I have been researching on ornamental trees (landscape trees) of the cypress family and here are my findings. Sharing is the spirit of Wazua
1. Platycadus - Other names Thuja Orientalis , Morgan dwarf tree, Oriental arborvitae, Chinese arborvitae, Kenyan street name - "Bible pages"
Grows short 4-6ft. Evergreen that is drought resistant, grows well on a rock garden. In extreme cold temps, its turns brown but goes back to green when the temperatures are favorable
2. Thuja Occidentalis - Other names Thuja green giant, Northern White cider, eastern arborvitae, Kenyan street names - "Thuja Pencil"
Grows tall and wide in a pyramidal shape
Mature height 40 - 50 ft tall
Pest and disease resistant
Good tree for privacy
3. Thuja Standishii - Other names Japanese arborvitae,
Medium size - 20-30 ft tall
Cannot thrive in dry conditions
Leaves are bright green
I have not spotted this one in Kenya yet.
4. Leyland Cypress - Other names leylandii
Grows fast
Coniferous evergreen
Tallest ever documented is 130ft and still growing, grows to 50-60 ft on avg
Extremely drought tolerant
Grows very well in Mt Kenya region
5. Blue Cypress - I have not been able to properly identify this tree scientifically. Bought some on thika road. I am waiting for it to develop further so that i can be able to properly place it. So far I have noted that it grows very fast, drought tolerant
6. Italian Cypress - Other names Mediterranean cypress
Slender cypress tree
7. Lemon Cypress Other names Goldcrest
Does not grow well in shades and needs lots of water. Maximum growth height is said to be 16ft tall in natural habitat. So its mainly a dwarf tree.
Looking for
8. Gold mop cypressAnother dwarf tree that is golden yellowish. Has weepy characteristics. If you have spotted it anywhere please notify.
Tree planting season is coming up. Happy planting.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore