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Cambridge Analytica- Changing face of politics?
#61 Posted : Tuesday, March 20, 2018 10:22:59 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/1/2011
Posts: 8,804
Location: Nairobi
Wakanyugi wrote:
tycho wrote:
@Wakanyugi, I agree that most Kenyans vote along tribal and ethnic lines.

But even within ethnic groups convictions are never so intense and uniform. The elites hog most of the goodies, and the majority try to get the trickles, and many a times they may take an indifferent position.

It's in such circumstances that a contestant may decide to make sure that the discontented remain in the fold. How to do that?

Tycho, some realities about our people are painful but they are our people and we can't divorce them.

Let's say you are an educated Luo gentleman, maybe a successful professional or businessman. As a similarly educated and engaged Kikuyu, you and I have more in common that we have with our tribe mates back in the Village. Yet in an election it is very likely that I will not give you my vote, even if I make all sorts of self justifying noises.

My kinship locus of being is so strong that the best I can do for you is to stay away from the ballot. Some contestants have become good about nudging people to do this - convincing the other side that their guy can not win and so they might as well stay away. This is the card Jubilee played, to devastating effect, on NASA last year. But, before Alma, aka CA, jumps in to say I told you, such strategic campaigning and voting are not new.

While in many cases your hypothesis may be correct, there are reasons to believe that there are cases when a Luo can vote in a Kikuyu and vice versa.

I think we had an example in Kiambu?

We don't know how rich such a field of choice is, and how much it can be utilized.

Also, we're not talking about 'newness' per se. Or if we are to talk of newness what newness will we be talking about?

I think there's newness of intensity of communication, newness of diversity and range of reach, and a newness in sophistication of communication.
#62 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 8:32:28 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/26/2007
Posts: 6,514
So, are we saying UK wasted 500M since CA was useless/ineffective and local radio stations did more?

Perhaps they created the content for the stations?
Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
#63 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 9:39:36 AM
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The truth is Kenyans shall never know how much influence the CA had on our elections.We shall be told just like Agloleasing, this is a scandal that never happened.I do not expect the DPP who was previously working with the intelligence to investigate this issue. Our mangufuli who was chairing the taskforce is now in charge of the intelligence. What should worry every Kenyan is that the government is consolidating both online and offline data on citizens without knowledge on what this data is being used for. This is what the multi million surveillance system is doing. Things are getting worse as the government is now collecting information from your children when they join PP1 school, profiles these kids and then analyses their behavior. This is what the new curriculum is about. We do not have data protection laws and the CS for information is not interested because the garment wants to control the people and predict their behavior including voting. patterns. Maybe this is why Jubilee is looking up to china....
Consistency is better than intensity
#64 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 10:00:49 AM
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tycho wrote:
Wakanyugi wrote:
tycho wrote:
@Wakanyugi, I agree that most Kenyans vote along tribal and ethnic lines.

But even within ethnic groups convictions are never so intense and uniform. The elites hog most of the goodies, and the majority try to get the trickles, and many a times they may take an indifferent position.

It's in such circumstances that a contestant may decide to make sure that the discontented remain in the fold. How to do that?

Tycho, some realities about our people are painful but they are our people and we can't divorce them.

Let's say you are an educated Luo gentleman, maybe a successful professional or businessman. As a similarly educated and engaged Kikuyu, you and I have more in common that we have with our tribe mates back in the Village. Yet in an election it is very likely that I will not give you my vote, even if I make all sorts of self justifying noises.

My kinship locus of being is so strong that the best I can do for you is to stay away from the ballot. Some contestants have become good about nudging people to do this - convincing the other side that their guy can not win and so they might as well stay away. This is the card Jubilee played, to devastating effect, on NASA last year. But, before Alma, aka CA, jumps in to say I told you, such strategic campaigning and voting are not new.

While in many cases your hypothesis may be correct, there are reasons to believe that there are cases when a Luo can vote in a Kikuyu and vice versa.

Yes of course but it is still a cost benefit issue, as in how much do we gain versus how much could we loose.

The case of Omondi, the Luo MCA in Kiambu (Kahawa Wendani actually, practically Nairobi) is a good example. He is a pleasant fellow, a boy scout in fact, who had run on an ODM ticket several times hopping to exploit the multi tribal mix in this urban sub county, but lost each time. For him moving to the winning outfit was a good move plus it made Jubilee members feel good as well. Yet how much much interest does he represent? Very little. In fact he is already in trouble with Baba yao the governor.

Now if Omondi had run and won in Gatukuyu or Lari in the same Kiambu, I would agree about things changing....
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#65 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 10:09:11 AM
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@Tycho has started a thread with 65 posts?Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#66 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 10:13:18 AM
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Joined: 7/3/2007
Posts: 1,634
KulaRaha wrote:
So, are we saying UK wasted 500M since CA was useless/ineffective and local radio stations did more?

Perhaps they created the content for the stations?

I can answer this one.

No they did not.

The messages that vernacular radio carried in Mt Kenya were not crafted during the elections. They were restatements of themselves that had been trending since back in 2013/14.

For instance that 'Uthamaki' campaign that seems to have so scared NASA bloggers was actually first crafted against Kidero way back in 2014 when it was used to encourage strategic voter registration. The message was "we need to retake the Nairobi sit. You voters in Kiambu, Muranga, Nyeri have nothing to defend over there and you should register here to help bring back Uthamaki to the city."

We saw a similar strategy used for Nixon Korir in Langata, what is Uthamaki in Kale?.

I don't mind you guys giving credit to a mzungu if it makes you feel better. After all Baba seems to think all our problems can only be solved by white men, including holding credible elections.
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#67 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 11:01:21 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 7/26/2007
Posts: 6,514
Wakanyugi wrote:
KulaRaha wrote:
So, are we saying UK wasted 500M since CA was useless/ineffective and local radio stations did more?

Perhaps they created the content for the stations?

I can answer this one.

No they did not.

The messages that vernacular radio carried in Mt Kenya were not crafted during the elections. They were restatements of themselves that had been trending since back in 2013/14.

For instance that 'Uthamaki' campaign that seems to have so scared NASA bloggers was actually first crafted against Kidero way back in 2014 when it was used to encourage strategic voter registration. The message was "we need to retake the Nairobi sit. You voters in Kiambu, Muranga, Nyeri have nothing to defend over there and you should register here to help bring back Uthamaki to the city."

We saw a similar strategy used for Nixon Korir in Langata, what is Uthamaki in Kale?.

I don't mind you guys giving credit to a mzungu if it makes you feel better. After all Baba seems to think all our problems can only be solved by white men, including holding credible elections.

But my fren, CA says they ran Uhuruto campaigns in 2013 and 2017. I think you're scared the white man was running Tyranny and you bought it hook, line and sinker. LOL
Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
#68 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 11:43:34 AM
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Joined: 8/25/2012
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Mukiri wrote:
alma1 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
alma1 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
Wakanyugi wrote:
alma1 wrote:
KulaRaha wrote:
Hardwood isnt a CA guy, those guys are subtle and sharp, high tech.

Hardwood is like those rungus everyone sees...must be Ole Tumbi employee/consultant.

CA guys use guys like Hardwood all the time. Fake accounts that are online 24 hours a day are their modus operandi.

Akina Itumbi, Pauline Njoroge and other jubilee bloggers are just dumb fellas. They have to wait until 2pm to be told by Cambridge Analytica what to say. They can't think for themselves.

Just like the Kenyan voter.

So I disagree, Hardwood has all the hallmarks of a Fake Account created for the sole purpose of creating discord. Controversy sells.

Then after he writes something, you have the dummies like harrdre, realty etc agreeing.

Kenyans have been had. Been took. Ran Amock. Bamboozled.

Kumbe even tyranny of numbers was a CA expression.

What Kenyans are we talking about?

This is another example of the online crowd falling in love with their own noise and thinking everyone is like them. How many Wanjiku's own a smart phone, facebook account or twirra, or even care? Yet you can bet every Wanjiku knows about ballots and how they are cast and have an idea how they are won or lost.

Wazuans should listen to Masukuma more often. We are a low-tech society led by a privileged high tech elite who think their online navel gazing is holy writ for the masses.

If socio media decided elections in Kenya, Peter Kenneth would be governor of Nairobi and Mwangi would be MP for Starehe.

My sentiments exactly. Wanjiku out there only prides herself in a simple phone that has access to mpesa (and porn), all else comes secondary to putting food on the table. Unless its a media campaign, as most if not all people watch/listen to news, then it goes unseen.

Do the tech savvy even vote?

My frens. It's ok to admit that you were had. Not using difficult words.

Ati Wanjiku is not tech savvy. Ha! Try another one. Can you name one person you know who doesn't have whatsapp? Name one Whatsapp group you know that did not spread a blatant lie for or against.

Please stop pretending that you were not had. Cases of our own media copy pasting a blatant lie in their front pages abound. I remember standard had a picture of burning cars somewhere. They said it was nasa people. The picture was from another country.

The media in Kenya just parrots what comes from the offices of PR firms. PR firms are told what to say by the idea men.

I mean Mukiri. What was the difference between reading Pauline, Wahome etc and listening to Kameme or Kass FM.

The narrative was very clear. The story was the same. Even here on wazua.

Since now Raira is one of us, let us now blame tech people.

I'm 100% sure that everyone on wazua read Hardwoods story and went to repeat it to the un-tech savvy cucu in gishagi.

If you did not notice, then you are the sheep that CA targets.

Most, if not all my folk n the village, their neighbours and entire rustic folk don't even know what whatsapp is. I can tell you for a fact, they were in the voting queue! I cannot guarantee the xaxa generation I know voted. Alot of white lies.

I think you have divorced the facts on the ground from the reality you created around you. Who are the voting majority? Like someone said, in Nairobi if those who use whatsapp had any voting muscle, PK would be governor. And Nairobi is where the majority of the tech savvy reside

My fren. I don't see why you should be proud about your people not having whatsapp. My cucu has it and she doesn't live in nairobi.

The people who don't have whatsapp listen to Kameme. The kamemeaits get their talking point memo from you know who.

Stop pretending that you don't know how things work. In your gishagi, since they are so backward they don't have whatsapp, they depend on you to tell them how raira charo nefa mbe. You got how he charo nefa mbe from hardwood on wazua.

It's called nodal dissemination. You don't tell everyone, you tell and confuse the main nodes.

The main nodes being dummies go and tell their nyumba kumi and all of a sudden you have 1 million dummies who wake up in the morning hating someone because they heard it in grapevine.

These CA guys are actually very good. For some reason, they have made you believe they only work on twirra. Their work is to find a resonating message and find the easiest method of disseminating it.

One of the reasons I believe they wrote the Jubilee manifesto is because up until this morning, my kids still do not have a laptop. Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

By the way, I sincerely believe that you do think that Kenyan voters are dummies. CA have confessed that they did it. They even bought red Tshirts for everyone. Yet, here you are saying they didn't do it.

I'm still stuck at the part where your grandma has whatsapp.. I think that calls for a new thread!Pray Kweli, we are not all equal!

Laughing out loudly you need to eat cake, ukikosa food.
I am also getting worried that I have or I am still missing out on this kenyan dream, where majority hang out on social media including our grandparents who are being targeted online by some company in UK.

sasa naona narrative is changing to red t-shirts, and CA hiring foot-soldiers to convert online social media, to gichagi baraza media.
I will not be surprised to hear CA infiltrated the mashinani bar talk gossip scene.
#69 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 11:49:53 AM
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Joined: 10/4/2006
Posts: 13,821
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by the way this Uthamaki business people knew juzi has been there for a while. it's only that it became external content juzi. There is nothing new on radio or on facebook! it's stuff people talked about in mother tongue before. especially after the chungwa ndizi business of 2005.
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#70 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:07:06 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 12/1/2008
Posts: 1,098
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
alma1 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
alma1 wrote:
Mukiri wrote:
Wakanyugi wrote:
alma1 wrote:
KulaRaha wrote:
Hardwood isnt a CA guy, those guys are subtle and sharp, high tech.

Hardwood is like those rungus everyone sees...must be Ole Tumbi employee/consultant.

CA guys use guys like Hardwood all the time. Fake accounts that are online 24 hours a day are their modus operandi.

Akina Itumbi, Pauline Njoroge and other jubilee bloggers are just dumb fellas. They have to wait until 2pm to be told by Cambridge Analytica what to say. They can't think for themselves.

Just like the Kenyan voter.

So I disagree, Hardwood has all the hallmarks of a Fake Account created for the sole purpose of creating discord. Controversy sells.

Then after he writes something, you have the dummies like harrdre, realty etc agreeing.

Kenyans have been had. Been took. Ran Amock. Bamboozled.

Kumbe even tyranny of numbers was a CA expression.

What Kenyans are we talking about?

This is another example of the online crowd falling in love with their own noise and thinking everyone is like them. How many Wanjiku's own a smart phone, facebook account or twirra, or even care? Yet you can bet every Wanjiku knows about ballots and how they are cast and have an idea how they are won or lost.

Wazuans should listen to Masukuma more often. We are a low-tech society led by a privileged high tech elite who think their online navel gazing is holy writ for the masses.

If socio media decided elections in Kenya, Peter Kenneth would be governor of Nairobi and Mwangi would be MP for Starehe.

My sentiments exactly. Wanjiku out there only prides herself in a simple phone that has access to mpesa (and porn), all else comes secondary to putting food on the table. Unless its a media campaign, as most if not all people watch/listen to news, then it goes unseen.

