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NASA Resistance Army!!!
#441 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 10:57:01 AM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 3/29/2011
Posts: 2,242
Can NRM watch what is happening in Gatundu and Eldoret for a glimpse of what peaceful demonstrations/celebrations means? No thieving in sight.
"Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least." Goethe
#442 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 10:59:14 AM
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masukuma wrote:
There is a scene in the Movie - Gladiator where Proximo is being sold for slaves and the dialogue goes something like this
Proximo: Can any of them fight? I've got a match coming up.
Slave Trader: Some are good for fighting, others for dying. You need both, I think.

I think Politicians see their followers in exactly the same way. The stupid follower however sees themselves as an extension of the Politician.

Omid Djalili, a Brit comedian, is the slave-trader ...epic movie
#443 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 11:09:25 AM
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Joined: 5/9/2007
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kayhara wrote:
washiku wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:
washiku wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

I can see we are all pretending not to know what is happening in outering road. Mungiki have unleashed mayhem overnight. Only those who can speak Kikuyu were safe to pass kariobangi as of this morning. It started on Saturday night muthurwa.

Poor luhyas with their 250K votes to Uhuru. Poor kisiis with their 200k votes.

Can someone tell me what's the plan to protect my relatives in Busia, bungoma Migori isebania and virtually every corner of the country.

Hhmmmmm....I like the way you have clearly analyzed it. I remember you vehemently denied the same at the Kawangware side. I wonder how you confirmed this one to be true.

Analysis ???? There was no mungiki deaths in kawangware. Cops killed 14 there. Two of them kiuks. Another kiuk killed by mob.

On Saturday there were 11 deaths. Panga and bullet wounds. All victims profiled based on tribe. And yes on Sunday morning you couldn't drive past kariobangi roundabout if you couldn't speak kiuk.

What I hate is when politicians imagine death of poor people is acceptable collateral damage. Someone mobilized these killers.

Unlike many here, I only worry about my relatives spread across the country.

I did a deadly rescue mission in 2007 in kuresoi. The cowards starting clashes in Nairobi will be nowhere if s#*t hits the fan. I know because they were all hiding in 2007.

But the guy you wanted for president is a great friend of Mungiki, right? Do you know how much Majority Kiuks hate Mungiki?

I think many non Mountain kenyans think Mungiki is a ikuyu militia against other kenyans on this you ar very wrong, Mungiki was like alshabab their main victims were kikuyus they mainly operated in Central and areas wih high mountaineers population like Nyahururu, Nakuru etc, many who got their heads cut off were people who didn't play ball by paying protection fee, those who refused to join or let their young men join, police informers and those who were against women circumcision.
The current thing going around is just political thuggery and not mungiki, they might even be financed by NRM who knows.

I would expect FRM to know that, in fact I know he knows that. But hey, its politics...When Raila says its Mungiki, then it is. Facts do not matter.
Much Know
#444 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 11:13:46 AM
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Joined: 12/6/2008
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Preparations in high gear to burn Kisumu to the ground! Sad Pray
Meru Holiness
#445 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 11:50:05 AM
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Joined: 12/21/2009
Posts: 602
Nandwa wrote:
As the clock ticks towards swearing in for Jubilee, which should be only a few days away RAO and co in desperation mood.

They have now resorted to "Wazungu jamaneni, kujeni tafadhali, sisi NASA tuko mbaya sana".
What happened to common decency and self esteem!
I think Baba does no understand how the mzungu mind works. Wazungus are more interested in order than in justice. As long as their (mostly economic) interests are taken care of, they do not give a shit who leads the country.

Uhuruto have done an exemplary job of meeting wazungu interests. The biggest drivers of the economy (Health, Agriculture and Education) have been liberalized or are on their way to be liberalized. Security of their assets is assured-What’s not to like?
#446 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 3:06:28 PM
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Joined: 9/15/2006
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Dahatre wrote:
Nandwa wrote:
As the clock ticks towards swearing in for Jubilee, which should be only a few days away RAO and co in desperation mood.

They have now resorted to "Wazungu jamaneni, kujeni tafadhali, sisi NASA tuko mbaya sana".
What happened to common decency and self esteem!
I think Baba does no understand how the mzungu mind works. Wazungus are more interested in order than in justice. As long as their (mostly economic) interests are taken care of, they do not give a shit who leads the country.

Uhuruto have done an exemplary job of meeting wazungu interests. The biggest drivers of the economy (Health, Agriculture and Education) have been liberalized or are on their way to be liberalized. Security of their assets is assured-What’s not to like?

Why are Dahatre's orderly Wazungus portraying our leaders as so hungry, so grabby in this pic? d'oh!

#447 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 7:44:24 PM
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muganda wrote:
Dahatre wrote:
Nandwa wrote:
As the clock ticks towards swearing in for Jubilee, which should be only a few days away RAO and co in desperation mood.

They have now resorted to "Wazungu jamaneni, kujeni tafadhali, sisi NASA tuko mbaya sana".
What happened to common decency and self esteem!
I think Baba does no understand how the mzungu mind works. Wazungus are more interested in order than in justice. As long as their (mostly economic) interests are taken care of, they do not give a shit who leads the country.

