cronies within city environs. For example Sunview Estate on Mbagathi way was given to general Mahmoud Muhammad supposedly for stopping the fake coup. Muhammed then proceeded to build Sunview estate which was so poorly constructed that some of the houses had cracks on the wall within months after being occupied. The Ministry of health was forced to buy the houses to house KNH doctors. This dishing out of parcels of land is one of the factors that contributed significantly to the fact that Nairobi is so poorly planned. As I said above, this was often land that in the original Nairobi master plan was meant for road expansion, fire stations, police stations, drainage channels etc. If Moi was so good as Wukan is claiming, he should have at least insisted on sticking to Nairobi's original master plan. Again I am not blaming Moi for everything. All four Kenyan presidents and the people who supported them are to blame.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/19/2015 Posts: 2,871 Location: hapo
Sisi wana wanyayo, tunaingia. It shall be 100 years Tawala Kenya, Rais Moi Unaongeza vyema. RIP Daniel Toroittich Arap Moi Wazua bows down to you. Thieves are not good people. Tumeelewana?
Rank: Veteran Joined: 1/10/2015 Posts: 961 Location: Kenya
alma1 wrote:Sisi wana wanyayo, tunaingia. It shall be 100 years Tawala Kenya, Rais Moi Unaongeza vyema. RIP Daniel Toroittich Arap Moi Wazua bows down to you. Try saying that to IDPs who saw their relatives being killed and property destroyed after your nyayo sent his warriors with bows and arrows to remove madoadoa. Proverbs 13:11 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/7/2012 Posts: 11,910
This lying in state business should be done away with, not necessary at all. In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/20/2008 Posts: 6,275 Location: Kenya
sqft wrote:alma1 wrote:Sisi wana wanyayo, tunaingia. It shall be 100 years Tawala Kenya, Rais Moi Unaongeza vyema. RIP Daniel Toroittich Arap Moi Wazua bows down to you. Try saying that to IDPs who saw their relatives being killed and property destroyed after your nyayo sent his warriors with bows and arrows to remove madoadoa. He is telling Wazuans. Don't you read? Aren't the same IDPs who voted in TNA, the other KANU? Is it not ruling? This is what @alma is telling you
Rank: Member Joined: 11/15/2010 Posts: 455 Location: Nairobi
AlphDoti wrote:sqft wrote:alma1 wrote:Sisi wana wanyayo, tunaingia. It shall be 100 years Tawala Kenya, Rais Moi Unaongeza vyema. RIP Daniel Toroittich Arap Moi Wazua bows down to you. Try saying that to IDPs who saw their relatives being killed and property destroyed after your nyayo sent his warriors with bows and arrows to remove madoadoa. He is telling Wazuans. Don't you read? Aren't the same IDPs who voted in TNA, the other KANU? Is it not ruling? This is what @alma is telling you Hail the murderer, hail the thief. He played in the league of former presidents such as Haitian Papa doc, CAR Jean Bokassa and closer home Kamuzu Banda. The case of Kamangara is one that underscore who he was. Gikuyu and Luo nations paid too much for their agitation of better leadership. 80's & 90's in Kenya was how SouthSudan is today. I cry for SouthSudanese. ....He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion..
Rank: Elder Joined: 10/18/2008 Posts: 3,434 Location: Kerugoya
tinker wrote:Hail the murderer, hail the thief. He played in the league of former presidents such as Haitian Papa doc, CAR Jean Bokassa and closer home Kamuzu Banda. The case of Kamangara is one that underscore who he was.
Gikuyu and Luo nations paid too much for their agitation of better leadership.
80's & 90's in Kenya was how SouthSudan is today. I cry for SouthSudanese. Hear, hear.
Rank: Elder Joined: 3/18/2011 Posts: 12,069 Location: Kianjokoma
Oduor Ong'wen wrote: In African traditions, it is unacceptable to talk ill of the dead – more so if the deceased was an elder. So, I will seek to not to condemn him but to describe the man as I knew him and let history do the judgement. Those who have acknowledged that the departed former president was not a paragon of virtue have averred Moi was a good man and a democrat until the abortive coup of August 1982 and his oppressive mien emerged as a reaction to the putsch. That is the narrative I seek to debunk. http://gundilahaki.blogs...i-as-i-knew-him.html?m=1
Club SK
Daniel Toroitich arap Moi
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