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Taking the Village out of the Villager
#1 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 6:27:05 AM
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@Kiash... hizi tabia mumepeleka huko pia?
They say you can take a monkey out of a tree but not the tree out of the monkey.

Lazima watu wajue wanakwaza wengine.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#2 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 11:24:27 AM
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These are the tabias we condemn back home and now tribal people have shipped it abroad? I was not even happy to see the president tolerate presiding National event in vernacular language, shame!
#3 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 11:28:01 AM
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So a kikuyu is not supported to speak his language, the language of his ancestors, anywhere in this world?
#4 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 12:22:00 PM
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We really really really really need to ban these stupid retrogressive mother tongue languages. They add zero value to our country and are one of the biggest reason for hate amongst Kenyans. I lived in the States for a long long time and the tribalism there is probably tenfold that in Kenya. It is unbelievably TOXIC. Around election times people stop talking to each other and in some extreme cases, form tribal groups that meet over the weekends at their fellow tribesmen houses to incite each other. Absolute takataka. Tribes and mother tongues are very primitive and people who insist of grouping themselves along tribal lines in a cosmopolitan setting are the worst. Then you see the same people complaining about racism in the West yet they were busy conducting a church service in their mother tongue on Sunday. You can’t comprehend the level of stupidity in some people. Complete bunch of morons.
#5 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 1:12:32 PM
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Outside Kenya , i strongly avoid Kenyans from Oshago. Their mindset, despite their academic achievements, are still very native.
when it comes to forming friendships,i prefer people born and brought up in Nairobi, Mombasa or even Nakuru.
The rest ni kichwa maji.
#6 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 2:01:01 PM
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The Englishmen worship in their mothertongue English. The Frenchmen worship in their language French. Zuluman uses Zulu. Boer uses his language Afrikaans. Baganda uses luganda. So why should a kikuyuman not use his language gikuyu to worship his God. Why should a kikuyuman use the language of the alien englishmen or swahilimen to worship? All humans are born equal and none should impose their culture including language on others.
#7 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 2:02:45 PM
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hardwood wrote:
The Englishmen worship in their mothertongue English. The Frenchmen worship in their language French. Zuluman uses Zulu. Boer uses his language Afrikaans. Baganda uses luganda. So why should a kikuyuman not use his language gikuyu to worship his God. Why should a kikuyuman use the language of the alien englishmen or swahilimen to worship? All humans are born equal and none should impose their culture including language on others.

Use Swahili for God's sake!
#8 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 2:38:10 PM
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#9 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 2:47:24 PM
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Use of mother tongue should only be an issue in public office or when addressing the general public where non speakers of the language are present and have a reasonable and legitimate expectation to be addressed in a language they understand.

If I start a church and designate it as a Kamba language church, - a Luo, Kalenjin, Pokomo etc would be misguided to pop in!

Again I don't see any problem in people choosing to keep their culture alive in distant lands.
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#10 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 3:23:08 PM
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Ngalaka wrote:
Use of mother tongue should only be an issue in public office or when addressing the general public where non speakers of the language are present and have a reasonable and legitimate expectation to be addressed in a language they understand.

If I start a church and designate it as a Kamba language church, - a Luo, Kalenjin, Pokomo etc would be misguided to pop in!

Again I don't see any problem in people choosing to keep their culture alive in distant lands.

Growing up in Nairobi used to attend a PCEA church English service but midway it would switch to Kikuyu service
#11 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 3:52:55 PM
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Watajua hawajui. When you are away from home that is when you discover your true identity. There is no language called Kenyanese that binds all Kenyans together.

Kikuyus are proud of their language and they have content creators and the numbers to sustain it. Many here have probably never heard of a guy called Jeremy Damaris. Jeremy Damaris is probably a bigger celebrity in the world than Churchill or Jeff Koinange. He can go to any country in the world today and he will find his fans. He runs a one man TV station called Kikuyu Diaspora Television that every single Kikuyu in the Diaspora watches.