Do the tech savvy even vote?

My frens. It's ok to admit that you were had. Not using difficult words.

Ati Wanjiku is not tech savvy. Ha! Try another one. Can you name one person you know who doesn't have whatsapp? Name one Whatsapp group you know that did not spread a blatant lie for or against.

Please stop pretending that you were not had. Cases of our own media copy pasting a blatant lie in their front pages abound. I remember standard had a picture of burning cars somewhere. They said it was nasa people. The picture was from another country.

The media in Kenya just parrots what comes from the offices of PR firms. PR firms are told what to say by the idea men.

I mean Mukiri. What was the difference between reading Pauline, Wahome etc and listening to Kameme or Kass FM.

The narrative was very clear. The story was the same. Even here on wazua.

Since now Raira is one of us, let us now blame tech people.

I'm 100% sure that everyone on wazua read Hardwoods story and went to repeat it to the un-tech savvy cucu in gishagi.

If you did not notice, then you are the sheep that CA targets.

Most, if not all my folk n the village, their neighbours and entire rustic folk don't even know what whatsapp is. I can tell you for a fact, they were in the voting queue! I cannot guarantee the xaxa generation I know voted. Alot of white lies.

I think you have divorced the facts on the ground from the reality you created around you. Who are the voting majority? Like someone said, in Nairobi if those who use whatsapp had any voting muscle, PK would be governor. And Nairobi is where the majority of the tech savvy reside

My fren. I don't see why you should be proud about your people not having whatsapp. My cucu has it and she doesn't live in nairobi.

The people who don't have whatsapp listen to Kameme. The kamemeaits get their talking point memo from you know who.

Stop pretending that you don't know how things work. In your gishagi, since they are so backward they don't have whatsapp, they depend on you to tell them how raira charo nefa mbe. You got how he charo nefa mbe from hardwood on wazua.

It's called nodal dissemination. You don't tell everyone, you tell and confuse the main nodes.

The main nodes being dummies go and tell their nyumba kumi and all of a sudden you have 1 million dummies who wake up in the morning hating someone because they heard it in grapevine.

These CA guys are actually very good. For some reason, they have made you believe they only work on twirra. Their work is to find a resonating message and find the easiest method of disseminating it.

One of the reasons I believe they wrote the Jubilee manifesto is because up until this morning, my kids still do not have a laptop. Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

By the way, I sincerely believe that you do think that Kenyan voters are dummies. CA have confessed that they did it. They even bought red Tshirts for everyone. Yet, here you are saying they didn't do it.

I'm still stuck at the part where your grandma has whatsapp.. I think that calls for a new thread!Pray Kweli, we are not all equal!

Laughing out loudly you need to eat cake, ukikosa food.
I am also getting worried that I have or I am still missing out on this kenyan dream, where majority hang out on social media including our grandparents who are being targeted online by some company in UK.

sasa naona narrative is changing to red t-shirts, and CA hiring foot-soldiers to convert online social media, to gichagi baraza media.
I will not be surprised to hear CA infiltrated the mashinani bar talk gossip scene.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

#71 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:17:09 PM
Rank: Veteran

Joined: 10/29/2008
Posts: 1,566
Too much hullabaloo about nothing!

Now that NASA zones were known prior, down to the specifics of turn out data based on history, - then come 8817 they hardly dissapointed, - were they also influenced by the 'genius' of Analytica!!
Bear in mind that out of over 15m votes cast what separated the two main contestants is just over 1m votes.

In any case weren't we told that Raila actually won but his votes were stolen!!

While at it, let people decide which is which;


Norman Magaya has petitioned the West to rein in on Cambridge Analytica!
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#72 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:23:39 PM
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Joined: 3/18/2011
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Swenani wrote:
@Tycho has started a thread with 65 posts?Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#73 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:29:07 PM
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Joined: 7/3/2007
Posts: 1,634
KulaRaha wrote:
Wakanyugi wrote:
KulaRaha wrote:
So, are we saying UK wasted 500M since CA was useless/ineffective and local radio stations did more?

Perhaps they created the content for the stations?

I can answer this one.

No they did not.

The messages that vernacular radio carried in Mt Kenya were not crafted during the elections. They were restatements of themselves that had been trending since back in 2013/14.

For instance that 'Uthamaki' campaign that seems to have so scared NASA bloggers was actually first crafted against Kidero way back in 2014 when it was used to encourage strategic voter registration. The message was "we need to retake the Nairobi sit. You voters in Kiambu, Muranga, Nyeri have nothing to defend over there and you should register here to help bring back Uthamaki to the city."

