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BREAKING NEWS......Kadhis Courts are illegal
#101 Posted : Monday, May 24, 2010 8:56:14 PM
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nanfor1 wrote:
I'm sorry Masukuma but this ruling has just reminded Kenyans of the judiciary we have. It won't work. Its gotten the whole internet mad instead.

Even blatantly having a fundamentalist judge in this ruling is unlawful to say the least.

i am still waiting for the sharp guy who is going to tell me what precedent was followed since it seems these 3 have decided that the current constitution we have is illegal. This should be a study in law school.

In the meantime, can we return Kilindini harbour to the Sultan? Or is that illegal too?

Do those celebrating now agree with me that CRE should be banned from all schools since it sets this one religion higher than my aetheist one? Maybe its time we shut down all these christian church colleges since they are saying their religion is superior.

Absolute madness!
spot on my guy
#102 Posted : Monday, May 24, 2010 9:07:58 PM
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I once was NO but now im YES... until things turn otherwise

but as ive always argued constitution making is still POLITICS..
Ive also mentioned here before that the church has been given only 2 bones to keep busy at.

Its is the usual battle of the status quo versus forces of change.. and the have nots the faithful pawns..

maybe i should just go abstain
#103 Posted : Monday, May 24, 2010 9:39:32 PM
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kadonye wrote:
mkenyan wrote:

on the religious inclinations of the judge, given that it is the churches that have been most vocal about the inclusion of the kadhi courts in proposed constitution, i do not really need to spell out for you the relevance.
It's not true that people with Christian names n Caucasian names are Christians.Read Philip Ochieng's article 'Thank God I'm atheist' n other articles

kadonye, a bit of reading what i have posted would have really been in order before you start quoting me and responding with your learned reading of philip ochieng. that post which you have just quoted should be read in context of my earlier post, to which the poster i had just responded to had questioned the relevance of the religion of the good judges.

if you were so bothered as to go back and read my original post in that matter, you should note that i had merely asked for those in the know to point me in the right direction on the religious inclinations of the said judges.
#104 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:03:40 AM
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@nanfor1, CRE is not an evangelism class, nor is IRE nor is HRE. the point of those subjects is to teach the belief of s a bunch of guyz called Christians or Muslims or Hindus. if someone is ready to write a curriculum for African religious education - knock yourself out.
I have always believed Christians (as the bible defines them) in this country are a minority what we have as a majority is a bunch of pew-warming, church going, Jewish and European Name bearing folk. Who think Natural Law or the constitution was based on Christian Laws. Actually the same folk talked about earlier think the real Christians are "fundamentalist" or MOI backing or INTOLERANT - go on flatter us...if you haven't noticed....we don't care insults do not have hooks that will hold on to you once they are directed at you,
Jesus told us the world will hate us, you are rubber-stamping it.
on this point we are talking about lets make it clear ONCE AND FOR ALL. The Christian Church Wants the Constitution just like everyone else it just WANTS A JUST and FAIR document to all people living in this country including those pew-warming people who cannot see this INJUSTICE.
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#105 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:18:54 AM
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@nanfor. Christian colleges are not enshrined, in the constitution, and neither are they funded by the government. One can start a african traditional or an atheist college, and and you will not have broken any laws, as long as they are not government funded.
#106 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:33:54 AM
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...@from a purely capitalistic perspective and with the simple notion of selfishness....i have decided to keep my opinion to myself.
...i have noticed that i may loose valuable friends,business contacts and most important family ties due to this katiba.
In that respect,my views shall henceforth remain confidential till i get a new constitution from God knows where.I am not prepared to loose it all in a day, neither should someone else.
..the debate must remain sober least we invest in another country.
...i hide my red shirt for the moment; till after the vote.
#107 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:42:01 AM
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Masukuma, your point is valid.
However, the world we live in is NOT fair
Respected and retired Rev Njoya and Gitari are supporting the draft constitution. Their argument is "if you have two evils to choose from you choose the lesser evil" They are also christians like you are. You may choose to agree with them or otherwise.