The South African gospel song Siyabonga Jesu by Solly Mahlangu has 9 Million views after being on Youtube for 5 years. Check out the number of views for "Muheani" a Kikuyu gospel song that is less than a year old...... 5 million plus... Kikuyu language is not going anywhere, people will just have to get used to it.
#12 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 4:12:03 PM
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hamburglar wrote:
We really really really really need to ban these stupid retrogressive mother tongue languages. They add zero value to our country and are one of the biggest reason for hate amongst Kenyans. I lived in the States for a long long time and the tribalism there is probably tenfold that in Kenya. It is unbelievably TOXIC. Around election times people stop talking to each other and in some extreme cases, form tribal groups that meet over the weekends at their fellow tribesmen houses to incite each other. Absolute takataka. Tribes and mother tongues are very primitive and people who insist of grouping themselves along tribal lines in a cosmopolitan setting are the worst. Then you see the same people complaining about racism in the West yet they were busy conducting a church service in their mother tongue on Sunday. You can’t comprehend the level of stupidity in some people. Complete bunch of morons.

Trust me, you will die without seeing Kikuyus abandoning Kikuyuness. Take off your earphones and walk into Olive Garden, Italians in America will be talking their language freely, walk into La Cantina and Latinos will be on. Take a trip and get yourself into the Londoner and you'll find Scotts speaking Gaelic in America. I dont need to say anything about Germans. So its only a Mwafrika suffering from severe inferiority complex can think someone indulging in their culture by way of lingo is toxic. Very stupid mentality i must say.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#13 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 7:13:24 PM
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Joined: 12/17/2011
Posts: 887
murchr wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
We really really really really need to ban these stupid retrogressive mother tongue languages. They add zero value to our country and are one of the biggest reason for hate amongst Kenyans. I lived in the States for a long long time and the tribalism there is probably tenfold that in Kenya. It is unbelievably TOXIC. Around election times people stop talking to each other and in some extreme cases, form tribal groups that meet over the weekends at their fellow tribesmen houses to incite each other. Absolute takataka. Tribes and mother tongues are very primitive and people who insist of grouping themselves along tribal lines in a cosmopolitan setting are the worst. Then you see the same people complaining about racism in the West yet they were busy conducting a church service in their mother tongue on Sunday. You can’t comprehend the level of stupidity in some people. Complete bunch of morons.

Trust me, you will die without seeing Kikuyus abandoning Kikuyuness. Take off your earphones and walk into Olive Garden, Italians in America will be talking their language freely, walk into La Cantina and Latinos will be on. Take a trip and get yourself into the Londoner and you'll find Scotts speaking Gaelic in America. I dont need to say anything about Germans. So its only a Mwafrika suffering from severe inferiority complex can think someone indulging in their culture by way of lingo is toxic. Very stupid mentality i must say.

Wewe the furthest you’ve been to is Maragua and now you want to lie to us that Italians speak Italian at Olive Garden. Which Olive Gareden is that? I have dined at Olive Gardens in more than a dozen cities and never heard a single word of Italian being spoken by anybody. I’ve eaten in plenty of Latino restaurants and the common language is usually English. Just because a restaurant is called LaCorazon does not mean that Spanish is the language of communication. Is Luo the primary language at Kosewe or is it Somali at cafe Pronto? Peleka uongo Maragua. Nonsense. People who speak vernacular in the midst of people from other tribes are idiots. Simple as that. These tribes that you guys are glorifying here will be the same tribes that will be killing each other in 2022. A bunch of freaking tribal idiots.
#14 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 7:15:50 PM
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The issue is not speaking Kikuyu- it’s speaking it in the presence of others. It’s just bad etiquette- bad manners. It’s annoying. Good manners dictate that when you are in the presence of others who don’t understand your tongue - use the lingua franca. Ungwana! Shikeni adabu! I have posted this before and obviously you people are not understanding that it’s bad manners.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#15 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 7:28:36 PM
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masukuma wrote:
The issue is not speaking Kikuyu- it’s speaking it in the presence of others. It’s just bad etiquette- bad manners. It’s annoying. Good manners dictate that when you are in the presence of others who don’t understand your tongue - use the lingua franca. Ungwana! Shikeni adabu! I have posted this before and obviously you people are not understanding that it’s bad manners.

