quicksand wrote:Gathige wrote:The biggest winner this time round is BaBa. He has been able to nullify his MOU with Kalonzo in that he did not participate in the repeat election so he has to participate in 2022
MOUs are useless and not enforceable...its like the way couples swear 'till death do us part' then divorce 24 months later. RAO cannot use that MOU and demand support from Kalonzo and hope to get it ...unless Kalonzo has porridge for a brain and agrees, which could actually happen ... I wouldn't be surprised. The man has a backbone made of the sheerest straw
MOU is a polite way of avoiding a Contract.
If I want to do business with your competitor, I will sign an MOU,make it short term then terminate it based on flimsy grounds.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.