Chaka wrote:What about the issue of going physically to CBK to open a CDS account?I had also wondered a while back whether large lenders can "gang' up(in this era of Whatsapp groups) and twik the rates so as to teach this gov. a lesson?
AndyC wrote:maka wrote:AndyC wrote:The CBK website has improved.More info is available.
You can thank me by buying me a beer...

I am one of the people who constantly complained to the Governor about CBKs communication dept... It was a crap 1.5 - 2 years back....
Thanks Maka

A beer is yours if you tell me how to pay for it. It sure is a positive step.A trading platform is next......keep talking to the governor.
That's the other issue... They really need to have a proper alternative arrangement for that... Since when you open your account... You have your ID card.... Pin.... Your bank confirms that you are it's customer etc.... Interesting bit is diaspora guys can open accounts by sending their info via email (scanned copies et al)...
Also the issue of them calling you when you are selling at the secondary market... It's not necessary...
A proper secure platform can solve all these issues... It will also reduce the turnaround trading time....
possunt quia posse videntur