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Uhuru versus Raila 2017
#81 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 12:06:55 PM
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wa P wrote:
sheri wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.

Nobody is campaigning. All are doing civic duty of asking people to register as voters.

Thought so too.This is civic education with leaders taking the frontline both gaarment and opposition.

Me thinks between now and August 8th we shall hear so many things from Baba it will be difficult to separate the truth and the lies.
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
#82 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 12:27:14 PM
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Bigchick wrote:
wa P wrote:
sheri wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.

Nobody is campaigning. All are doing civic duty of asking people to register as voters.

Thought so too.This is civic education with leaders taking the frontline both gaarment and opposition.

Me thinks between now and August 8th we shall hear so many things from Baba it will be difficult to separate the truth and the lies.

The state should also allocate babu with state resources to carry out the civic duty effectively
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#83 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 1:10:08 PM
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Joined: 4/11/2007
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wa P wrote:
sheri wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.

Nobody is campaigning. All are doing civic duty of asking people to register as voters.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#84 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 1:12:25 PM
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Swenani wrote:
Bigchick wrote:
wa P wrote:
sheri wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.

Nobody is campaigning. All are doing civic duty of asking people to register as voters.

Thought so too.This is civic education with leaders taking the frontline both gaarment and opposition.

Me thinks between now and August 8th we shall hear so many things from Baba it will be difficult to separate the truth and the lies.

The state should also allocate babu with state resources to carry out the civic duty effectively

As who????
The man who marries a beautiful woman, and the farmer who grows corn by the roadside have the same problem
#85 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 1:57:56 PM
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ZZE123 wrote:
Swenani wrote:
Bigchick wrote:
wa P wrote:
sheri wrote:
Realtreaty wrote:
Raila has held a stupid press conference today claiming the Govt is using state machinery to campaign.
Who really advises RAO?
Both the govt and opposition have elected Leaders who earn from our tax money. So both Leaders are well found running helter-skelter telling people to register as a National Duty while at the same time visiting the distressed.
So Raila is failing again
Even Obama while President campaigned for Clintons!!!

It is wrong to use government resources for personal use and me and you know that.

Nobody is campaigning. All are doing civic duty of asking people to register as voters.

Thought so too.This is civic education with leaders taking the frontline both gaarment and opposition.

Me thinks between now and August 8th we shall hear so many things from Baba it will be difficult to separate the truth and the lies.

The state should also allocate babu with state resources to carry out the civic duty effectively

As who????

As a civic educator like Uhuru
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#86 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 2:24:12 PM
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Lets separate the wheat from the chaff.

The president, both in Kenya and USA has always used state resources to move around at all times regardless of the nature of engagement.

What I find wrong however, is co-opting the 'provincial' administration personnel in;

1.partisan campaign
2)issue threats not to provide govt services to persons not registered as voters.

CS' also ought to stay out of partisan politics.
Isuni yilu yi maa me muyo - ni Mbisuu
#87 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 5:37:18 PM
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Joined: 1/27/2017
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Njunge a few points:

Shame on you Kisii and Bungoma are not toss-ups for crying out loud. NASA (read Baba) holds forte there. Ask one Arap Mashamba. Kindly get the IEBC numbers as of Dec 2016,do a similar analysis and a plausibly different picture emerges. Happy JubilootingSad

#88 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 5:45:28 PM
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wamutomo wrote:
Njunge a few points:

Shame on you Kisii and Bungoma are not toss-ups for crying out loud. NASA (read Baba) holds forte there. Ask one Arap Mashamba. Kindly get the IEBC numbers as of Dec 2016,do a similar analysis and a plausibly different picture emerges. Happy JubilootingSad

Haiya !

Look what the cat dragged in.
#89 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 5:45:35 PM
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Ngalaka wrote:
Lets separate the wheat from the chaff.

The president, both in Kenya and USA has always used state resources to move around at all times regardless of the nature of engagement.

What I find wrong however, is co-opting the 'provincial' administration personnel in;

1.partisan campaign
2)issue threats not to provide govt services to persons not registered as voters.

CS' also ought to stay out of partisan politics.

We are talking about campaigns

There are payments that are made by the [Democratic National Committee] to the federal government anytime the president is traveling for political purposes," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters, who were also flying aboard the presidential 747. "Those rules apply both for routine fundraising trips but also when Secretary Clinton is aboard Air Force One.

Reimbursement rates are based on what it would cost to charter a plane to carry only campaign travelers. According to the FEC regulations, this plane "need not be the same size as the government-operated aircraft actually used. ... For example, a significant portion of Air Force One may be occupied by personnel and equipment mandated by national-security requirements and other needs associated with the office of the President, not the campaign."

In practice, reimbursement rates might be based on what it costs to charter a smaller Boeing 737, which is cheaper to operate than Air Force One.

Prior to 2009, political reimbursement rates were even cheaper, based on the cost of commercial airfare. So the Obama re-election campaign paid a higher reimbursement rate in 2012 than the Bush re-election campaign did eight years earlier. Commercial airfares are still used to calculate the costs paid by journalists traveling aboard Air Force One, unless there's a separate press charter, in which case journalists pay the full cost of that plane. Campaign rules also spell out an alternative reimbursement rate that candidates can use for government aircraft on which the public is allowed to travel for a published fee.

If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#90 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 5:49:35 PM
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wamutomo wrote:
Njunge a few points:

Shame on you Kisii and Bungoma are not toss-ups for crying out loud. NASA (read Baba) holds forte there. Ask one Arap Mashamba. Kindly get the IEBC numbers as of Dec 2016,do a similar analysis and a plausibly different picture emerges. Happy JubilootingSad

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
If Obiero did it, Who Am I?
#91 Posted : Friday, January 27, 2017 10:45:22 PM
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Joined: 8/16/2011
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Was David Ndii making Money to talk of a project he didn't know during the Bomas Cord- Nasa escapde at Bomas?
How much Money was Ndii paid?
What was Ndii promised to be if Cord happens to win GE 2017?