Uhuruto have done an exemplary job of meeting wazungu interests. The biggest drivers of the economy (Health, Agriculture and Education) have been liberalized or are on their way to be liberalized. Security of their assets is assured-What’s not to like?

Why are Dahatre's orderly Wazungus portraying our leaders as so hungry, so grabby in this pic? d'oh!

Yaani they chose the worst looking pics. Look at those eyes and teeth!
#448 Posted : Monday, November 20, 2017 11:29:39 PM
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masukuma wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

I can see we are all pretending not to know what is happening in outering road. Mungiki have unleashed mayhem overnight. Only those who can speak Kikuyu were safe to pass kariobangi as of this morning. It started on Saturday night muthurwa.

Poor luhyas with their 250K votes to Uhuru. Poor kisiis with their 200k votes.

Can someone tell me what's the plan to protect my relatives in Busia, bungoma Migori isebania and virtually every corner of the country.

So they were 'real' votes? sio vifaranga?

shhhhh.... don't ask NRM sycophants such questions
I am happy
#449 Posted : Tuesday, November 21, 2017 2:59:38 AM
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As I know Uhuru from his body language will never tolerate Mungiki....He knows very well this country needs peace.
John 5:17 But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
#450 Posted : Tuesday, November 21, 2017 4:53:24 AM
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Spikes wrote:
As I know Uhuru from his body language will never tolerate Mungiki....He knows very well this country needs peace.

Mungiki were adopted by baba. He is using them to butcher his own people to start a war. Shindwe!

#451 Posted : Tuesday, November 21, 2017 10:33:13 AM
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Joined: 12/21/2009
Posts: 602
muganda wrote:
Dahatre wrote:
Nandwa wrote:
As the clock ticks towards swearing in for Jubilee, which should be only a few days away RAO and co in desperation mood.

They have now resorted to "Wazungu jamaneni, kujeni tafadhali, sisi NASA tuko mbaya sana".
What happened to common decency and self esteem!
I think Baba does no understand how the mzungu mind works. Wazungus are more interested in order than in justice. As long as their (mostly economic) interests are taken care of, they do not give a shit who leads the country.

Uhuruto have done an exemplary job of meeting wazungu interests. The biggest drivers of the economy (Health, Agriculture and Education) have been liberalized or are on their way to be liberalized. Security of their assets is assured-What’s not to like?

Why are Dahatre's orderly Wazungus portraying our leaders as so hungry, so grabby in this pic? d'oh!

Haha...I said "my" wazungus love order more than justice. So they are not about to do justice to our dear leaders' faces, other than treat each with equal contempt---because well--none of the two matter outside of advancing "my" wazungu's economic/security agenda.
#452 Posted : Tuesday, November 21, 2017 10:43:48 AM
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#453 Posted : Tuesday, November 21, 2017 8:12:02 PM
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So kavirodans resisted safaricom and now they can't get KCPE results as they are required to send a safaricom short code to get their kids results.
#454 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2017 12:05:20 AM
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masukuma wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

In my household, the order has already been issued to madam and the housegirl. Anyone buying any of these milk brands, kutawaka moto. Same in the office. My shamba boy in Nyeri is to stop delivering milk to the collection centre. We shall sell to boda-boda brokers effective tomorrow.

Keep us posted on this... and you know I will ask you EVERY MONTH on how this 'resistance' matter goes.

Kaka? ☝🏾 inaenda aje?
All Mushrooms are edible! Some Mushroom are only edible ONCE!
#455 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2017 2:35:00 AM
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hardwood wrote:
So kavirodans resisted safaricom and now they can't get KCPE results as they are required to send a safaricom short code to get their kids results.

I heard one could use even airtel or telkom.Infact they were said to be faster.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#456 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2017 5:08:56 AM
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Meanwhile, Safaricom share hit all time high!
Angelica _ann
#457 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2017 11:23:15 AM
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Bigchick wrote:
hardwood wrote:
So kavirodans resisted safaricom and now they can't get KCPE results as they are required to send a safaricom short code to get their kids results.

I heard one could use even airtel or telkom.Infact they were said to be faster.

Plus they didn't steal from poor Kenyans!!!
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#458 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2017 11:55:17 AM
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masukuma wrote:
masukuma wrote:
FRM2011 wrote:

In my household, the order has already been issued to madam and the housegirl. Anyone buying any of these milk brands, kutawaka moto. Same in the office. My shamba boy in Nyeri is to stop delivering milk to the collection centre. We shall sell to boda-boda brokers effective tomorrow.

Keep us posted on this... and you know I will ask you EVERY MONTH on how this 'resistance' matter goes.

Kaka? ☝🏾 inaenda aje?

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Laughing out loudly smile Applause d'oh! Sad Drool Liar Shame on you Pray
#459 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2017 12:58:57 PM
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Joined: 7/3/2007
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So NASA want to raise money. But they can't use a Safaricom paybill or accept donations from Brookside and Bidco.

Sema kujiNASA.

"The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." (Niels Bohr)
#460 Posted : Friday, November 24, 2017 1:47:17 PM
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Joined: 12/1/2008
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Wakanyugi wrote:
So NASA want to raise money. But they can't use a Safaricom paybill or accept donations from Brookside and Bidco.

Sema kujiNASA.

Hasira, hasara smile
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