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Makueni County
#61 Posted : Monday, February 12, 2018 11:36:49 PM
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Joined: 8/25/2012
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Swenani wrote:
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
Swenani wrote:
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
Swenani wrote:
Yaani the same people saying that govt role should be to set up infrastructure are the same people supporting and asking the uninformed wazuans to give gaarment time to run and manage SGR to start making MONEY.Same people who said it was better to start somewhere with diesel locomotives but not okay for Makueni gaarment to start somewhere with water pans and grading earth roads.

ujinga ingine ni ya kujipaka

yaani you seriously are for this, water pans and earth roads, you are okay starting from somewhere with water pans and earth roads. Sad

Ywa, sir, ever heard prioritization of resources? It'not like Makueni has a bottomless pit of funds to tarmack rds, provide piped water etc

on a serious note, I believe a government should aim or do what the local people can not, I mean if a nyumba kumi elder organized his members to set up water pans, that would be ok, but a government should aim to do more.

I mean imagine a government buying mangoes from its citizens at 3 bob, will you ever lift those people out of poverty, they should be giving them subsidies, and credit to buy canters to transport their mangoes and tractors to expand their farm operations, not buying mangoes from them.

You're arguing from a point of lack of informationsmile
Soma hapa then come back and critique

smile hata mutunga refused hii mambo of sneaking in new evidence in the middle of a case. smile
anyway sijafungua hio link but if he is providing piped water and tarmacking roads then that is good, but the idea of earth roads and water pans as a starting point is a non starter, those are things nyumba kumi association should be doing not governments.
#62 Posted : Monday, February 12, 2018 11:39:29 PM
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Fullykenyan wrote:
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
Swenani wrote:
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
Swenani wrote:
Yaani the same people saying that govt role should be to set up infrastructure are the same people supporting and asking the uninformed wazuans to give gaarment time to run and manage SGR to start making MONEY.Same people who said it was better to start somewhere with diesel locomotives but not okay for Makueni gaarment to start somewhere with water pans and grading earth roads.

ujinga ingine ni ya kujipaka

yaani you seriously are for this, water pans and earth roads, you are okay starting from somewhere with water pans and earth roads. Sad

Ywa, sir, ever heard prioritization of resources? It'not like Makueni has a bottomless pit of funds to tarmack rds, provide piped water etc

on a serious note, I believe a government should aim or do what the local people can not, I mean if a nyumba kumi elder organized his members to set up water pans, that would be ok, but a government should aim to do more.

I mean imagine a government buying mangoes from its citizens at 3 bob, will you ever lift those people out of poverty, they should be giving them subsidies, and credit to buy canters to transport their mangoes and tractors to expand their farm operations, not buying mangoes from them.

I dont know how it works in kenya but where i live, companies pay huge tax to the counties first,before the main gvt gets her share.
This money is further invested in education,health and county roads.
If that is the case in kenya too, Makueni gvt would benefit, in not only providing ready market for her people but also in tax revenue which in retun they could invest in infrastructure. So,it can only be a win-win situation for makueni.
Me thinketh both approaches from Mutua and the good old Prof are both right.

in kenya the money finds its way to some pockets smile - but my point as some others are stating is that a government should not be building factories and buying mangoes from the farmers, instead they should provide the necessary conditions for investors to prosper.
#63 Posted : Monday, February 12, 2018 11:43:43 PM
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Fullykenyan wrote:
Swenani wrote:
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
Swenani wrote:
Yaani the same people saying that govt role should be to set up infrastructure are the same people supporting and asking the uninformed wazuans to give gaarment time to run and manage SGR to start making MONEY.Same people who said it was better to start somewhere with diesel locomotives but not okay for Makueni gaarment to start somewhere with water pans and grading earth roads.

ujinga ingine ni ya kujipaka

yaani you seriously are for this, water pans and earth roads, you are okay starting from somewhere with water pans and earth roads. Sad