For the truth Ndii is just another pushover writer similar to entertainers in music or sarakasi who entertain people for pay.
Ndii has been promised a Principal secretary post once Cord is in power.
He was handsomely paid for his short presentation to convince Kenyans but could not tell how he got information from Morocco a monarchy state that does not Print or give insider information to outsiders.
It was just a game of ACT and get paid.

Issues were raised by ODM when they were asked to meet after the salvos and some members questioned why Ndii a Wiper aspirant was to be paid by them as well.
Raila had to chip in and said he would solve the issue with other principals on a higher level and Ndii was granted his deposit.
Ndii has not been seen again in Cord meets proving that he was merely paid for salvo against Jubilee that was forgotten immediately.

Much Know
#92 Posted : Monday, January 30, 2017 10:29:29 AM
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Joined: 12/6/2008
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Political think tank group says this naswa "ngeiz" MUST fight, as we concluded hapa earlier. Think tank is international group of political scientist, psychologists, anthropologist, e.t.c, more of a scientific "future telling" than opinion polls! They say the in-FIGHTING will come near the polls day! Shida ya ku cling to tribal leaders! CORD is ODM and ODM is Raila, and ODM is LUO, nothing more nothing less, kama trinity, unlike the blasphemous fellows!
Meru Holiness
#93 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 12:30:08 PM
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Joined: 2/9/2012
Posts: 576
With Devolution currently the line 'using govt resources is blurred'

All governors are doing that staring from Joho to Kidero

Actually i have seen raila on top of a Range Rover with County number registration in Western i think in Busia
Africa belongs to Africans.
#94 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 12:57:21 PM
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Realtreaty wrote:
Was David Ndii making Money to talk of a project he didn't know during the Bomas Cord- Nasa escapde at Bomas?
How much Money was Ndii paid?
What was Ndii promised to be if Cord happens to win GE 2017?

For the truth Ndii is just another pushover writer similar to entertainers in music or sarakasi who entertain people for pay.
Ndii has been promised a Principal secretary post once Cord is in power.
He was handsomely paid for his short presentation to convince Kenyans but could not tell how he got information from Morocco a monarchy state that does not Print or give insider information to outsiders.
It was just a game of ACT and get paid.

Issues were raised by ODM when they were asked to meet after the salvos and some members questioned why Ndii a Wiper aspirant was to be paid by them as well.
Raila had to chip in and said he would solve the issue with other principals on a higher level and Ndii was granted his deposit.
Ndii has not been seen again in Cord meets proving that he was merely paid for salvo against Jubilee that was forgotten immediately.

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
#95 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:08:51 PM
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Njung'e wrote:
Registered voters by county week 1

1 MOMBASA 28,618
2 KWALE 16,871
3 KILIFI 38,339
4 TANA RIVER 3,271
5 LAMU 2,169

7 GARISSA 12,236
8 WAJIR 5,102
9 MANDERA 6,668

10 MARSABIT 2,722
11 ISIOLO 2,243
12 MERU 33,285
14 EMBU 15,740
15 KITUI 19,124
16 MACHAKOS 27,203
17 MAKUENI 18,345

18 NYANDARUA 15,677
19 NYERI 19,071
20 KIRINYAGA 17,194
21 MURANG'A 26,393
22 KIAMBU 61,541

23 TURKANA 7,682
24 WEST POKOT 7,253
25 SAMBURU 1,315
26 TRANS NZOIA 15,116
27 UASIN GISHU 18,325
29 NANDI 13,609
30 BARINGO 5,707
31 LAIKIPIA 9,673
32 NAKURU 35,815
33 NAROK 12,472
34 KAJIADO 15,536
35 KERICHO 10,526
36 BOMET 9,783

37 KAKAMEGA 25,451
38 VIHIGA 11,162
39 BUNGOMA 21,331
40 BUSIA 17,239

41 SIAYA 13,171
42 KISUMU 21,254
43 HOMA BAY 18,197
44 MIGORI 18,869
45 KISII 16,937
46 NYAMIRA 7,517

47 NAIROBI CITY 95,966

TOTAL 825,145

@Julie's my dear,Wapi week 2 figures?
Love is beautiful and so are those who share it.With Love, Marriage is an amazing event in ones life time, the foundation of joy, happiness and success.
Angelica _ann
#96 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:31:34 PM
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deleted smile
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins - cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later - H Geneen
#97 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:45:45 PM
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Kikuyu council of elders conducted a ceremony to condemn the royal media services boss SK Macharia after he said Raila won in 2007

Rink from Kameme FM Mediamaxnetwork (In Gigikuyu)
#98 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:51:47 PM
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Top Ten

Tana River

Poor performers with high potential (Interesting)

Vihiga (Mudavadi)
Kakamega (Oparanya and Khalwale)
Bungoma (Wetangula)
Siaya (Orengo, Wandayi $ Raila)
Kitui (Kalonzo)
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#99 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:59:41 PM
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Joined: 7/26/2007
Posts: 6,514
Njung'e wrote:
Top Ten

Tana River

Poor performers with high potential (Interesting)

Vihiga (Mudavadi)
Kakamega (Oparanya and Khalwale)
Bungoma (Wetangula)
Siaya (Orengo, Wandayi $ Raila)
Kitui (Kalonzo)

Source? Or usual fake news?
Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
#100 Posted : Tuesday, January 31, 2017 3:19:34 PM
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If RAO and Uhuru continue on the same path we are likely to have a change in government come August 2017 Pray
Mark 12:29
Deuteronomy 4:16
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