We saw a similar strategy used for Nixon Korir in Langata, what is Uthamaki in Kale?.

I don't mind you guys giving credit to a mzungu if it makes you feel better. After all Baba seems to think all our problems can only be solved by white men, including holding credible elections.

But my fren, CA says they ran Uhuruto campaigns in 2013 and 2017. I think you're scared the white man was running Tyranny and you bought it hook, line and sinker. LOL


You think Jubilees win somehow means less now that a Mzungu is claiming credit for it? Please. If it did why do you guys want a share of it?

The real disaster, as I see it is NASA's 2017 incompetence as compared to 2013 and the predictable disaster they have since become. It didn't need a Mzungu to beat Raila in 2017. His own flaws, dumb advisers, and Ruto's 'mzee wa kitendawil' rants were more than enough.

Many of us said NASA was on a loosing streak from the word go and RAO was the weakest link. But of course you let hope triumph over sense yet again. And now you want to use a Mzungu to make yourself feel better? Be my guest.
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#74 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:20:39 PM
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@Wakanyugi, if there is a science of studying and controlling human behavior then data would be a resource.

There is in fact, such a science. And though psychology and psychiatry have so far failed to get this science, it's fragments or even its reality has been with us since time immemorial.

The CA guys may not be using this science but that doesn't mean 'as if they knew' doesn't work.

You are right that some of these techniques have been in use from the past. But so has social media been used from the past.

Twitter, fb and the rest are social media channels but the meeting of persons and culture is the essence of social media.

So the critical question is can an increase in channels have an effect on an individual's behavior even with respect to channels that the person doesn't have access to?

The answer is in the affirmative. Eg. It's highly probable that a sizeable portion of our wanjiku's who don't have smart phones know of 'Samantha'.

In the case of the past elections, we can't for sure say that CA were effective, but we can't also say that their interference therefore will always be negligible.
#75 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:23:36 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
Swenani wrote:
@Tycho has started a thread with 65 posts?Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause Applause

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

#76 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:29:51 PM
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Joined: 7/3/2007
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tycho wrote:
@Wakanyugi, if there is a science of studying and controlling human behavior then data would be a resource.

There is in fact, such a science. And though psychology and psychiatry have so far failed to get this science, it's fragments or even its reality has been with us since time immemorial.

The CA guys may not be using this science but that doesn't mean 'as if they knew' doesn't work.

You are right that some of these techniques have been in use from the past. But so has social media been used from the past.

Twitter, fb and the rest are social media channels but the meeting of persons and culture is the essence of social media.

So the critical question is can an increase in channels have an effect on an individual's behavior even with respect to channels that the person doesn't have access to?

The answer is in the affirmative. Eg. It's highly probable that a sizeable portion of our wanjiku's who don't have smart phones know of 'Samantha'.

In the case of the past elections, we can't for sure say that CA were effective, but we can't also say that their interference therefore will always be negligible.

Tycho: It is not hard to manipulate people and even you can do it if you were ruthless enough. And you can bet that even a half baked politician or pastor wannabe has more ruthlessness in his small finger than you'll probably ever muster.

People are desperate to have someone do the hard work of thinking and managing life for them. All you have to do, to have them eating out of your hand, is to make promises, you don't even have to keep them and find a convenient bogeyman or two to blame for their failure to think. Yaani, the same strategy that a village witch doctor uses.

So yes, you are right recent technological and social changes have offered more opportunities for the likes of CA and assorted manipulators to do their thing and make out like bandits when they are at it. But it is certainly not new.

I simply hesitate to give CA credit for an election result that went exactly as level heads had predicted. If they had somehow got Jubilee that 3 million margin of victory that they were dreaming of I would start to be impressed. They did not.

The voting patterns and margin of victory for the presidential vote were largely the same in 2017 as in 2013, if you allow for demographic changes. Even the predictable post electoral whining barely changed in either tune or timing_____kiliibiwo tena, those people are thieves, Uhuru must go, bla, bla, bla!

Let us agree that CA waliangukia. Good for them.
"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#77 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:32:10 PM
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We all need to watch this TED TALK
Consistency is better than intensity
#78 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:08:48 PM
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So, did CA have an effect in the American elections?
#79 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:10:20 PM
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PeterReborn wrote:
We all need to watch this TED TALK

#80 Posted : Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:17:13 PM
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tycho wrote:
PeterReborn wrote:
We all need to watch this TED TALK


Thank you @peterReborn... this really helped to clarify the CA stuff!
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