Ywa, sir, ever heard prioritization of resources? It'not like Makueni has a bottomless pit of funds to tarmack rds, provide piped water etc

Kenyans generally thinks that the gvt has always endless supply of money to fund all the projects if it wishes to. i think economics should be made a compulsory subject in school

I have to admit I know very little if any of economics, but what I know is that providing piped water, and tarmacking/paving roads and walkways should be the basic a government should be doing, not providing earth roads and water pans, but if economics dictate that water pans and earth roads are cool, I would rather its not taught as a compulsory subject to our kids otherwise we will find ourselves back to the stone age, ama namna gani, wouldn't you want paved roads and piped water if other governments are doing it and some have been doing it for thousands of years smile
#64 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 9:43:42 AM
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The mango season runs for a few months each year. So who will be paying employees for the rest of the year at the mango factory?
#65 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 10:06:35 AM
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Can we now agree that counties need more allocation of funds? I saw that was one of the items in NRM's dialogue.
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#66 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 11:55:01 AM
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Lolest! wrote:
Can we now agree that counties need more allocation of funds? I saw that was one of the items in NRM's dialogue.

They need to generate more funds not relying on national gov't 100%.
#67 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 12:05:47 PM
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kiash wrote:
Fyatu wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

Muranga has been trying to set their milk processing plant but it will put the governor on a collision course with our monarch family.

In Nyeri, my grandmother and friends started producing milk for sale eons ago..


But this is not to discredit good work that is going on in Makueni or Machakos

The link took long to open. I grew up in Nyeri in the 90's before moving elsewhere.It still makes me wonder when i see stuff like this in 2017/2018
Electricity came to my village in the late 80's due to coffee factories which used to operate using diesel generators.Other areas where tea was grown were even more developped.When i read the other day that the UHURUTO gava connected more people then ever before, then i guess luck was on our side. Not luck but this was Moi era and we only had one cabinet minister from the area.A certain Kuguru. But Harambees did a lot to develop the placea nd even schools were built using harambees funds.If such momentum had continued, Nyeri would be very far today.When i vist i just wonder what went wrong. But its still far ahead.
One just needs to visit and see that very few people waiti for maana from the gava.

Good to know you are from Nyeri. Coffee and Tea left a long lasting impact in the lives of Nyeri people. Not many people know this but KPCU was a giant behemoth. At some point in the early 80s there was a heated discussion in Parliament when it emerged that their CEO was earning Kes.71,000 per month. MPs were earning 11K at the time. It is KPCU that oversaw the economic revolution in Coffee growing areas. Nyeri being an obvious beneficiary. Sadly, that success attracted the Moi error crooks and the rest is history.

Mathira people took it one step further and sent their kids to school in amazing numbers. Anyone from Nyeri knows 50% of the top schools were always taken by Mathira people. To date Mathira leads the country in the %age of population with a university education.

On a positive note, there is a quiet revolution happening in Nyeri. Barichu coffee society has consistently paid their farmers >100/- per kg of coffee. It is known by almost all baristas in the USA who can't get enough of their high quality coffee. Bodaboda guys are in thriving business buying fresh berries from neighbouring societies straight from the farms and delivering it to Barichu. As a result factories that can't pay a reasonable price to farmers are closing down. 7 have closed so far.

This is the magic Gachagua was attempting to replicate across Nyeri. The cartels proved too powerful for him.
#68 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 1:04:43 PM
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FRM2011 wrote:
kiash wrote:
Fyatu wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

Muranga has been trying to set their milk processing plant but it will put the governor on a collision course with our monarch family.

In Nyeri, my grandmother and friends started producing milk for sale eons ago..