Thank you. These vernacular idiots have no common sense. It’s very annoying and that’s probably why I resent mother tongue languages. I honestly think Kenyans would be more cohesive and united if we only used Kiswahili as a means of communication and got rid of stupid vernacular languages. Just wait until 2022 and we will all see tribal idiots at their best. What is there to celebrate with these divisive mother tongue languages? The fact that some feel more superior than others? The fact that without a doubt they will turn against each other again in 2022? I fail to see the value of these languages. But that’s just me, I have never been conventional on some of these issues.
#16 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 7:44:10 PM
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hardwood wrote:
The Englishmen worship in their mothertongue English. The Frenchmen worship in their language French. Zuluman uses Zulu. Boer uses his language Afrikaans. Baganda uses luganda. So why should a kikuyuman not use his language gikuyu to worship his God. Why should a kikuyuman use the language of the alien englishmen or swahilimen to worship? All humans are born equal and none should impose their culture including language on others.

I don’t care about the Englishman or the Frenchman or German or Zulu. Am Kenyan and what concerns me is Kenya. They can speak their languages for all I care, as long as they all understand each other. I think we should also adopt Kiswahili as the national language and teach every kid that is born how to speak Swahili and get rid of vernacular languages. Maybe, just maybe then we can have a more United Kenya. Everybody would feel equal in their country. Instead of stupidly voting along tribal lines like we do every election period, maybe then we can actually vote leaders based on important values like integrity, performance, ability etc. With tribes, it will be the same song year after year after year. Mtu wetu mtu wetu. Mtu wenyu and yet the scambug you’ve elected is the biggest piece of shit in the history of the world? I get riled up when I see young educated people sticking to these archaic and retrogressive things like tribes. It’s pathetic when people literally stop talking to each other because of the hate brought about by tribal alignments. I have seen the hate some of my tribesmen have against a certain tribe and vice versa. It’s disgusting.
#17 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 7:49:10 PM
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Nobody has issues with Kikuyu, Luo etc being spoken. A sign of a dignified, cultured man is when s/he speaks a language that is understood by everyone in a public set-up.
Kikuyu may be popular among its followers but the cold fact remains, when it comes to the richness of a language, Kikuyu cannot parallel Kiswahili. So why don´t we promote Kiswahili?
Kenyans are generally uncultured. They steal from the dead, and the injured in a motor accident. They speak mother tongue in disregard of others.They don´t possess words like Asante, Tafadhali, Naomba. Uncultured to the bone marrow, we are.
Everybody is sleeping with everybody. Bure kabisa!!
#18 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 8:12:51 PM
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Joined: 2/26/2012
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hamburglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
We really really really really need to ban these stupid retrogressive mother tongue languages. They add zero value to our country and are one of the biggest reason for hate amongst Kenyans. I lived in the States for a long long time and the tribalism there is probably tenfold that in Kenya. It is unbelievably TOXIC. Around election times people stop talking to each other and in some extreme cases, form tribal groups that meet over the weekends at their fellow tribesmen houses to incite each other. Absolute takataka. Tribes and mother tongues are very primitive and people who insist of grouping themselves along tribal lines in a cosmopolitan setting are the worst. Then you see the same people complaining about racism in the West yet they were busy conducting a church service in their mother tongue on Sunday. You can’t comprehend the level of stupidity in some people. Complete bunch of morons.

Trust me, you will die without seeing Kikuyus abandoning Kikuyuness. Take off your earphones and walk into Olive Garden, Italians in America will be talking their language freely, walk into La Cantina and Latinos will be on. Take a trip and get yourself into the Londoner and you'll find Scotts speaking Gaelic in America. I dont need to say anything about Germans. So its only a Mwafrika suffering from severe inferiority complex can think someone indulging in their culture by way of lingo is toxic. Very stupid mentality i must say.