Its your choice to take any stand, they call it "democracy" which in my opinion (sucks, for lack of a better word).

After the effects of 2007 elections, i resolved one thing. Never to participate in any goverment sponsored elections/petition or anything close to it. Because what any goverment wants, the goverment gets even if it means sacrificing some people to die.

Those so called principles are actualizing what they called "Agenda 4 of the Accord". They dont care wheather people are IDP's coz of voting for them. What's more important to them is the katiba, period.

That's what they'll get Aug 4.The new constitution will be there wheather you vote yes,no or abstain.Its the Govt project,with either hook or clook has to succed.

#108 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:47:04 AM
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Both sides on this debate have real fears which cannot be wished away.
1. Those who want the Kadhis courts to remain in the constitution FEAR that if we remove them from the constitution, the Muslims will feel their rights have been demoted and can cause havoc the al-shabaab style.
2. Those who do not want the Kadhis courts in the constitution FEAR that the Muslims can use them to spread their religion throughout the country and easily turn Kenya into a Muslim Republic hence sharia law.

From where am standing, both FEARS may be real and genuine. The challenge is to find a middle ground that addresses these FEARS with a view to foster peace and harmony.

@masukuma, I agree with you. Most pple have abrogated themselves the tag 'Christian' yet pleadge their allegence elswhere. They confess to be christians yet deny Christ in their actions and lifestyles! As the good BOOK says, 'The battle is not ours but the Lord's', true christians must do what they must do and leave the rest to the Lord. This too shall come to pass.
#109 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 6:56:52 AM
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I am still waiting for the person who is going to explain to me how someone can come up with the notion that the constitution is illegal.

then under what authority is he sitting on the bench.

listen guys. I really care less about Kadhis courts or otherwise. I believe its a red herring.

What concerns me is seeing the judiciary being used here for ulterior motives based on law that doesn't exist.

In one stroke of the pen these 3 fools have decided that

1. It is illegal for the disabled to be given preferential treatment as it may offend the healthy,
2. It is illegal to have a certain number of women in parliament as it will offend men.
3. Affirmative action is illegal as I can hire my whole clan in my business.

As you are busy supporting this comical ruling, please sit down and consider its implications in your life.

it means that the court can decide anything in the old constitution is illegal. What makes you think that the next time you won't get 3 fundamentalist muslim judges who say that the God in our National Anthem should be changed to Allah since it annoys muslims.

These are the first judges in the whole world to declare a constittution illegal. Think about that.
Hata wakizima taa
#110 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:05:46 AM
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any relationship of the ruling and this story?
Isaiah 65:17-Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth, and no one will even think about the old ones anymore
#111 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:30:34 AM
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Doesn't make sense!!! Those Judges are a creation of the constitution just like the Kadhi courts. The work of the judges is to interpret the constitution not amend or comment on it. I think they've lost it on this one.

If they are removed from the constitution the now ceremonial Sultan of Zanzibar has the right to reclaim the 10 mile strip which was the bargaining chip meaning 10 miles of our coastline will belong to Tanzania.

BBI will solve it
#112 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:34:24 AM
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@nanfor1, I believe that the ruling did not necessarily amount to declaring the whole constitution illegal as you put it. A constitution is a man written document and can have flows, thats why it allows for amendments. The judges were refering to the inclusion of religious courts in the constitution and funding them by state funds and have interpreted that to be unconstitutional and descriminatory against other religions. Lets not be emotional about this. Atleast for once the constitutional debate has been based on issues, lets stick to issues.
#113 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:35:38 AM
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@Masukuma whatever it is! why would you think that your arguments and cheap idle statements would be taken seriuosly.
I have read this thing seral times and nowhere have i seen this draft expressly authorising abortion as u,Ruto n Moi are putting it neither do i see anything wrong on Kadhis courts as long as it does not infringe on my rights and freedom as a christian.
NB On abortion be reminded that this draft also authorises death as punishment for capital offences n isnt that taking away life u can also quote it in ua silly propaganda compaigns.
no no Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you Shame on you
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
#114 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:40:33 AM
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Maybe we are reading too much to a small matter.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#115 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:52:56 AM
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nanfor1 wrote:
In one stroke of the pen these 3 fools have decided......