But this is not to discredit good work that is going on in Makueni or Machakos

The link took long to open. I grew up in Nyeri in the 90's before moving elsewhere.It still makes me wonder when i see stuff like this in 2017/2018
Electricity came to my village in the late 80's due to coffee factories which used to operate using diesel generators.Other areas where tea was grown were even more developped.When i read the other day that the UHURUTO gava connected more people then ever before, then i guess luck was on our side. Not luck but this was Moi era and we only had one cabinet minister from the area.A certain Kuguru. But Harambees did a lot to develop the placea nd even schools were built using harambees funds.If such momentum had continued, Nyeri would be very far today.When i vist i just wonder what went wrong. But its still far ahead.
One just needs to visit and see that very few people waiti for maana from the gava.

Good to know you are from Nyeri. Coffee and Tea left a long lasting impact in the lives of Nyeri people. Not many people know this but KPCU was a giant behemoth. At some point in the early 80s there was a heated discussion in Parliament when it emerged that their CEO was earning Kes.71,000 per month. MPs were earning 11K at the time. It is KPCU that oversaw the economic revolution in Coffee growing areas. Nyeri being an obvious beneficiary. Sadly, that success attracted the Moi error crooks and the rest is history.

Mathira people took it one step further and sent their kids to school in amazing numbers. Anyone from Nyeri knows 50% of the top schools were always taken by Mathira people. To date Mathira leads the country in the %age of population with a university education.

On a positive note, there is a quiet revolution happening in Nyeri. Barichu coffee society has consistently paid their farmers >100/- per kg of coffee. It is known by almost all baristas in the USA who can't get enough of their high quality coffee. Bodaboda guys are in thriving business buying fresh berries from neighbouring societies straight from the farms and delivering it to Barichu. As a result factories that can't pay a reasonable price to farmers are closing down. 7 have closed so far.

This is the magic Gachagua was attempting to replicate across Nyeri. The cartels proved too powerful for him.

I got to give it up to you @Frm for your knowledge of matters Central Kenya especially Nyeri and Kirinyaga. I remember in my formative years lads from Mathira/Karatina used to proudly toss the phrase "Mathira ma githomo" around when referring to their area. I never figured the origin of this phrase but today you have educated me. I visited Nyeri the other day and could not help notice the abandoned KPCU facilities at Sagana and the plastic bottles and juala menace that litter the road from Kenol(Muranga) all the way to Nyeri town.I wonder what CEC Environment in Murang'a, Kirinyaga and Nyeri are doing(They can borrow a leaf from Alfie of Machakos on matters environment). I also got a little bit worried by the shrinking size and pollution(Kinyesi/sewage) of Gura, Chania, rwarai, Baricho and many Nyeri rivers that form the Sagana. I was also suprised to see that land in Gatitu has been subdivided into 1/8ths. I fear for my county Nyeri and the Nation Kenya especially guys downstream huko Garissa na Pwani. Nyeri is soon becoming the second largest slum in Africa second only to Mombasa.
Dumb money becomes dumb only when it listens to smart money
#69 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 1:19:31 PM
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kiash wrote:
Fyatu wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

The biggest problem here is our lack of appreciation of what makes Makueni tick. ZERO CORRUPTION.

Makueni govt has approached poverty reduction in two strategies. Boost household income and provide safety nets for the vulnerable.

Almost every household has a few mango and orange trees. The brokers have been having a field day exploiting these poor farmers. Now there is a ready buyer offering fair prices. Household earnings from mangoes have skyrocketed. Brokers used to buy @3/- per fruit.

They have a new slogan in Kikamba that every home and some milk. (O nyumba na kalia). And again the county govt is offering a ready market. Makueni fresh. Muranga has been trying to set their milk processing plant but it will put the governor on a collision course with our monarch family.

Why were KCC, KMC, KPCU successful ventures until the Moi era crooks laid their hands on them ? Because government can actually run highly efficient organizations.

The late Gachagua tried to fix the mess with coffee prices in Nyeri and the cartels came out fighting with all they got. Had he succeeded, Nyeri would have been the first success story of devolution.