Wewe the furthest you’ve been to is Maragua and now you want to lie to us that Italians speak Italian at Olive Garden. Which Olive Gareden is that? I have dined at Olive Gardens in more than a dozen cities and never heard a single word of Italian being spoken by anybody. I’ve eaten in plenty of Latino restaurants and the common language is usually English. Just because a restaurant is called LaCorazon does not mean that Spanish is the language of communication. Is Luo the primary language at Kosewe or is it Somali at cafe Pronto? Peleka uongo Maragua. Nonsense. People who speak vernacular in the midst of people from other tribes are idiots. Simple as that. These tribes that you guys are glorifying here will be the same tribes that will be killing each other in 2022. A bunch of freaking tribal idiots.

I can see you have a problem with comprehension.

First Olive Gareden can only be found in your Maragua if you so wish. But I guess since you only think of communication as being speaking you dont think the menu comprises of 70% italian words
More than 60% of diners at Olive garden are bound to be Italian and if you listen to their conversations they are not there to impress you nyeuthi infact they will be wondering if you can stomach their lactose infused foods to say the least. People should speak whatever they want if you are not comfortable --- make that choice and go where you feel accommodated.

If a Church in Boston feels that they should conduct their services in Kikuyu, no body should stop them because they are offended, they are allowed by the law....even the Vietnamese temples conduct their sermons in Vietnamese language.

Its absolutely foolish to think that English speaking is some sort of intelligence.
"There are only two emotions in the market, hope & fear. The problem is you hope when you should fear & fear when you should hope: - Jesse Livermore
#19 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 8:23:05 PM
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Joined: 12/17/2011
Posts: 887
murchr wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
We really really really really need to ban these stupid retrogressive mother tongue languages. They add zero value to our country and are one of the biggest reason for hate amongst Kenyans. I lived in the States for a long long time and the tribalism there is probably tenfold that in Kenya. It is unbelievably TOXIC. Around election times people stop talking to each other and in some extreme cases, form tribal groups that meet over the weekends at their fellow tribesmen houses to incite each other. Absolute takataka. Tribes and mother tongues are very primitive and people who insist of grouping themselves along tribal lines in a cosmopolitan setting are the worst. Then you see the same people complaining about racism in the West yet they were busy conducting a church service in their mother tongue on Sunday. You can’t comprehend the level of stupidity in some people. Complete bunch of morons.

Trust me, you will die without seeing Kikuyus abandoning Kikuyuness. Take off your earphones and walk into Olive Garden, Italians in America will be talking their language freely, walk into La Cantina and Latinos will be on. Take a trip and get yourself into the Londoner and you'll find Scotts speaking Gaelic in America. I dont need to say anything about Germans. So its only a Mwafrika suffering from severe inferiority complex can think someone indulging in their culture by way of lingo is toxic. Very stupid mentality i must say.

Wewe the furthest you’ve been to is Maragua and now you want to lie to us that Italians speak Italian at Olive Garden. Which Olive Gareden is that? I have dined at Olive Gardens in more than a dozen cities and never heard a single word of Italian being spoken by anybody. I’ve eaten in plenty of Latino restaurants and the common language is usually English. Just because a restaurant is called LaCorazon does not mean that Spanish is the language of communication. Is Luo the primary language at Kosewe or is it Somali at cafe Pronto? Peleka uongo Maragua. Nonsense. People who speak vernacular in the midst of people from other tribes are idiots. Simple as that. These tribes that you guys are glorifying here will be the same tribes that will be killing each other in 2022. A bunch of freaking tribal idiots.

I can see you have a problem with comprehension.

First Olive Gareden can only be found in your Maragua if you so wish. But I guess since you only think of communication as being speaking you dont think the menu comprises of 70% italian words
More than 60% of diners at Olive garden are bound to be Italian and if you listen to their conversations they are not there to impress you nyeuthi infact they will be wondering if you can stomach their lactose infused foods to say the least. People should speak whatever they want if you are not comfortable --- make that choice and go where you feel accommodated.