No one here is saying they have read the whole ruling. Where have you seen it, give us the link before Nanfor1 calls another person a fool!
#116 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:54:15 AM
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This is not a small matter

The same judges in their ruling accepted that they do not have the power to change the constitution.

In the same ruling they go ahead and say it is illegal to fund or even have the Kadhis court.

The danger is not with the Kadhi's court. It is the fact that some 3 people can decide that they can change the constitution at the same time say that they have no powers to do so.

They themselves have acknowledged that they have no POWER, read RIGHT, to change any constitution. However, they go ahead and set a precedent that will be used for ages to allow judges to change it.

@cruso If the constitution said that all Kenyans will wake up in the morning and pee outside their window, these judges cannot go ahead and say it is wrong. It is their duty keep that peeing in the window clause.

It is up to Kenyans to change a constitution not Judges.

I am saying this as someone who hates the old constitution. It is just an example of the reason why the judiciary in Kenya is just pathetic.

The only good thing is that I can now take them to their own court and say that their mere presence in that court is annoying me and elevating them to higher level than me. They are thus unconstitutional.

Hata wakizima taa
#117 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:55:56 AM
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@2012 its you who is getting it wrong, from the litle law knowledge I have, as you rightly put it, Judges interpret the law and how on earth can they do that without commenting on it? We should also not forget that in the cause of interpreting the law, Judges make the law by way of setting precedence. Please don't forget that the ten mile coastal strip did not originally belong to the sultans, they came from arabia and colonised the indigenious folk, infact they had no business exchanging it with the British in the first place. The sultan cannot therefore lay claim to the 10 mile stripe.
#118 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 7:59:58 AM
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@kereka, then you need your eyes checked or make a reference to the abortion debate topic - we have debated that here and lets not lose focus. @2012, if the kadhi's courts are left where they were intended to be i.e. in the 10 miles strip - everyone will be happy. they don't have to push this illegality in mainland.
@nanfor1, don't act like you a shark in a feeding frenzy

In one stroke of the pen these 3 fools have decided that

1. It is illegal for the disabled to be given preferential treatment as it may offend the healthy,
2. It is illegal to have a certain number of women in parliament as it will offend men.
3. Affirmative action is illegal as I can hire my whole clan in my business.

As you are busy supporting this comical ruling, please sit down and consider its implications in your life.

the judges did not do any of the above. everyone wants the above.
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#119 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:14:52 AM
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we should not be in too much of a hurry so that we willing to legislate illegalities.
this whole scenario reminds me of a certain story of a slave who had a big wound which the children of the master used to poke and if he screams they would be elated and entertained and he was thus a house slave who was well-fed.
after the emancipation proclamation - he refused freedom and choose to continue being a slave and have his wound used as a play thing by the masters children - as long as he was fed.

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#120 Posted : Tuesday, May 25, 2010 9:34:49 AM
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masukuma wrote:
@theman192000, A constitution cannot in one breath lock every other culture, religion and systems of laws in kenya into article 45(4) and force them to act within the constitution and then with the same breath give ONE religion/culture a court to rule over the same matters and using their law and not in accordance to the constitution coz their laws are grafted to the constitution similar to international treaties.
this is an INJUSTICE.
Maasais have a way of life too, Turkanas also. Hindus are a religion and we can all fit into article 45(4).- FYI : this is how TZ handles Muslims.

@ masukuma, Whatever legal issues you have raised may be valid. However the matter I'm addressing is not a legal one but operational.
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