Once again, Jubilee people understand government to be the place you go to enrich yourself. You can't view Kivutha Kibwana with such lenses. That is why Makueni looks surreal to you. You must be wondering how he will recover his campaign money. How he will get his cut if he pays farmers so much for their mangoes. The truth is he won't. I know its difficult to believe but not everyone wants to be a billionaire arap singh style.

In Nyeri, my grandmother and friends started producing milk for sale eons ago..


But this is not to discredit good work that is going on in Makueni or Machakos

The link took long to open I also experienced the same problem with webpage speeds. I guess IT department huko bado wako chini kama tumbo ya chura.. I grew up in Nyeri in the 90's before moving elsewhere.It still makes me wonder when i see stuff like this in 2017/2018
Electricity came to my village in the late 80's due to coffee factories which used to operate using diesel generators.Other areas where tea was grown were even more developped.When i read the other day that the UHURUTO gava connected more people then ever before, then i guess luck was on our side. Not luck but this was Moi era and we only had one cabinet minister from the area.A certain Kuguru. But Harambees did a lot to develop the placea nd even schools were built using harambees funds.If such momentum had continued, Nyeri would be very far today.When i vist i just wonder what went wrong. But its still far ahead.
One just needs to visit and see that very few people waiti for maana from the gava.

Yes, i agree that Nyeri could be far ahead. I think the problem is that mediocrity has crept in. I also suspect that the elite of Nyeri have migrated to other areas and have refused to go back home or shape opinion wherever they are. Road carabats do not count as development... Those governors of central Kenya should stop sitting on their laurels lest they(Laurels)wither and dry up. They should immediately put their brains to work on how to improve livelihoods of their people just like we have witnessed elsewhere.Land tenureship should seriously be looked at otherwise Nyeri might become a slum.
Dumb money becomes dumb only when it listens to smart money
#70 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 1:29:36 PM
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Joined: 11/5/2010
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Fyatu wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:
kiash wrote:
Fyatu wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

Muranga has been trying to set their milk processing plant but it will put the governor on a collision course with our monarch family.

In Nyeri, my grandmother and friends started producing milk for sale eons ago..


But this is not to discredit good work that is going on in Makueni or Machakos

The link took long to open. I grew up in Nyeri in the 90's before moving elsewhere.It still makes me wonder when i see stuff like this in 2017/2018
Electricity came to my village in the late 80's due to coffee factories which used to operate using diesel generators.

Good to know you are from Nyeri. Coffee and Tea left a long lasting impact in the lives of Nyeri people. Not many people know this but KPCU was a giant behemoth. At some point in the early 80s there was a heated discussion in Parliament when it emerged that their CEO was earning Kes.71,000 per month. MPs were earning 11K at the time. It is KPCU that oversaw the economic revolution in Coffee growing areas. Nyeri being an obvious beneficiary. Sadly, that success attracted the Moi error crooks and the rest is history.

Mathira people took it one step further and sent their kids to school in amazing numbers. Anyone from Nyeri knows 50% of the top schools were always taken by Mathira people. To date Mathira leads the country in the %age of population with a university education.

On a positive note, there is a quiet revolution happening in Nyeri. Barichu coffee society has consistently paid their farmers >100/- per kg of coffee. It is known by almost all baristas in the USA who can't get enough of their high quality coffee. Bodaboda guys are in thriving business buying fresh berries from neighbouring societies straight from the farms and delivering it to Barichu. As a result factories that can't pay a reasonable price to farmers are closing down. 7 have closed so far.

This is the magic Gachagua was attempting to replicate across Nyeri. The cartels proved too powerful for him.