If a Church in Boston feels that they should conduct their services in Kikuyu, no body should stop them because they are offended, they are allowed by the law....even the Vietnamese temples conduct their sermons in Vietnamese language.

Its absolutely foolish to think that English speaking is some sort of intelligence.

Am talking about Swahili, who mentioned English you dolt? I said Kenyans should adopt Swahili as the only language spoken in Kenya so as to promote unity. Teach yourself to accommodate people that are different from you. Your misguided five cents arraogance is rearing it’s ugly head when you say that Kikuyus or Vitnamese or whatever should not try to accommodate people who speak a different language and instead those people should get the hell out of dodge if they can’t comprehend the language spoken. This is the epitome of intolerance. Very sad and unfortunate that somebody would be that callous towards people of a different background. These are the people we live and work with who deep down have a deep resentment towards you and think that you don’t belong in their church or gathering or whatever just because you are different or speak different. They were not wrong when they said kuna watu na viatu.
#20 Posted : Wednesday, June 19, 2019 8:29:44 PM
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Joined: 10/4/2006
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Location: Nairobi
murchr wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
murchr wrote:
hamburglar wrote:
We really really really really need to ban these stupid retrogressive mother tongue languages. They add zero value to our country and are one of the biggest reason for hate amongst Kenyans. I lived in the States for a long long time and the tribalism there is probably tenfold that in Kenya. It is unbelievably TOXIC. Around election times people stop talking to each other and in some extreme cases, form tribal groups that meet over the weekends at their fellow tribesmen houses to incite each other. Absolute takataka. Tribes and mother tongues are very primitive and people who insist of grouping themselves along tribal lines in a cosmopolitan setting are the worst. Then you see the same people complaining about racism in the West yet they were busy conducting a church service in their mother tongue on Sunday. You can’t comprehend the level of stupidity in some people. Complete bunch of morons.

Trust me, you will die without seeing Kikuyus abandoning Kikuyuness. Take off your earphones and walk into Olive Garden, Italians in America will be talking their language freely, walk into La Cantina and Latinos will be on. Take a trip and get yourself into the Londoner and you'll find Scotts speaking Gaelic in America. I dont need to say anything about Germans. So its only a Mwafrika suffering from severe inferiority complex can think someone indulging in their culture by way of lingo is toxic. Very stupid mentality i must say.

Wewe the furthest you’ve been to is Maragua and now you want to lie to us that Italians speak Italian at Olive Garden. Which Olive Gareden is that? I have dined at Olive Gardens in more than a dozen cities and never heard a single word of Italian being spoken by anybody. I’ve eaten in plenty of Latino restaurants and the common language is usually English. Just because a restaurant is called LaCorazon does not mean that Spanish is the language of communication. Is Luo the primary language at Kosewe or is it Somali at cafe Pronto? Peleka uongo Maragua. Nonsense. People who speak vernacular in the midst of people from other tribes are idiots. Simple as that. These tribes that you guys are glorifying here will be the same tribes that will be killing each other in 2022. A bunch of freaking tribal idiots.

I can see you have a problem with comprehension.

First Olive Gareden can only be found in your Maragua if you so wish. But I guess since you only think of communication as being speaking you dont think the menu comprises of 70% italian words
More than 60% of diners at Olive garden are bound to be Italian and if you listen to their conversations they are not there to impress you nyeuthi infact they will be wondering if you can stomach their lactose infused foods to say the least. People should speak whatever they want if you are not comfortable --- make that choice and go where you feel accommodated.

If a Church in Boston feels that they should conduct their services in Kikuyu, no body should stop them because they are offended, they are allowed by the law....even the Vietnamese temples conduct their sermons in Vietnamese language.

Its absolutely foolish to think that English speaking is some sort of intelligence.

Don’t call it a Kenyan church - call it for what it is. Don’t tell people to come then speak Kikuyu to them.
The term uncouth comes to mind whenever I come across these types of people.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
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