For all those who are believing RAOs lies about desertification of lower tana region,here is the truth:
The river Tana is at her biggest as it passes Garissa because all the major tributaries and rivers draining their water in Tana have already done so. The rest beyond Garissa are temporary or dry streams which don't add any value to the overal river Tana water content.
The stream gauge at Garissa station has recorded the highest average rate of flow of 14,000 million cubic metres in 1968 from a low 0f 1800 million cubic metres per year in 1940s. At the time the feasibility study for Ndakaini dam water supply project was done in 1982 the average flow rate was 6000 million cubic metres per year which has been sustained all along to date with insignificant variations due to catchment interference.
Assuming that the collector tunnels were to tap the water on normal flows (not flood) and that resource is extracted to plug in the water demand deficit in Nairobi and water supply to the population along the project surroundings, then these turnnels would be delivering about 430,000 cubic metres per day. Adding this to the 540,000 cubic metre per day that is already being extracted, it adds up to 970,000 cubic metres, say 1 million cubic metres per day. This works out to 365 million cubic metres per year or 6% of the water available at catchment region!!!
After extracting 365 million cubic metre of water per year for consumption in upper Tana River basin, the water flowing and available at Garissa station is 6000-365 = 5635 cubic metres per year or 94% of the amount at catchment.
Next at river Tana Delta take out another roughly 10% mainly due to irrigation, evaporation, consumption by the local community along the river and ground sippage This works out to 600 million cubic metres per year.
The net average amount of water that will be entering the Indian Ocean after the completion and full operation of the tunnels would be 5035 million cubic metres per year which works out to 14 million cubic metres per day!!!!.
The question is how will a huge flow of water af an amount equal to 14 million cubic metres per day or 14 billion litres per day flowing into the ocean cause desertification along the River Tana drainage basin??? Just How????
...besides, the presence of a safe alone does not signify that there is money inside...