I got to give it up to you @Frm for your knowledge of matters Central Kenya especially Nyeri and Kirinyaga. I remember in my formative years lads from Mathira/Karatina used to proudly toss the phrase "Mathira ma githomo" around when referring to their area. I never figured the origin of this phrase but today you have educated me. I visited Nyeri the other day and could not help notice the abandoned KPCU facilities at Sagana and the plastic bottles and juala menace that litter the road from Kenol(Muranga) all the way to Nyeri town.I wonder what CEC Environment in Murang'a, Kirinyaga and Nyeri are doing(They can borrow a leaf from Alfie of Machakos on matters environment). I also got a little bit worried by the shrinking size and pollution(Kinyesi/sewage) of Gura, Chania, rwarai, Baricho and many Nyeri rivers that form the Sagana. I was also suprised to see that land in Gatitu has been subdivided into 1/8ths. I fear for my county Nyeri and the Nation Kenya especially guys downstream huko Garissa na Pwani. Nyeri is soon becoming the second largest slum in Africa second only to Mombasa.

@fyatu, I grew up in Nyeri and only left Nyeri for the first time when going to college. That madness of eighth plots in Gatitu is crazy. And it extends all the way to Marua. This also happens to be the most insecure area in Nyeri. Adjacent Githiru has always been the capital of marijuana.

A real estate broker told me that after 2007, he noticed most Nyerians settled elsewhere started coming back to buy a plot close to home. A back-up plan of sorts. This together with the county billions are driving the demand for residential plots.
#71 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 1:32:34 PM
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Fyatu wrote:

Yes, i agree that Nyeri could be far ahead. I think the problem is that mediocrity has crept in. I also suspect that the elite of Nyeri have migrated to other areas and have refused to go back home or shape opinion wherever they are. Road carabats do not count as development... Those governors of central Kenya should stop sitting on their laurels lest they(Laurels)wither and dry up. They should immediately put their brains to work on how to improve livelihoods of their people just like we have witnessed elsewhere.Land tenureship should seriously be looked at otherwise Nyeri might become a slum.

Culverts?Laughing out loudly smile

Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
Angelica _ann
#72 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 2:00:18 PM
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Every County sorts itself with CISP, i don't know what the hullabaloo is all about!!!
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#73 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 2:53:47 PM
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kawi254 wrote:
Clarification: Nolturesh water is already in Makueni Kilome and homes along where it passes are connected. You must have seen news article of Kajiado governer complaining of Makueni people getting water and not Kajiado.
Nolturesh water is from Kajiado(kilimanjaro).

Kivutha lost some 3 years fighting MCAs and budget not getting approved. If He stays clear of NASA/wiper politics He can get much done in next 5.

Makueni is coming from a low base development wise. You can compare Makueni with Kitui but not Machakos due to history and weather. There are places in Machakos you would think you are in Kiambu. So you may not get it when a farmer who used to water cows far far away in dry season appreciates 'water pans'.

Kila mtu ajenge county yake. In the end the Country Kenya moves forward. Give credit where its due, Kivutha has done well so has Alfred Mutua and so has Mwangi wa Iria

I agree with you. Those saying he has not done well should provide comparative project in other counties for Prof to learn with.

And please drop Mwangi wa iria from this comparison. He is all crook, fraud and PR
Even a BrOKeN clock is right twice a day
#74 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 3:00:54 PM
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hardwood wrote:
The mango season runs for a few months each year. So who will be paying employees for the rest of the year at the mango factory?

it would even have been better if he introduced a welfare system for unemployed, hii mambo ya government kununua maembe na maziwa does not sit well - yaani a whole government is preoccupied with squeezing mangoes and packing milk in papers, then they go ahead and dig water pans and earth roads for the residents, I would not be surpriced if in his next budget he starts supplying jerrycans to the residents to go fetch water from the water pans Sad
#75 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 3:09:09 PM
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sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
hardwood wrote:
The mango season runs for a few months each year. So who will be paying employees for the rest of the year at the mango factory?

it would even have been better if he introduced a welfare system for unemployed, hii mambo ya government kununua maembe na maziwa does not sit well - yaani a whole government is preoccupied with squeezing mangoes and packing milk in papers, then they go ahead and dig water pans and earth roads for the residents, I would not be surpriced if in his next budget he starts supplying jerrycans to the residents to go fetch water from the water pans Sad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

That sits well with you I guess.

