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Key Terms and Tips For Newbies
#1 Posted : Saturday, December 22, 2018 6:03:44 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 12/13/2018
Posts: 29
Hello to all Wazuans.
I am new here but have been lurking and reading through old posts for a couple of months now since I decided to revive my long dormant CDS account and immobilize some 20yr plus old paper shares.
I really appreciate all the posts and it has tamed my uninformed and undisciplined approach.
I would like to request the gurus here to please help newbies out by explaining the key terms and abbreviations that are often used here and other helpful information briefs and tips. I realize that one cannot learn about buying stocks entirely from a one discussion page but it would be helpful when combined with information gleaned elsewhere.
Wishing you all Christmas season filled with good cheer and a Happy New Year.
#2 Posted : Saturday, December 22, 2018 9:18:39 PM
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Joined: 8/15/2013
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Thornbird wrote:
Hello to all Wazuans.
I am new here but have been lurking and reading through old posts for a couple of months now since I decided to revive my long dormant CDS account and immobilize some 20yr plus old paper shares.
I really appreciate all the posts and it has tamed my uninformed and undisciplined approach.
I would like to request the gurus here to please help newbies out by explaining the key terms and abbreviations that are often used here and other helpful information briefs and tips. I realize that one cannot learn about buying stocks entirely from a one discussion page but it would be helpful when combined with information gleaned elsewhere.
Wishing you all Christmas season filled with good cheer and a Happy New Year.

If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#3 Posted : Sunday, December 23, 2018 11:46:55 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Thornbird wrote:
Hello to all Wazuans.
I am new here but have been lurking and reading through old posts for a couple of months now since I decided to revive my long dormant CDS account and immobilize some 20yr plus old paper shares.
I really appreciate all the posts and it has tamed my uninformed and undisciplined approach.
I would like to request the gurus here to please help newbies out by explaining the key terms and abbreviations that are often used here and other helpful information briefs and tips. I realize that one cannot learn about buying stocks entirely from a one discussion page but it would be helpful when combined with information gleaned elsewhere.
Wishing you all Christmas season filled with good cheer and a Happy New Year.

Karibu to Wazoo ndugu,

Kuingia ni mchuzi, kutoka ni shida.

Wah you waited a long time to do this, bro. Analog age expired over 25 years ago ha ha ha. Just kidding. I have never seen a paper share my entire investing life. I hope title deeds will head that way in the near future. These shenanigans of "forged" or lost title deeds, plus the cumbersome procedures to replace them etc etc are all avoided by digitisation. Same with court judgments. Imagine a succession case where you go to transfer property at the county and they tell you ati all your documents are in order but they have to check with the courts to verify that your grant of confirmation (which they had already asked you to certify with the court) needs to be "verified at the courts" again by the county and it might take them months Laughing out loudly. Bure sana! Why not just have all judgments, grants, letters of admin etc digitized so that anyone can log onto ecitizen, pay and confirm/access it online in seconds! Imagine how many billions in lost time, fuel, traffic waits, queueing, driving to and from the county lands registry multiple times etc etc could be saved by such. But I digress.

Some basic terms;

P/E Price to earnings ratio
EPS - Earnings per share
Q1, Q2, Q3 etc - 1st Quarter, 2nd etc
BV - Book value
monkey/scrap metal/Mumias/nyani - a worthless stock of an insolvent or loss making company rapidly heading to zero value
Elliot Waver - A Voodoo science (like water well witching using a coconut or iron rods) stock picking adherent
The Casino - the NSE where one should never put more than 5% of their net worth into
(unrelated) DC (Dustbowl County) - The best place to invest in real estate/property in Kenya today.

Happy holidays.
#4 Posted : Monday, December 24, 2018 8:48:30 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/16/2007
Posts: 2,114
Swenani.[/quote wrote:


#5 Posted : Friday, December 28, 2018 5:37:20 AM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 12/13/2018
Posts: 29
@Mugundaman, Thank you for the explanations, google does not help with everything and this is very helpful. Yes, I held onto the paper shares for a long time, they were bought on a whim during the IPO and and then "kept under the mattress" only for me to realize things have changed when I decided to be active. Indeed I look forward to everything being digitized, trying to followup on property issues is just a headache that we should have solved by now surely, I have run enough circles to do several marathons by now. One thing I have realized is that Kenyans we have a gift for convoluting even what appears at first to be a simple process into one that can test the patience of a saint of which I am not @ Swenani and Chaka, I can't say I understand your posts but I will take it for a little end of year humor. Wishing you all a New Year that will give you much to smile about.
#6 Posted : Friday, December 28, 2018 10:10:47 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 1/8/2018
Posts: 2,211
Location: DC (Dustbowl County)
Thornbird wrote:
@Mugundaman, Thank you for the explanations, google does not help with everything and this is very helpful. Yes, I held onto the paper shares for a long time, they were bought on a whim during the IPO and and then "kept under the mattress" only for me to realize things have changed when I decided to be active. Indeed I look forward to everything being digitized, trying to followup on property issues is just a headache that we should have solved by now surely, I have run enough circles to do several marathons by now. One thing I have realized is that Kenyans we have a gift for convoluting even what appears at first to be a simple process into one that can test the patience of a saint of which I am not @ Swenani and Chaka, I can't say I understand your posts but I will take it for a little end of year humor. Wishing you all a New Year that will give you much to smile about.

Karibu sana,
On convoluting things. So true. I think it started with the Brit colonialists who had a love for endless bureaucracy then compounded after independence when officials found that creating many hurdles means creating more opportunities for rent seeking (bribes)! The culture has stuck ever since. I remember when I made the mistake of not doing any transactions on my Equity account for 6 months. The day I went to withdraw cash I was told my account is "dormant!" So I go in the branch thinking I just see a teller and I am reactivated in seconds. Wapi? I am told go to the branch managers office and wait. 30 minutes later I am inside being interviewed! Ati questions like why did you do no transactions in 6 months? Was then told to fill and sign all sorts of useless forms just to reactivate. I was highly amused. Instead of focusing on high level corporate work the branch manager is busy creating more bureaucrazy (and endless forms) interviewing nobodies like me about why they did not buy sukuma with their bank card in 6 months. Very funny! But let's hope this will change in coming years. Mpesa has already been a game changer. Digitisation is an idea whose time has come and nobody can stop it. The days of filling very long paper forms for everything and producing multiple copies of ID's etc in paper form are numbered.
#7 Posted : Saturday, January 19, 2019 7:29:03 PM
Rank: New-farer

Joined: 1/15/2019
Posts: 33
Thank you for your post . I am looking to learn and improve my knowledge in this community. Wish you all Christmas season and Happy New Year 2019 to all.
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