MugundaMan wrote:Wowzer, what a statement.
Show me
any plot in Kenya that has not appreciated in value over the past 100 years and perhaps I can take you seriously. Thanks for the brilliant insults though
tony stark wrote:Many
Riparian land all over Nairobi ... Millions lost!
Millions have been lost through fraudulent deals ask all banks.
All the Konza city plots that haven't appreciated!
The list is sooooooo long!
I thought that 7-6-2 education and the dazzling intelligence it allegedly imparts was supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread.
Do you even understand what
price appreciation vs price depreciation of land means in an economic context? What you have told us above is that the price of land under Java in Lavington has gone down since 1963 because the Java building over it has been demolished
WHERE AND WHEN in Konza have plot prices "not appreciated" over the past 100 years? Heck, even over the past 20 years? Check what an acre was going for in 1998 and what it is going for today and report back. If you can show me a
single incident where over a ten year period the price of land in Kenya has gone down, I will be the first to nominate you for the Nobel prize in economics, with gusto!
Anyway, why bother? Engaging you is a waste of precious keystrokes beyond this point. Enjoy your day.