Mama mboga doesnt close her business just because her supplier/farmer planting/harvesting season has ended

Do you know Malindi doesnt even have a fruit processing factory with all abundant mangoes?
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
Angelica _ann
#76 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 3:25:17 PM
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Swenani wrote:
sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
hardwood wrote:
The mango season runs for a few months each year. So who will be paying employees for the rest of the year at the mango factory?

it would even have been better if he introduced a welfare system for unemployed, hii mambo ya government kununua maembe na maziwa does not sit well - yaani a whole government is preoccupied with squeezing mangoes and packing milk in papers, then they go ahead and dig water pans and earth roads for the residents, I would not be surpriced if in his next budget he starts supplying jerrycans to the residents to go fetch water from the water pans Sad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly

That sits well with you I guess.

Mama mboga doesnt close her business just because her supplier/farmer planting/harvesting season has ended

Do you know Malindi doesnt even have a fruit processing factory with all abundant mangoes?

Hapo City stadium, there is a mama who sells boiled maize from January to December every evening. smile
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#77 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 3:48:45 PM
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sitaki.kujulikana wrote:
hardwood wrote:
The mango season runs for a few months each year. So who will be paying employees for the rest of the year at the mango factory?

it would even have been better if he introduced a welfare system for unemployed, hii mambo ya government kununua maembe na maziwa does not sit well - yaani a whole government is preoccupied with squeezing mangoes and packing milk in papers, then they go ahead and dig water pans and earth roads for the residents, I would not be surpriced if in his next budget he starts supplying jerrycans to the residents to go fetch water from the water pans Sad

bana! It's better to give people free money than first encouraging those who are engaging in profitable work?
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#78 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 3:57:42 PM
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Lolest! wrote:
Fyatu wrote:

Yes, i agree that Nyeri could be far ahead. I think the problem is that mediocrity has crept in. I also suspect that the elite of Nyeri have migrated to other areas and have refused to go back home or shape opinion wherever they are. Road carabats do not count as development... Those governors of central Kenya should stop sitting on their laurels lest they(Laurels)wither and dry up. They should immediately put their brains to work on how to improve livelihoods of their people just like we have witnessed elsewhere.Land tenureship should seriously be looked at otherwise Nyeri might become a slum.

Culverts?Laughing out loudly smile

LOL..(as in hahahahahaha/laughing out loud)...no pun intendedLaughing out loudly
Dumb money becomes dumb only when it listens to smart money
#79 Posted : Tuesday, February 13, 2018 7:59:21 PM
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Location: Rodi Kopany, Homa Bay
Meanwhile a sad state of affairs in Migori......


Migori residents and traders have given Governor Okoth Obado until Friday to restore water supply after three months of dry taps.

The group threatened to hold demonstrations in the county with empty jerry cans to express their displeasure.

The town has had no supplies of water following a Sh4million electricity bill.

The county gets its supplies from the Sh1.2 billion water project which was handed over to it by the African Development Bank in 2014.

"On Friday, we will not pay any taxes and levies to the county government. We will organise residents and traders to move with empty jerry cans for peaceful demonstration to the governor office," Kennedy Odongo, chairman of Migori Small Traders Association, said.

He was addressing the press in Migori town on Tuesday accompanied by Tobias Omino, the chairman of Migori chamber of commerce.

The two said residents cannot continue buying a 20-litre jerry can of water drawn from untreated rivers and springs in the area at Sh50.

Omino said they have already instructed traders at the bus park, Migori market and hawkers to boycott paying taxes.

"We won’t be giving Migori county millions in taxes weekly as traders including billions from the National Treasury and we are denied water in town."
#80 Posted : Wednesday, February 14, 2018 8:52:36 AM
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