Managing expectations of their support base is going to be a big challenge to NASA.
They might also wish to make consistency their friend.
At Maanzoni, Raila said taking that oath was not consistent with his stature as an 'internationally renown statesman'
Then after some taunts of cowardice he beat an about turn and said he will take it.
Then the Mudavadis and Kalonzos of this world sought to distance themselves from any such oath taking activities.
Then Miguna miguna insulted them and branded them - fly-by-night fellows.
We were also told that Uhuru park name was changed to some NASA-name but yesterday I heard Raila call it by its official name.
There was also resistance/boycott issues - we no longer hear about it - fizzled out.
We keep hearing this is the last chance for dialogue, then after a few days the same is repeated

Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu